Featured Contracts August 25th, 2022 - Flower Power

Your contract didn’t had any “Silly Speedrun Tricks” so it’s clearly not yours, either the Sakura contract or the Hippie contract, which both aren’t noobs / freeze content friendly, both display challenges that require time and effort to solve.

I’ll be honest, didn’t liked yours it was meh, I’ve killed Cross more times than I’d want to by now, I know Dexy’s route better than I want and need to know, and these other 2 targets are quite boring, and with an enforced cook start, yeah, I didn’t enjoyed that one, but, I still don’t get why would he straight up complain about it, :sadpepe:


To be honest, I didn’t think mine was going to be picked and was surprised by the HMF notifications yesterday.

As I said, mine was vanilla


I can’t really blame MrFreeze all that much. There’s like 3 contracts in this set that I don’t understand why it’s in Flower Power. The other thing, there’s no rewards for completing sets. To be honest, that’s kinda good too. I don’t really like “food kill methods” and “very complex” methods. Speedrun contracts… as long as any player can complete it and doesn’t involve a time limit, that’s fine. I’m not a speedrunner nor an expert. And that’s coming from someone that has created a very troublesome “Rubber Duck” contract.

The contract that is probably the most difficult in this set The Durian of Dorian Gray. I have watch the two methods and both of them are not approachable to new or casual players. Ambrose Island has only been out for a month. I don’t think they would know that you can make someone sick by dropping a Durian fruit next to them. On top of that, it’s one of the three that I don’t understand why it has anything to do with Flower Power. The other two is Withering of the Fallen Sakura and Vegan Birthday Cake?.
The former is Ninja themed and the latter… what? How is that have to do with flowers!? No offence @Canucklehead, it’s still approachable even though I’m kinda still questioning why it fits.
The other 4, I don’t have any problems. I understand the references. Terminator Exterminator is pretty much a Terminator movie reference. Flour Power, mishearing a plant with a baking/cooking ingredient. Lilac Fields Forever and Roses in the Sky, yeah… the flower is in the name. I love the Lilac one’s name. It sounds like a James Bond movie name like Diamonds Are Forever.

Pretty much, make contracts approachable for any player… including new and casual, and make them fun too. Just don’t make them complex or make new players noticed in confusion of a mechanic that they didn’t know about, and don’t make it too goofy. It’s a stealth game, not a shooter… though to be honest, I don’t really see World of Assasinations Trilogy really fitting in the Stealth genre either. Not too sure if @Clemens_IOI actually played the contracts he picked before making them featured. If I was in his shoes, I would pick a different Ambrose Island one. Can’t judge a book by its cover.

Those are my thoughts.

Sakura in english means Cherry Blossom

“Those Flower-loving hippies and their fad diets” a quote from the contracts briefing, and it ends with that.

There are flower mentions all over the briefing.

Matching to the theme can be done through gameplay, yes, but even more through briefing, if your entire contract was made to match a dumb theme than your contract sucks.


Honesty my two fetured contracts all cater for casual, speedrunners. But most importantly there fun but challenging contracts.

thing is not all of them are full of “silly tricks”. some of them are like the terminator exterminator and flour power. they’re pretty easy to figure out and aren’t things where you have to do specific esoteric tricks. not to mention mine are somewhat attempts at puzzle contracts. do those count as “silly tricks” even though there really isn’t much over the top difficulty? also to add didn’t freeze not like some batches for being too easy?

yeah that is the thing right there. not all of them hell even some that didn’t pass weren’t all these speedrun strat stuff. it kind of just groups people into one big bubble and just assumes everything else is the same without trying it. that’s why at times i like to fidget with other peoples commissions to see what they made like yer apricot thrower. though my playthrough was sloppy. :sweat_smile:

@Kesington019 @Canucklehead @zombiestien567 @Switcher @thebattlehills @Charlie_Farmer also didn’t think this turn into a pretty interesting convo. overall i like making puzzle contracts because i want to make everything fresh and original. that right there is why everyone here does all the hard work to make something memorable. i want everything i made to have a challenge or puzzle to it. i make my stuff optional complications just so the challenge quality can be preserved while newcomers can freely do whatever they want without being hit with an instant fail. i put balance and quality above everything else so that stuff can be preserved and reach out to both sides of the aisle.


sure man of course if you want make the contracts puzzle for everyone man i respect that

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That one for Ambrose Island… I first had trouble with the hippie, but it’s just a matter of thinking about where the nearest toilet (or outhouse) was. Isolating Tyler was simple enough. Just bump his bodyguards then get him around the corner. Poking Vanya’s sister is a matter of releasing Agent Smith. I was only perturbed by Farah(?) who didn’t go to the secluded toilet. Even though she was behind a wall - I still got a crime noticed by the 2 people outside the fishing hut. But that’s not the contact creators fault.

Regarding the name “Lilac Fields Forever”



Wait, you played Apricot Thrower?

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While it might not be that extreme, I agree with Freeze when it comes to “tricks” and “secrets”.

I always wonder: How many players of the game are in this forum? Read reddit strategies? Surely a lot, but I still think it’s a relatively small minority. Many, many, many players will be playing the game without knowing special strategies and glitchy tricks. Not that they don’t get them, I think they aren’t even aware that so many “hidden mechanics” exist.

So now there are new contracts. And sometimes, not all the times but definitely sometimes, perfecting or even playing them requires you TO KNOW one of those secrets.
Just imagine how frustrating it must be to not be able to finish new content unless you take part in forum discussions about some speedrun tactics or general unusual item behaviour. You 100%ed the game but this new contract cannot be finished SA no matter what you do – because you just play for yourself and will never, obviously, accidentially find out about most if not all those tricks.

So, I like the featured contracts, but I spend way to much time in this forum.
Looking at it from the, I guess, perpective of the majority of players, I totall get Freeze’s point and agree with him.


Bruh he was talking about your contract :skull:, not everyone knew (including me, and might even be including freeze) that the bridge kill counts as a drowning accident, and that is what he cried about, these puzzles in the contracts that he actually had to put effort in order to solve, idk what is there to agree about with him.

you are confusing me for someone else? :confused:

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Yessss your pfp is similar to GreekAgent’s pfp :sob: I just noticed it


That basically sums up what makes a contract actually good. :grinning:

I think the main problem with the hippy one is that the obvious solution, drowning him in the nearby water source, doesn’t count as drowning. Considering face down NPCs in water count as drowning in New Haven, I was surprised when it doesn’t here.

Whereas the rope bridge method seems like it would either count as a fall or a generic kill, but actually counts as a drowning one.


To be honest, if I knew Flour Power had any chance of getting in I probably would have thought about it more and made it an explosive accident kill. Didn’t realise the fuel leaks from vehicles don’t actually burn.

I used Molotov but figured the many vehicles could be used in lieu of that.