February Roadmap - Initiation Protocol (2021)


People on reddit were insisting that this PS5 patch fixed HDR from looking washed out… Placebo effect I guess.

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Dartmoor is already spooky, so it wouldn’t be much of a change. Also when I think Halloween I think trick or treaters and such. Depends on where you’re going with it though, if you wanted to do a haunted mansion then Dartmoor is better. Depends on what the dev team’s goal would be I guess.

If they want to do a quick Halloween themed escalation Dartmoor lends itself more to small changes.

I’m kinda late on this, but I just realized that the decievers is pretty hard for a first elusive target lol.

New players are going to have to deal with no-restarts-after-one-objective. I feel like IO really shoulda started with an easier one for 3, just to get newer players used to the formula.


Can’t they just kill their internet connection ? Honestly I did that in the past. I would never cheat in a multiplayer game, but I don’t like losing content in a single player game. It’s still a game, I should have more than one chance.

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I did this so often back then to when there was no SA indicator, and I wasnt sure anymore if I have it. Wild times.

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First set of featured contracts arrive today then :smiley: how many do you thinking we’ll get, 5 or 10?

10 but like 2 good ones.


There are 5 featureds up by Minnmax, all in Dubai.


Hopefully 5 due to my lack of experience :grimacing:

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I’m ready for the 23rd, gimme that ninja outfit!


The bathrobe isn’t a disguise, it’s the starting suit for “Attack of the Saints”.

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Nice! If I may ask, where is that artwork from? Cuz it looks awesome!

Judging from the Art Style I’d say @TheContractor made it personally.

Edit: @v1deost made it :wink:


Every outfit from Absolution is a disguise, because the entire game is masquerading as a Hitman game.


Oh no no no, you overestimate me sir. It was a comission from the wonderful @v1deost


Still got to get a commission from them. Id like them to recreate my Profile Picture, just with they’re style and detail.


You know, I might consider doing the same.

Can’t wait for the 23rd.

I’m a bit late, but that is not the only version of the H2:SA ninja disguise, let me explain.

The ninjas in the black ninja disguises underground and inside are referred to as “inside ninjas” in their H2:SA textures. The ninja in your picture with the snow camo and vest is called an “outside ninja”.

The version we’ll be getting from the deluxe edition it seems, is called an “outside sniper ninja”.

This is the outside sniper ninja’s texture from H2:SA , it seems IOI made a bit of a mistake and put it overtop another texture, and you can also see 47’s barcode on the back of their heads, lol, that gets covered up in-game though.

It obviously is a modified version of the Hokkaido model, but it’s still pretty accurate to the old version.

EDIT: Shit, I should’ve looked, @Swangtheugly beat me to it. Enjoy the texture I guess.


I appreciate the in-depth analysis, but if you tell me “yame, yame” and ask me what I remember from a game I played 20 years ago, it’s those other dudes outside. I admit I didn’t remember the cover art for the mission and that really seems to be what they’re going for. :thinking:

My point is… it’s a reskin, even if it’s pretty cool. When I saw it I thought it was really awesome at first and then I went, “wait a minute…”. Even the Futo suit has more significant differences!

It wouldn’t matter much if we were not already swimming in reskins. Gosh, it feels like Hitman jumped the shark almost four years ago when I complained that they added a cowboy suit with a high-powered magnum revolver, wait no, it’s another M1911/Hardballer reskin. Wasn’t there revolvers in Absolution? By my account, we’re at fifteen M1911 variants now.

I mean, we’ve all had that dream, right? I’m in my bed, when I notice the personification of IOI is standing before me:

– I’ve updated everything in you room, it says. It’s now the Mk III version. You’re welcome.
– But everything is the same, I answer. Maybe a few color changes and some stickers.
– Ingrate! Ingrate! I hear shadowy voices screaming around me.
– Well, I see my red pen is now blue. At least I can write with blue ink now.
– Oh no, IOI replies. There’s still red ink in it, but the skin of it is blue now, you see?
– Then what’s the point?
– Simple. Now you can bring two pens to work!
– Couldn’t I just bring two red pens?

The shadowy voices snicker at the stupidity and audacity of my question. Then, out of nowhere, a big bald man starts strangling me with an invisible wire that’s a slightly different color from another invisible wire. And then I wake up. It was all just a dream! Except that, from the corner of my eye, I spot, on my desk, a blue pen…

We’ve all been there, right? Right? :roll_eyes:


Is it really a reskin if it has goggles? It’d make it a modification wouldn’t it?