Frisk & Human Shield

I wish IOI would bring back the frisk mechanic from Blood Money, where if you get caught with weapons, you can simply surrender them to the guard and be on your merry way.

This would actually be a little more realistic for many situations 47 finds himself in. In Paris, would it really be suspicious that someone attending a black market auction of government and corporate secrets might be armed? In Miami, is it really suspicious that someone in America - and especially Florida - is strapped? In Chongqing, why can’t the data analysts carry guns when they work for the ICA, too?

I don’t think it raises suspicions in a lot of locations, provided 47 complies when the guards politely ask him to check his weapons.


A cold-blooded killer like 47, with no morals but to just complete the job at any cost would totally use human shield. James Bond probably wouldn’t use human shield. That feature definitely belongs in a Hitman game. There’s a reason why it was in previous games. If solid snake can do it then 47 should absolutely do it.

I respect that you’re not into this feature. If that feature was still available, the easiest way for you would be not to use it. The same way I’m not using the mini map or other features that are helpful to other players. I’m just all about getting more options in a game that’s all about options and replayability.

Yes! Definitely this. I would love the options to either surrender the weapon, do a one punch knock out, or grab the guard as a human shield. Then you would deal with the consequences of your choices/actions.

I just want a little bit less handholding, at least on harder difficulties.


It’d be interesting if the reaction differed between locations. Clues to the response should be evident by either environmental cues or common sense:
-In a place where it’s fair to have a gun (say Colombia where you’re having a meeting with the cartel), then they take them from you and will return when you leave and have a prompt on a guard to return them
-If in an area where you have a gun and you shouldn’t be trying to bring it in (the racing area of Miami), then they confiscate and take to a security room to drop them off. Effectively smuggling them in for you. Suspicion may or may not be gained, again depending on location or maybe difficulty.
-If somewhere where you shouldn’t have a gun anyway (New York Bank), then you’ll be getting arrested


I sit in a place where I want them to focus their attention on things that match the sense of the game. Now i’m not the arbiter of what that sense is any more than anyone else, but a game that’s all about stealth, staying unobserved, blending in, and which does not emphasize combat, doesn’t seem to be a natural fit for a mechanic where you can use an NPC as a shield.

All things being equal, if one developer has to spend his time on either a new DLC level, revising an old map, fixing a legitimate bug, or implementing a human shield mechanic, I wouldn’t want that developer to prioritize the shield.

Ultimately, what type of game is Hitman? Is it a combat simulation? Is it an assassination simulation? Is it about just sneaking around? The devs have to pick and choose what they implement and what they don’t. 47 isn’t just a cold-blooded killer - he’s a silent assassin (hence the “best” rating in any level). A human shield goes against that principle.

Given enough developer focus, IOI can and should implement everything feasible but my opinion is that there are more important mechanics than shoot-outs.


I totally understand where you’re coming from and I agree. Still I think there’s room for both gameplay styles. Look at MGS5. If Hitman wants to bring more casuals it needs to have the right balance between stealth and gunfight. Let players choose their style. You can still be rewarded for being a silent assassin. I’m personally more of a silent assassin type of guy. But when I play a level over and over and over I like to be still surprised with details like this.

In my perfect world I wish they could do it all lol


If forgetting to drop your gun before walking through a frisk point gets you arrested & shot, IMO forgetting to drop your briefcase before climbing a pipe should make 47 slip off & bonk his head


Please don’t give IO more ideas to make changes for the sake of casuals :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha well if they did listen to me, I’d like to think both veterans and casuals would be happy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m on the side that shrugs with the feature human shields in Hitman. Folks use the “plural” when talking about this feature being in past Hitman games, but it was really only one Hitman game: Blood Money. Every other Hitman game did not include this. So really, if we were to look at this feature historically speaking it was more of a “unique” thing rather than something that was common.

Also, let’s be fair, what did MOST people use human shields for in Blood Money? (again, I stress the word MOST), it honestly wasn’t for it’s intended purpose (shootouts using a human as a shield), but to knock out folks. I think IOI saw this and decided to go with the knock out feature instead. IMO, it was a fair trade off.

Frisking though? Honestly IOI, either remove this or add in the ability to fail at the frisk point by bringing in an illegal weapon. I’m unsure what it’s purpose is for anymore.

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Wasn’t it in Absolution too?

You’re right. My bad! Thanks for setting me straight. My point still stands though.

Also, with the removal of Second Wind (which almost no one talks about), I have a hard time seeing the benefit of human shields in Hitman. That said, if it were to ever to come back, I’d still welcome it, but shrug.

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Hey no worries friend :slight_smile:

Personally I’d like to use it for both situations you described. A shootout during a frisk gone wrong or when I don’t want to subdue an NPC in fear of being seen, I could grab said NPC to pull him to a safe zone and then subdue. That could be a cool additional option. Obviously I’m already happy the way the game currently is. I’m just too passionate and I want the best for Hittman. I think we all do here on this forum.

What’s Second Wind?

Was a feature in Blood Money, if you got shot 3 times in the head, time would slow down (warning: next shot will kill 47). This would give you a brief moment to either headshot a bunch of targets/enemies and/or give yourself a health boost. Really went well with Human Shields.

Here’s an example of CJ using this (link includes the time skip):


Ah ok. Thanks a lot for that explanation. I didn’t know that feature’s name.

LOL. I didn’t learn it from Hitman, learned that term from Borderlands. LOL!!!

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Ugh, I asked this the other day.

How the hell does removing the camera switch help casual players? I almost got spotted a dozen times by guards… simply by throwing a coin around a corner. It is so close now they’ll go “eh nice throw.” :rofl:


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I wouldn’t know. I’ve never failed a frisk zone. And I’m not the kind to punch someone at a frisk zone either. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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@ColdDayInHell @TheContractor shoulder switch is still in the game but you have to be in Aiming pose to engage it. It is L3 (Left Stick Click) on PS4.

Agree though that it was better back in H2. Maybe they can patch that back to what it was one day.

Yeah I know that

Which is awful

Cause some people would accidentally press it and get stuck with an angle they found uncomfortable? Idk, it’s awful reasoning but :man_shrugging: ask IO


Hahaha that’s a great answer :wink:

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