General News 1.0

The US Supreme Court Goes Insane, Episode 2.

They’ve also added tomorrow as another day to issue rulings.


Roe v Wade ?

The court has a dozen other cases currently.
One of them is expected soon, according to the Hill, and is on Alabama new congressional map.

The high court is also anticipated to weigh in on Alabama’s newly drawn congressional map, which the plaintiffs in the case argue is discriminatory. Black voters make up 27 percent of the population in the state but are a majority in just one of the seven newly drawn districts.


That would be my guess.

Though part of me wonders if maybe they try to use the Jan 6 Committee hearing as a bit of cover and release it in a couple of hours.

I feel bad for Biden, if the Supreme Court continues going fucking insane they might make him actually do something to help save his country.

Also the Miranda rights thing is a Simpsons gag, straight from the “Miranda Rights Prompter” bit from the episode where Bart totals Wiggum’s cruiser joyriding.

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It’s now official.

Both Ukraine and Moldova are candidate to the European Union.


It’s official. The Supreme Court has overturned Roe.


This is an act of pure evil to be honest.


Purely unacceptable.

It will be fought, there might be an executive order for the present. I doubt that it will ever be consider normal.

And I hope so. Anti abortion flared up in the US after the defeat of the opposition to the civil rights. So if it ever becomes normal, then the whole machine currently in place might fully move on to the next goal. And it’s unfortunately a mighty political machine.

Which currently means doubling on anti-transgender sentiments. And the list of suffering will grow.


Clarence Thomas wrote in his concurring opinion that, under the same line of reasoning, the Court should also reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.

Those are rulings that protect access to contraception, same sex relationships and same sex marriage.

This is only the beginning of the bullshit.


At this point, US women may as well take advantage of the gun laws - Arm themselves en masse, protect abortion clinics and their reproductive rights violently if necessary.

Pretty sure that’d get some form of gun control implemented almost immediately.


Speaking from a right and wrong perspective this is just absolutely terrible. From a legal perspective R v W was pretty shaky. The US Congress should have just passed a law that protected abortion rights a long time ago. Under both Clinton’s and Obama’s first term the democrats had the votes for it.

While this is currently very painful I hope it reinvigorates liberal voters to get to the poles.

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Prepare for war, because there’s gonna be one. Of what variety, I don’t know, but it’s gonna come.

Here’s where people are immediately losing access to legal, safe abortion. Many more states will certainly follow.


Michigan (the one that looks like a glove :gloves: next to Wisconsin) also has a law from 1931 that bans abortions. It is currently suspended by a judges order (this happened in May 2022) and I’m sure there will be legal challenges to that suspension.


And to anyone who wishes to read the ruling. I am currently doing so, and the Supreme Court is clear, straightforward in its writing. It’s a surprisingly easy read.

I highly recommend anyone to look at the arguments made.
They are not debating on the subject of abortion, but on the applicability of the current set of legal texts and legal tradition on being able to to protect this women right by sheer virtue of their generality. As is the court sole mandate.

The arguments are that they are applied in a way that was not intended, and that the application made was unique and not reflecting of the legal tradition of the United States.
The Supreme Court is saying that it is operating to protect the consistency of the legal framework.

In other terms the Supreme Court is saying “you want a right to abortion, put it in text. Don’t try to squeeze it in places where it was never mentioned or even thought about”. (reporting, not endorsement)


And so it begins.


I don’t believe that for a second. Not at all. This is a Conservative supreme court and there’s absolutely no way this isn’t ideologically motivated.


More than half of rights covered by the constitution and its amendments are t actually listed plainly in writing within it. That’s a bullshit argument and they know it. That shithead Alito also knows that saying all the other rights still being protected but Roe v Wade not being so because of the moral implications is also crap. Morales are an opinion; they are held by individuals and they are not all shared. Law is the law; it doesn’t matter if you believe you can or can’t do something, if the law says you can or can’t, then you can or can’t. Proof that they’re nitpicking to get their way based on their personal beliefs and not any good faith interpretation of the constitution.

I’m not saying it’s the argument that created the decision.
Or even that I agree with it.

But, it’s the one in the text, it’s the one that will have influence for years, decades to come. It’s the one that might be used to go against same sex marriage, or contraception right in the US.

Unfortunately now, the cooking doesn’t matter, the plate is served, eaten and you have to digest it.
Even if I can see the irony of that if front of the mockery the court just made of the 50 years of Roe v Wade.


This won’t end abortions. “Illegal” abortions will still happen. This is just bad for the health of ordinary women. Of course, Republicans hate women so they don’t care.