Hello. Thank you for having opened this thread.
I think it can also serve for feedbacks, not only gratification.
This year has been marked by the Premium DLCs, and the seasons that have followed (a habit of the past years).
It was a good initiative to make The Undying and The Drop playable permanently.
I hope that to extend the life cycle of the game - if it is in your plans -, you can consider free meaningful content, such as a bonus mission or a new game mode.
Disengagement with McGregor has proven that you still have a strong ethic, which is pleasing.
Regarding the communication on social networks, I found that it was lacunous if the aim was mainly to inform about live content.
Indeed, you had to inform yourself on this forum to know the reactivations of elusive targets for instance (you could make a single roadmap per season to announce the reactivations for example, with the dates, because there are many targets).
You have been very generous this year with elusive targets that said, thank you.
I feel like you’ve put more emphasis on community and player channels than live content, which can be a different way of communicating.
The choice of promoting contracts that exploit bugs (move the character outside of the game area for example) as featured contracts is daring.
It reveals that you want to shake players up, that you want to push them to explore the game in unconventional ways.
Personally, I’m not a fan of it, but FC lovers would have better feedbacks than me.
On minor notes, I find that the unlockables are not necessarily very elaborate, while they could also extend the life cycle of the game.
Offering new weapons (a silent striker for example) or tools with unique or varied features could improve the gameplay and experience. I suggest this thread:
You allowed this year to unlock themed NPC suits, like Super fan or Plague doctor.
This is a great thing, but it opens up tons of possibilities because each player has suits in the missions they like.
Feel free to continue.
All year long, we have been waiting for seasonal decorations for the safehouse in Freelancer mode. The decorations (especially for Halloween and Christmas) had been teased in an announcement video of this game mode, so it is a bit disappointing.
I think we can assume that it is no longer on the agenda.
Thank you for making us dream with the prestigious collaboration with JCVD for the end of the year.
Let’s keep in touch on this forum.
Edit - December 14
I just saw the new decorations in the safehouse. Thanks a lot!