HITMAN 3 announcements

It’s easy to figure out too, there are two guards who talk about how Ingram seems to be in a good mood since he hasn’t been seen practicing golf that day and some other guards are telling the staff to not make any noise with the vacuum (and the other thing I don’t remember) because it’d make Ingram mad.


Well, i finally decided to carry over

Bye to my 17 hours playing Hitman 3. But it’s ok, since i’ll be playing these maps 2394823948923 times, i don’t mind doing again some of the challenges.


This is the real New York Secret Exit Easter Egg. Who needs to jump out windows, when you’ve got an open balcony?

I know we have hitman 3 to play and stuff, but man it somewhere feels kinda empty to know that we won’t see another hitman game anytime soon


There’s a feeling of dread I get when I play the Hitman 3 levels. Both in terms of atmosphere and looking towards the future.


There still down for me I’m on PS4 I don’t know if it’s happening to anyone else

Me too on PC, it was working fine like 8 hours ago, then stopped since.

Maybe their doing a patch? They might be up at 12 hopefully

Hoping. IO has mastered the “gaming” part, but they have to improve the “everything else”.


How so? There are some dark levels, but only in terms of lighting. As for the future the story ends on quite a “promising” note.

Idk there’s just a sense of “this is the end” and some sadness. Even Mendoza feels a little sad. Especially in comparison to playful places like Miami from H2.


I honestly get this too, especially as we’re killing targets that have been talked about throughout all 3 games, and the events that happen in the story.

Felt like everything was coming to an end or a stop, especially for me (and prolly most people here) because I’ve been playing and looking to these games for the last 5-6 years.


I really hope it is the end of the modern take on hitman. It feels watered down and unoriginal.


Having more options than ever doesn’t feel watered down to me.


You’ve been saying this shit since days before the launch. Hitman 3 launches as best rated Hitman game ever, it’s the ultimate definition of the Hitman formula fans have been wanting for a long time and you come here to complain about it being “watered down”? Hitman is this: freedom, stealth, luxury and world travelling. Blood Money and its improvement, Hitman 2016, Hitman 2 and Hitman 3 have confirmed this.

I’m sorry if you like the old games aesthetic or the story (which was a lot more edgy and stiff than these last ones, so i don’t understand the criticism, but ok), but the WoA trilogy is peak Hitman right now.


I didn’t transfer my progress and I’m playing like this: playing all first mission of each Hitman. I’m enjoying it!

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Story wise , it’s very cliched and convoluted. Boring to be honest that’s why I couldn’t care less about the story. Gameplay wise, I’m having fun with it.

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True, with exception of few features which didn’t carry over for some reason, woa offers the biggest variety.

When I said watered down I didn’t mean gameplay, which really is top notch. I also agree that sandbox levels and world travelling are at the core of Hitman experience, but so are atmosphere and aesthetic. WoA is the best game in the whole franchise from gameplay perspective but it doesn’t feel like hitman at all. I think @ThievinStealbrg summed up woa’s main problem the best:


Ok, i understand your point of view. But i don’t understand why do you think it does not fit Hitman at all. Is it because the first games were more… “dark”? Is it because of the creepy moments in the saga? Because that’s the only thing “lacking” (even tho i feel there are a lots of creepy and dark moments in the WoA, but obviously not in the same vein that old Hitman games) regarding ambience and aesthetics.

I get that the aesthetics are not the same than in the first games, but i can’t think of places, targets and ambience that fits 47 better than the ones in WoA. 47 is a beast, he’s there to kill the most un-killable people in the world. He’s there to take the best of social stealth in the most dangerous and opulent places of the world. Yes, he’s a little bit more “human” now and i can understand that some people cringe at that, but… idk, i don’t see it as a problem or as a thing that lowers what a menace and dangerous beast 47 is.


I wish more people realized that there are so much more to games than gameplay. Yes, if the gameplay sucks, then nothing else matters, but it rules this time around so stuff like ambience, art direction, music, etc. are the extra things that could elevate WoA to great heights. All these things aren’t even in a bad place right now, but IMO they’re just serviceable, with exception to the art direction.

Extra point: I want anyone who’s willing to play H3 without music and put on Kyd’s music. Hell, put on ANYONE ELSE’S music and suddenly you’re going to find how different the experience is, even as everything else stays intact. The identity of a game is a delicate balance between all the components it’s comprised of. I generally don’t see the majority of gamers talking about Hitman after like the week it launches because those extra parts that help a game cement its identity are really just indistinct in WoA within the context of our current pop culture climate. Granted, Hitman is a stealth game which is really niche but I’ve felt like the retention period for each installment of this trilogy has progressively decreased.