HITMAN 3 announcements

If you buy “Part One”, I wonder how IO intends you to buy the remaining parts to complete the trilogy? Do you just buy standard WoA (effectively rebuying the H1 content you’ve already purchased in part with that purchase)? :thinking:

Edit: Someone found the Upgrade Path on Steam. However it says that the Upgrade includes “All HITMAN World of Assassination locations” - but it doesn’t include New York or Haven Island. :confused:

If you own H1 and H2 content on Steam already, this is what you see lel

Okay phew, IF you manage to find the upgrade pack in store despite it not being on the page, then you can buy H3 for $59 AUD (If you own everything else), this is what I see with the Free Demo

Although it doesn’t actually say I get the World Of Assassination ($43) item itself, which is in the picture above this. Not sure what that means.

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They have a team of specialist, people whose full-time job is to make the roll-out of Hitman content as confusing as humanly possible.


But the question is if there’s a Part One, where is Part Two?


(Upgrade pack for those of us who only own H1 locations.)


well this is what I see, yet I own H2016 and H2: 2018 :confused:

Can someone from IO write us an actual tutorial on how to buy your games. That would be swell, thanks!


It’s actually pretty easy still tbh - the only major change is that a gaping hole has been opened to buy the base game for cheap (roughly 43% off) at any time.

You can pay $69.99 and buy HITMAN: World of Assassination. Or you can download the demo and then buy the HITMAN WoA Upgrade Pack for $39.99 and you’ll have the entire base game (for some reason the upgrade on Steam gives you the Access Passes for the H1 content again even though you’d already have them if you own “Part One”).


Damn IOI is back with the dumbass sales strategies. How lovely for new players to feel like this, trying to buy the whole package:

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

If I had never been a fan and I wanted to try out this game, only to stumble upon this confusing shit, Id call it quits and never risk buying the wrong/incomplete product. This is bad marketing.


IOI’s marketing department



If they’re going to break apart the game again, then they should reinstate Location Importing.

I think most of us understood the want for a simpler purchase structure what with all the confusion about it. But if they’re just going to go back to piecemeal purchasing then offer the possibility for free importing for those who missed out.


Aw man, I fear that the new Part One break-off bundle is some intentional misdirect to make players accidentally spend more buying multiple different bundles/DLC instead of all of it in one package… :frowning:

Like, I just realized, look at this:


You’d think that since Part One has “Hitman 3” as the first piece, you’d be getting both the main game Hitman 3 and Season 1 as content – but no, you’re only gonna get Season 1.
The “Hitman 3” is actually the Free demo version of the game, as all other main locations are seperate, as you can see with the other bundle…
And add in all those commas, colons, and “Hitman 3 Access Pass:” prefixes, then it’s just a smorgasbord of confusion and potential misdirects.

Just… uuugh, seeing this happen time after time is honestly pretty mentally draining. :weary: :weary:



Pretty shitty on IO’s part and I wish Valve would step in to have them make it more clear on what people are buying.


I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish I had a girl who looked good (I would call her), I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and '64 Impala. But, you see, I can get all of that but you can’t make Valve do anything they don’t want to.


I don’t think it’s that, but as I said on Discord when it first launched I do believe it’s a sneaky tactic to get it to show up on the Steam front page more because it just says “Hitman WoA/3” and shows the price of this Part 1, which makes it appear like H3 is actually rather cheap and reasonably priced, but then you click on it and you see that’s not the price for H3… but by then it’s too late, it succeeded at getting on your front page and making you click.


Just indefensible. Why can’t IOI run their business to the same high standard that they make their games? Anti-consumer bullshit that all of us should rightfully call them out on.

Hakan - sort it out!


I posted this picture elsewhere but didn’t quite parse it:

This is the “Upgrade Pack” for HITMAN 3. It doesn’t show up on the store page, but you can find it by going to one of its DLCs (Berlin, etc.) and finding it through that.

Note carefully the contents of the above, and below.

The only thing missing from the top image is the game itself, the HITMAN 3 product. All maps/access passes are included (except HM2 DLC levels), and everything you’d otherwise find in the starter pack - access passes for HM1 First Season + GOTY.

In theory… you could buy just the Upgrade Pack, and play the entirety of HITMAN 3 on the ‘demo’ version. On my own demo version, whenever I try to play a HM3 map (Dubai/Dartmore/Berlin/Chongquin/Carpathian/Ambrose) it tells me I need to buy the upgrade pack. I can play all my HM1+2+DLC levels (imported) without issue.

It’s completely head-on-ass. Anybody remember this picture?


they had change the topic of H3(steam store)


Finally! Best news of the day.


I just noticed that in my Steam library. Had a momentary panic attack when I didn’t see Hitman 3 any more and thought it had somehow deleted itself. But it’s all good.


They’re also doing some scummy price listing trickery.

“Part One” is the first listed price, making it look like all of WoA is 60% off when it isn’t. I know a friend who was thinking of grabbing it because of the sale and had to tell them they’re out of luck.

You also can’t wishlist the full version to track a sale.

WoA and the Deluxe version aren’t bundles anymore, so you can’t grab the parts you want separately if, for example, you don’t care about anything outside the H2 Gold content.

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