HITMAN 3 New End-Of-Mission Ratings for Players

I’ve not seen anyone in this thread say this, but I got “Phantom ICA Assassin” when I successfully completed a SONKO run.


Is there a guide which defines each one yet?

I got Jinx but not sure what defined it. I think I had a number of accidents.

Envenoming Assassin - poisoned the target in New York & got caught on the way out

Gun Crazy - shot up the Dubai penthouse, guessing this is either for using several different guns or for missing a lot of shots :T

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Updated ratings list: (73)

Title / minimum requirement


Accident-Prone Assassin
Adaptable Enforcer / non-target kill
Allround Brute
Allround Shooter
Black cat / non-target kill
Blazing Assassin
Boombastic Assassin
Can Maker
Choke Artist
Clean ICA Assassin / body found
Close Quarters SMG Assassin
Concert Pianist
Dedicated Pistol Assassin
Envenoming Assassin
Exectrocuting Assassin
Expert Rifle Assassin
Flexible Murderer
Gravity Manipulator
Grim Reaper
Gun Crazy
Headhunting Assassin
Hired Gun
Lightning Rod / electrocution
Longarm Shooter
Marksman Sniper Assassin
Master Trap Assassin
Melee Master Assassin
Melon Man
Messy Amateur
Neckbreaking Assassin
Nitro Freak
Nutcracker / headshots
Phantom ICA Assassin / spotted
Photo Tourist
Physics Teacher
Piano Tuner
Pistoleer / non-target kill
Poisoner / poison kill
Professional ICA Assassin / recorded
Refined Shotgun Assassin
Shadow ICA Assassin / body found
Skillfull ICA Assassin / spotted
Stealth ICA Assassin
Submachine Gunner
Submersion Assassin / drowning kill
Traceless ICA Assassin / unnoticed kill
Unlucky 13
Versatile Hands-On Assassin
Versatile Shooter Assassin
Virtuoso Assassin
Volatile Assassin
Wardrobe Explorer
Water Boy / drowning kill


jesus christ. at first i thought there would only be like 10-20 because of the achievement to get 10 different Playstyles


I almost don’t want to play perfectly now because just getting “Silent Assassin” at the end seems boring :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Really well played IO, you didn’t need to go this hard :clap:


Meanwhile, I’m patiently waiting for someone to break into the game files and find all the ratings and requirements :upside_down_face:


Still no Sniper Assassin or Russian Hare rating? :rabbit2:
Question, if you eliminate the targets with a sniper rifle and their death is seen but 47’s cover isn’t blown, what rating do you get?


Shadow ICA Assassin with a body shot
Clean ICA Assassin with a head shot

Edit: Clean if no shots are missed
Edit 2: well maybe not. Getting mixed results playing around with it :sweat_smile:

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Thanks for the testing, yeah, we might need some data mining to see the exact requirements for the ranks. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Gunpoint and Heat Signature creator/developer, Tom Francis:


EDIT - @Schnitzel, we can add Physics Teacher to your awesome master list! :slightly_smiling_face:


Done. I will edit it as long as i can to add new stuff. :+1:


Lol what is this? and it’s not even Water “Man” either.

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Doing some more testing on these, I’ve noticed you can qualify for more than one at a time & it’ll cycle through them. Eg. if you poison your target & a non-target you’ll get Mixologist, then if you do the exact same thing again you’ll get Black Cat, then after that Mixologist again.

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I also found that you qualify for a lot of them at times. But im not sure it cycles. I thought i did something differently most of times. Like the complecations for contracts mode.

However i cant always see the reason for a different rating and apparent same try. I guess it could be possible it cycles. But i dont want it to.

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Electrocution in water kills maybe?

Actually I just got 2 of the same in a row so now I think it picks one at random & it just looked like it was cycling by coincidence!

I’ve got a really simple contract set up with 1 target by the start & a non-target in the next room so I know I’m not doing anything different between runs.

Fairly sure “Assassin” means you only killed targets. This overrides everything else so you have to kill a non-target to get the non-assassin titles.

Not sure what determines the prefix for ICA Assassin yet but depending on how I lose SA I’m getting:

  • Spotted = Phantom ICA or Traceless ICA
  • Recorded = Professional ICA or Envenoming Assassin (ie. kill method related)
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Traceless is for getting an unnoticed kill.
And phantom means youve been at least spotted.
In my observations at least.

I keep testing.

I keep testing what the difference between Shadow ICA Assassin and Clean ICA Assassin is.

I test on one target. Quick sniper kill.
Body is found.

What not seems to matter is headshot or not or if bullets been missed or not or mission time/score.

I dont really know what more could there be to differentiate between the two ratings. Sometimes i think i see a pattern for a while before it effs me over.

So far i think it really must pick at random if you qualify for more than one rating as @sleepey said.

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