HITMAN 3 to become ‘World of Assassination’

Out of all the escalations to refuse to get, Wrath seems to be the most arbitrary imo, at least I had fun with it.


The Wrath Termination is the worst gameplay content I have ever played in the entire franchise, for me. @empressofpersia is doing themselves a solid.


Sigh, I just want the damn Ultimate Black Suit, it just looks so slick on 47 :smiling_face_with_tear:
I beg you, IO, to make the Trinity Pack purchasable


I wonder how this rebranding of H3 will work in regards to the availability of The Bank and HAVEN Island in Freelancer.

If you have to purchase the 30$ add-on option to even access those maps, does this mean new players can’t access Syndicate missions in NY and Haven if they don’t own them, while being able to play Freelancer on every other location ?

Or does this mean that Freelancer won’t include NY and Haven at all? Because locking a small part of that mode behind the 30$ option, while claiming that one of the points of this update is to simplify things for the new Freelancer gamemode, just seems weird to me.

Curious how those two levels will be handled once Freelancer arrives.


I own in on PS4 and never completed it. So I’m not buying on my main account because i know I won’t complete it over there either. I hated it. It could be fun, if 47 was slightly more sturdy than a single square of wet, one-ply toilet paper. But as it stands it is not. i nearly threw my PS4 controller through the TV just trying to get through that BS.
Never again. also the suit is ugly, but that’s a personal opinion.

Thank you. I’m glad I’m not the only one.


Not at all, since they’re already confirmed to be included by IO. If you don’t own the DLC, they’ll just not be in the available pool of locations to play I assume.

The point of simplifying things for Freelancer is that it means all players will have at least 17 maps that they can play Freelancer on, instead of potentially being limited to as little as 6 if they only owned H3.


Great job IOI, everything sounds good! :grin::clap:t2:

Just don’t make the update too big on Jan 26th because we don’t want to have to wait too long to play Freelancer! :wink:


The thing I miss the most is the animation cancelling. It’s so very annoying in H2 and H3 that you can’t open a door while detonating a explosive, for example


I own at Epic Store - 1 Season GOTY, Season 2 Gold and Hitman 3 Basic. But not H3 Deluxe. So after this change i must buy whole pack of WOA Expansion to get deluxe H3 contracts, because I do not own it now?

Jesus, V1deost, that’s quite the visual, suggestive double-meaning coming from you! :fearful:

But yes, the world of ass looks a lot more rounded-out now… :person_facepalming:

I’m really hoping (and kind of expecting) that with this rebranding, we might either get new music or the choice of theming for the Menu.
Freelancer CTT had the Hitman 2016 music as a Safehouse music track, so they know people want it and like it enough to listen to it on repeat. (And it’ll be right there, in the files…)


Is this it ?

Is January the end ?

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In terms of major new content, maybe? I can’t see them doing another year of Free major content, unless they did some major, major number crunching (and those Hitman 3 sales were really good.

But don’t discount the fact that we’re still getting a massive, infinitely-replayable roguelike mode for Hitman 3 – for free – on January 26!
The live service can’t go on forever anyway!


So my Steam Library will look like this from 26 Jan?

  • Hitman
  • Hitman 2
  • Hitman: World of Assassination

Well sucks to be you because its not coming back.

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After thinking about this the whole day, i’ve updated my post regarding that upgrade…

Check also (for deeper insight): A different (and better?) way of bringing the WoA into life.


I think the question is if Freelancer is put out and never touched again or it evolves with time. I feel like some of the in game freelancer Achievements like killing 10000 targets really need that IOI introduces some cosmetic unlocks and new contract types added over time to make the grind less tedious


I think this may be a good move from a perspective of making things easier on the new consumer when it comes to what to buy, but this is a terrible change in terms of game preservation and what it likely means for the future of the trilogy in general.

As has been brought up above, 2016 has a lot of unique mechanics that make it worth playing as a standalone, and the idea of those things being blocked off to new players entirely simply does not sit right with me.

I just don’t get how many people here seem ambivalent to unique game content essentially being wiped in the name on consolidation.

Non-exhaustive list of content about to be lost to new people:

  • Different rating system stuff, e.g. targets in 2016 won’t give SA back if you kill them after being spotted
  • Double breacher (technically hitman 3 has two breachers but you need 2 inventory slots).
  • Bullet distraction radius works totally different
  • Ephone, for Hitman 2
  • A lot of little things that add up to a totally different experience
  • Sarajevo Six and many escalations from H2016

Maybe the older game versions shouldn’t be immediately accessible to new players to avoid confusion but I think there should be some way for those interested.

Many games on Steam support downpatching with Depot Downloader, for instance. Obviously Hitman is not really one of them due to the Always Online nature of the rating screen and progression (Less said about Always Online the better).


I think IO recognizes that the continued existence of 1-3 coexisting on storefronts only adds to the confusion for new players on how to get started into the trilogy—which seemingly was always intended as a single platform for all the levels of the series.

Even as a console player, I can appreciate that 1 and 2 are still acquirable (yarrr) and playable on PC (thanks to the Peacock workaround) and thus can accept that as the trade off in preservation. PC has always been the main way preservation has been maintained for most platforms anyways, and I think anyone with a console should understand that, with PC being the place a true hardcore fan can go to experience the joys of SASOing Colorado without any foliage to hide in. :joy:


I just played 2016 and the HUD is dreadful. Its nothing but white and gray. Ugh

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Yea I do think 2016 and Hitman 2 should be awarded for free with a purchase of World of Assassination, with the label saying Hitman 1 - Legacy Edition, and Hitman 2 - Legacy Edition. So best of all three worlds. There is stuff which I was playing just now and went ahhhh I miss that - press Triangle to dump bodies instead of holding, no animations for opening doors or picking up items while youre holding a sniper or body, the HUD being big and having lowercase letters. I think Hitman 3 has better gamefeel but 2016 is so much comfier as a platform to play on

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