Hitman 3, Year 2 - October Roadmap (Released October 6, 2022)

I can’t believe there is no Halloween Whittleton Creek on there!! :joy::joy:


While I do understand the desire to have the Busey Elusive Target in the game and playable, most of it is just Gary Busey and Gary Cole being crazy, yelling at each other, and just running around. It’s not a “good” Elusive Target by any means.

I have seen some videos of it, and it does seem like a less enjoyable version of The Twin, just without the puzzle element of identifying who’s who. Listening to the dialogue did seem funnier than actually trying to beat it.

And why no ET in Mumbai and Haven island yet too :unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused:

I love how much people want this. It pleases me to see others appreciate 47’s pecs and back muscles.


I still think Whittleton Creek, at night, with a Halloween theme (even reused assets from Orson’s Nightmare) would be awesome. Especially with Contracts mode.


Being honest, didn’t pre ordered, nor did I cared for it, either when H3 came out, nor now, these are only 3 suits and we got way more than enough, if they’d affect gameplay then I would be against them at all costs, but as a reward for trusting the game prior to release, I can’t see anything bad with it, even if they never return, these don’t matter that much nor the best looking suits in the game

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Considering Hokkaido was the last free map, it makes sense that Hawke’s Bay will be the next one. The timing is perfect given the halloween themed escalation. It’s also possible that we’ll get the jack o lantern suit as a reward that month to tie into the festivities.

Personally, I’m hoping for either a bonus mission for Chongqing or an escalation for Ambrose in October. Freelancer would be cool, but I have a feeling November / December is more likely. Perhaps December as a way to finish off Year 2.

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yes this is a complete sentance.


Firstly, It’s standard practice to put pre-order DLC up for sale post-release. It’s a common type of FOMO, but as long as the pre-order DLC is cosmetics and reskins (which the trinity pack is) and are made available to purchase sometime after release (usually 3 months to a year), then I’m less inclined to take issue with it.

Secondly, Cosmetics DO make people buy things, and can be just as important to a persons’ experience to a game they play as much as weapons and such. And given Hitmans’ only source of player customisation is weapons and suits, I’d say that’s pretty important.

IOI are being really strange not releasing this as standalone DLC by now, is all i’m going to say on the matter.


What do you think the chances are that they’ll release it in a theoretical “Year 3?”

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I don’t think Year 3 is theoretical, for a start.

And second, I would be infuriated (even more than I already am) if they don’t.


Ha! Got you to say more on the subject after all!


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…Ha ha?
20 amazing characters

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What I don’t get about the Trinity Pack is it would cost them almost nothing to sell it as DLC since it’s fully functional in game. It would only provide them with more money, but they choose to still restrict it


A man can dream , in one alternate universe there is a happy forum enjoying the year 3 content

Wouldn’t that imply that in that alternate universe Hitman 3 was released a year earlier? Are they already playing Freelancer? Bastages!

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Oh my God your right, God I’d love to be there


No, that would be a “parallel universe.” In an “alternate universe”… there is no Hitman 3.

In an alternate universe, Hitman 3 was DLC for Hitman 2016.