Hitman wishlist

I don’t think IOI really reads any of these. The only thing that I can think of that they added to the game was the Silent Assassin tracker, and later adding the yellow (camera/evidence) warning. That’s something I (and apparently others) have asked for or suggested. That was so cool when they added it to the game. :astonished:

But this is mainly just to share our wishes. If those suggestions get into the game then you/they can consider themselves lucky.


Trust me, I’d rather do 26 escalations than the Delgado Larcency again :rofl:

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This is gonna sound stupid (because it probably is), but what about a silenced Striker? A pistol with the power of the striker but suppressed?




More brutal kills, please. All the colorful reskins made me stop playing the game…

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I know this has been said but



IOI need this ET do it to realese. Objective don’t do it, so one forget about ET.

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I would like to list some points specific to Hitman WOA Contract Creation mode (especially for console players) which may be updated in all platforms officially - PC, PS, XBOX and Switch. Some of us may agree or disagree with these points, but it is good to have additional options to increase our boundaries of creativity :slight_smile: - the more option, the more ideas :nerd_face:

  1. When used as a specific weapon, an option to switch specific weapon (eg. Brine Damaged SMG), weapon category (eg. SMG) apart from Any Method - just like the Melee kill with specific weapons (option only for weapons available at that map).

  2. Additional option in Contract complication like All targets in Accident, non Accident kill, Firearm only or Melee only and many other categories (like a recent ET complication)

  3. Option to restrict starting location (just like exit location), and disable all/some loadouts.

  4. Lastly, option to mark an npc enforcer or no enforcer on the contract.


A full skyscraper level. Many levels that go through shops, offices hotel rooms, suites, security, roof, maintenance. Maybe a couple more, have each floor large enough that there is space, but make it so it is filled with people going about their work. The Miami level had a little bit of this, but I was thinking more of the Bank level type setup, with the theme of the top two floors of Miami, but have the second to top floor more full.

I’d like to be able to activate any remote device when 47 is inside a container or closet and also when on a ledge. He can already shoot and reload a pistol so why not. It would be fun.


I really would like to have the Druzhina 34 Ica black version from hantu port, maybe from elusive target arcade or by grinding it to 20 in the sniper mission. Obviously with normal perks.
And maybe a challenge in hokkaido to unlock the black ninja suit.

God no mate, it’s bad enough getting one mediocre (imo) sniper from SA let alone two, ETA or challenge sure but not SA


The challenges you earn for killing a target are inconsistent in Hitman WoA

For Hitman 1:
Every target has a challenge which is titled with the targets nickname
Except fuck the Patient Zero Campaign none for the 7 targets there
For Hitman 2:
Every target has a challenge which is titled with the targets nickname
Including Special Assignments
For Hitman 2 Expansion:
New York (and before) says “Assassinate” but Haven Island (and after) says “Eliminate”
For Hitman 3:
Every target has a challenge most repeat the challenge description as its title
Except Berlin and Ambrose Island

Here are some examples:
The Brainwasher (nicknamed in the briefing video)
Assassinate Bradley Paine (challenge doesn’t exist)

The Ghost (but The Maelstrom is his nickname?)
Assassinate The Maelstrom (he has a name, Wazir Kale)

Eliminate Carl Ingram (what happened to nicknames?)
Eliminate Carl Ingram (what happened to “Assassinate”?)

Eliminate The Constant
Eliminate The Constant (but his name is Arthur Edwards)

The Mastermind (Dalia Margolis)
The Mastermind (Alma Reynard)

The Bad Boy (Steven Bradley)
The Badboy (Bartholomew Argus, ET)

and there isn’t a obvious reason for this either. :confused:


We should have a five-part campaign dealing with the clones of the Five Fathers (Dr. Otto Wolfgang Ort-Meyer, Lee Hong, Pablo Belisario Ochoa, Franz Fuchs, and Arkadij Jegorov) who were first encountered in their late creation stage in the first level of Hitman Contracts (2004).

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I think the whole room containing those vats are more of an Easter egg rather than functioning as any kind of plot point, as the room (and the process of getting access to it) is more of an Easter egg and also contains vats listing the names of some of the developers of Hitman Contracts:

  • Jacob Andersen (lead designer)
  • Jamie Benson (artist)
  • Daniel Windfeld (artist)
  • Michael Heilemann (additional artist)
  • Tore Blystad (additional artist)
  • Jands Flösser (producer)

Although I do think it would make a very interesting plot point of a future game, especially considering that the series has kind of had a “rebirth” where many fans don’t understand or know the origin story of 47. I can already see the subtitle “Hitman: Born Again”.

This is a quality of life feature I would like for the Inventory page.

Please show items you have not yet unlocked in each weapon/tool/suit category with a blacked out icon. If you press this blacked out icon, you will be taken to the mastery/escalation/gamemode/challenge menu where you can view the requirements to unlock it. Alternatively the blacked out icon will have a description below it from what mastery/escalation/gamemode/challenge where you unlock it.

A very recurring issue I’ve had with this game is that I didn’t know certain unlockable items existed, because I have never come across them in the menu. It took me two weeks to realize elusive arcade had its own unlock list since destinations only list escalation rewards. I struggled like crazy to find the page that lists the suit rewards for elusive targets. I did not know the featured contracts gamemode had its own set of rewards until a week into the game. I’ve played every destination in the trilogy and only TODAY after having owned Hitman 3 or at least 4 months I learn that the Sieger 300 Ghost exists and is hidden away on an escalation of a bonus mission on Marrakesh.

PLEASE make it easier to find what items you have not unlocked in Hitman yet.
Expanding the inventory page with blacked out icons and their names would be a fantastic start, because at least if we know they exist we can at least google them easier.


This is great, but a small thing I’d add to it would be a filter option similar to the challenges tab where you can set Show All/Unlocked/Still Locked items (and have the game remember your choice) for people that want to just see their inventory grow or just want to know what they still need to get without wading through a bunch of already unlocked stuff.

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I think they should redo those challenges and maybe have a set kill you have to do for them to unlock something which I know would never happen because if you were to include all 130+ targets then that’s 130+ new unlocks but I think it would be pretty cool

Please make the banana count as an accident on targets as well, not just on npcs.
It really seems like a bug that npcs will react to other npcs slipping on the banana as an accident if they see it happen, but if they see a target slip on the banana is counts as a crime. This is not consistent or logical, especially since it counts as an accident if no one sees them slip and then find their bodies.

I just want this item to be more viable for accident slip objectives on targets, or for silent assassin fall/drowning or just a simple pacify.

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A Stick of Dynamite would be a fun unlock

Make it have the same physics and activation time as “The Big One”
Make it an illegal item
Make it cause panic even before exploding
Make it have an absurdly large area explosion, at least twice that of a normal explosive