Hitman WOA - Challenge Ideas

Man, i know this is old, but i thought of a challenge idea that could be similar to the classics type of challenges, it wont fit this layout, but ill decribe it the best to my ability, in the hopes that maybe someone at io sees it and likes it, which i doubtll happen

Challenge name - Deprived, Deprives SA, SO, SA:SO

Level - Any/All

How to get - Start with nothing at a regular suit starting position (im not sure of how to name it, but a place you spawn without a disguise), Complete “_______”, (SA/SO/SA:SO) requirements too.

Rewards - 4000xp, and could add some rewards scaling up like the classics, such as a tool, weapon, then suit for 5, 12, and 17 maps completed with the challenge respectively


It’s been a while since I’ve done any challenge ideas, but here’s a small cross trilogy Challenge Pack as an idea for how everyone can unlock the platform specific Streak Suits! As always I’d be honored if it was officially added to the game!

Crystal Blue Persuasion
Type - Master Streaker
Condition -
Eliminate a target by pushing or dumping them into the sea while disguised as Salvatore Bravuomo.
Do not get spotted.
Mission - Landslide
Reward - +2000 XP, The Blue Streak Suit

Challenge Mockup

Murder of Crows
Type - Master Streaker
Condition -
Eliminate 5 Crows with a beak staff while wearing your suit.
Do not get spotted.
Mission - Chasing a Ghost
Reward - +2000 XP, The Black Streak Suit

Challenge Mockup

No Evil Shall Escape My Sight
Type - Master Streaker
Condition -
Eliminate a target with a falling lantern.
Do not get spotted.
Mission - Apex Predator
Reward - +2000 XP, The Green Streak Suit

Challenge Mockup

Master Streaker
Type - Master Streaker
Condition -
Complete all the Master Streaker challenges:

  • Crystal Blue Persuasion
  • Murder of Crows
  • No Evil Shall Escape My Sight.

Reward - +4000 XP

Challenge Mockup


-----That Ends Well…-----

Type - Feats

  • Dump Alexa Carlisle’s body down the well.

Mission - Death in the Family



— High Octane —
Type: Assassination
• Eliminate Robert Knox with a Kronstandt Octane Booster explosion.

(wanted to do something with the cannabis joint too for the extra pun but only 2 random NPCs have cigarette packets it seems :roll_eyes:)

Mission: The Finish Line
Reward: Kronstadt Octane Booster


— E-Mail —
Type: Assassination
• While disguised as the Mailman, eliminate a target by electrocuting them with an item concealed in a mailbox.
Mission: Another Life
Reward: RFID Taser


— Beam Me Up —
Type : Feats
Condition :
• Take a photo of the UFO graffiti.
• Complete “Apex Predator”.
• Exit via alien abduction.
Mission : Apex Predator
Reward : Tin Foil Hat Outfit, +2000 XP


Trying to create challenges for new items, in accordance to my Wishlist category topic : “General Whishlist: have unlocks be items with original combinations of the existing items properties, not just reskins”
Since it was fairly liked, and current unlock choice are contentious.
I’m trying to have interesting challenges to make them interesting standalone experience.

Badger Works

Type: Feat

  • Destroy all four Evidence Recorders
  • Steal Chief Engineer McInnis Notebook on Robotics

Mission: The Finish Line / Miami
Reward: Wide Range EMP

(Item is from the template of the remote EMP, but with a wider range, enough to take out a camera or a recorder from behind a wall, or from a contraband box. Item is carried like a briefcase like the canisters are, with all its balanced limitations. Item is a reskin of the New York Datacore.)

note: name is a reference to Skunk Works, and McInnis notebook cover art

I Need a Data Bag

Type: Feat

  • Exit with the Datacore and all three Backup Data Disks.

Mission: The Golden Handshake / New York
Reward: RFID Letterbomb Parcel

(Item is a RFID version of the Letterbomb Parcel)

note: name, condition, and reward, are a reference to the game Payday

It’s Raining Agents

Type: Assassination

  • Eliminate five ICA Agents in fall accidents
  • Do not pacifyt any target

Mission: Apex Predator / Berlin
Reward: ICA19 ClassicStriker

(Item is a silenced version of the Striker. Item uses the unused DTI Baller / Black Lilly Mk3 model present in the files. Item can be balanced by being as silenced as suppressed sniper or shotgun are)

note: trying to capture a classic game feel, for a classic game reward


— Soporific Scope —
Type : Feats
Condition :
• Tranquilize all targets with a Kalmer from the tree house in the Schmidt garden.
Mission : Another Life
Reward : Air Rifle, +4000 XP


— Clean Up On Carl-Aisle 6 —
Type : Feats
Condition :
• Make all members of the Carlisle family vomit.
Mission : Death in the Family
Reward : Antique Duck Emetic Proximity Mine*, +2000 XP
*emetic Goldbrick equivalent


Clear the Road

Type: Feat

  • Blow up every vehicle in Whittleton Creek (aside from the garbage truck and the bulldozers, which can’t be destroyed).
  • Do not kill any non-targets.
  • Exit the mission via the garbage truck.

Mission - Another Life
Reward : Druzhina 34 HE (a sniper rifle with explosive ammo - we really need one :/)


And how would a kill with such a rifle count? Would an explosive bullet act the same as an explosive pen?


Technically it could be classified as a sniper rifle kill if directly hit by a shot, and an explosive kill if hit by the blast? I honestly don’t know how IOI would do it, but since there is already explosive ammo in the game (in Sniper Assassin mode), bringing it to the main game would be nice.


Reminds me of the explosive shotgun in GTA Ballad of Gay Tony

I haven’t played GTA4 but an explosive shotgun sounds like a great way to blow yourself up when you’re shooting :smiley:


— A Bomb In Black Water —
a.k.a. “Countdown” or “I’m TNT, I’m Dynamite”, couldn’t decide.
Type : Feats
Condition :
• Eliminate Amos Dexter with an explosive device.
• Complete “The Ark Society”.
• Exit via the rooftop.
Mission : The Ark Society
Reward : Time Bomb*, +4000 XP

*TNT/Dynamite cut content from Absolution, idea would be an explosive with a 30? second delay (or maybe able to set different timings somehow), activated the same way as the wristwatch timer. I think this could offer some interesting gameplay implementation different from proximity or remote.



A Case to be Made

Going Towards the Light

Jammin’ Out

  • Type of challenge
  • Conditions of challenge
    In the same Freelancer campaign, visit both Berlin and Bangkok
  • Mission
  • Reward
    Freelancer playlist: The Drop’s soundtrack

Assassination Nation

  • Type of challenge
  • Conditions of challenge
    Win a gun fight with Patrick Morgan and a fist fight with Sully Bowden
  • Mission
    The Mercenary, Colorado + any Elusive Target Arcade match with The Rage
  • Reward
    This gun idk what it’s called

Soup’s Up (The Sturrock Special, Part One)

  • Type of challenge
  • Conditions of challenge
    Dressed as a Mansion Chef or Kitchen Assistant, eliminate someone in the Underground Lab with a knife and dump their body in the acid container
  • Mission
    World of Tomorrow, Sapienza
  • Reward
    The Butcher Suit


I’ll Get Me Coat

  • Type of challenge
  • Conditions of challenge
    Start the mission wearing an outfit inappropriate for the weather
  • Mission
    End of an Era, Chongqing
  • Reward
    The Noir Trenchcoat

The Good Doctor (Doctor’s Orders Part One)

  • Type of challenge
  • Conditions of challenge
    Eliminate Hush with a Scalpel while dressed as a Researcher
  • Mission
    End of an Era, Chongqing
  • Reward

Hidden Samurai

  • Type of challenge
  • Conditions of challenge
    Eliminate Royce with a katana in her private room while wearing your suit
  • Mission
    End of an Era, Chongqing
  • Reward
    Black Neon City Suit

Check Your Pulse (Doctor’s Orders Part Two)

  • Type of challenge
  • Conditions of challenge
    Eliminate a target in lockdown with the stethoscope
  • Mission
    End of an Era, Chongqing
  • Reward

Prime Time of Your Life

  • Type of challenge
  • Conditions of challenge
    Eliminate The Revolutionary with an explosion while he makes his broadcast
  • Mission
    Elusive Target Arcade
  • Reward
    Hand-held Radio

An Apple a Day (Doctor’s Orders Part Three)

  • Type of challenge
  • Conditions of challenge
    Eliminate a smoker with a propane flask in Chongqing
  • Mission
    Chongqing, any mission
  • Reward

Dollotron’s Revenge (The Sturrock Special, Part Two)

  • Type of challenge
  • Conditions of challenge
    Eliminate 3 pigs in the hidden ICA data facility with a Kitchen knife
  • Mission
    The Gluttony Gobble, Chongqing
  • Reward
    The Butcher’s Hacksaw

Quik Kash

Meat Your Maker (The Sturrock Special, Part Three)

  • Type of challenge
  • Conditions of challenge
    Eliminate Noel Crest with the meat fork, while dressed as a Chef or in the Butcher suit
  • Mission
    Shadows in the Water, Ambrose Island
  • Reward
    Meat Fork

Certified Vibeologist

Money Talks… Silence Pays

  • Type of challenge
  • Conditions of challenge
    In the same Freelancer campaign, visit Whittleton Creek, Isle of Sgail and Mendoza
  • Mission
  • Reward
    Freelancer playlist: Blood Money (2006) soundtrack

Business is Good

  • Type of challenge
  • Conditions of challenge
    In the same Freelancer campaign, visit Sapienza, Hokkaido and Mumbai
  • Mission
  • Reward
    Freelancer playlist: Hitman 2 Silent Assassin (2002) soundtrack


  • Type of challenge
  • Conditions of challenge
    In the same Freelancer campaign, visit Colorado, Miami and New York
  • Mission
  • Reward
    Freelancer playlist: Hitman Absolution (2012) soundtrack

Night Moves

  • Type of challenge
  • Conditions of challenge
    In the same Freelancer campaign, visit Dartmoor, Berlin and Chongqing
  • Mission
  • Reward
    Freelancer playlist: Hitman Contracts (2004) soundtrack

Shout out to @MrOchoa

  • Type of challenge
  • Conditions of challenge
    In the same Freelancer campaign, visit Colombia, Chongqing and Bangkok
  • Mission
  • Reward
    Freelancer playlist: Hitman Codename 47 (2000) soundtrack


This is insane. I love all of these.


What about Soup’s Up! :joy:


I’ve become quite fond of the more normal nomenclature “ICA19 ClassicStriker” recently.
Only under a proposed wishlist though. Nothing official, or in the game files.

But I should point out that this would be only if this skin is applied to a new weapon propriety template.
With both:

  • Icon-Damage Damage Increased damage at all ranges.
  • Icon-Suppresor Suppressor Quiet, reduced range.

I believe as it is currently in the game files it’s a normal, boring, Baller reskin. I believe it’s accepted it was the Black Lilly Mk3.

I just chose to use it because it’s in the file (less production cost), and because it’s using what is the shotgun suppressor in its kitbash. Which I find appropriate.

Also, for some reason the skin was used in the challenge thumbnail for the Ice Cold Cowboy. And at the time it made me think of the original striker unlock. Hence the wishlist.