Is the Molotov Cocktail too unbalanced?

i think it’s not unbalanced… cuz it has explosion damage which is not accidental cause when it impacted.

that’s the hitman’s puzzle logic.


“Electric phone with fire”

Electric phone with risk of collateral, electric phone with risk of being caught with an illegal item, electric phone with risk of not being an accident

Huh, seems the only thing it has in common is it’s a useful item that kills people. But Hitman fans once again find a reason to complain that the game company gives them a useful item after complaining the devs only give reskins because theyre lazy and not because it takes resources + their fans call anything more useful than Helen’s rude ruby gun overpowered


Next youll tell me that pushing someone off a cliff isnt an accident. Hitman’s “accidents” system is inherently absurd. We’re talking about a game series with clones, a guy who can dress up as a chef in india and not get noticed and an international conspiracy by three people that no one knew about despite them wearing a pin as a signifier

I honestly wouldnt even mind the ephone coming back if it was either a dry electrocution or a cheat code that prevents a run from going on the leaderboard


Another thing is im pretty sure that video was taken out of context to manufacture outrage because it only killed people via accident by activating a propane flash. Then right before the people would then see the non-accident bodies that the molotov caused the video mysteriously cuts off. Funny that

It seems weird that (some) hardcore Hitman fans are like the fun police. What was wrong about the e-phone was that it wasnt a particularly interesting weapon mechanically AND it was pay to win. This is a free weapon that has interesting mechanics

(Some of) The hardcore are such entitled masochists if IO didnt have accident kills and added them into the third game theyd complain “no duuuuude it was so good having to hide every body. I cant believe IO would cater to FILTHY FUCKING CASUALS who want to have fun. These should be nerfed and removed”

I agree. The actual bugs of this weapon should be fixed cause their bugs, just like the dartmoor lawyer glitch and the kalmer glitch. Actually nerfing the thing? Nah

I guess making it so all KO’s of a target arent SA would be a decent gordian knot solution but thatd also be less than ideal. Shame they havent found a way to fix it but im not gonna complain they cant fix something that i wouldnt know how to fix if they sat me at a computer and said “go”

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The Molotov is not more overpowered than a Propane Flask and a Proxy Taser to set it off.

  • Both have to be applied in person nearby
  • Both require handling an illegal item
  • Both cause an accident kill
  • Both can cause Non Target Kills or ruining SA when throwing is locking onto the target’s head

The Molotov working through walls and ceilings is making it better and you might not need to search for a propane. But on the other hand, using a Big One instead of a taser makes the propane unsuspicious to use to the point that you don’t need it to work through walls and ceilings.

The E-Phone is much more powerful.

  • Handling is fully unsuspicious
  • Can be set off from afar, for example if you need to use a hostile disguise
  • Almost no danger of Non Target Kills

The downside with it is only that the target might ask their bodyguards to pick it up.


Or you could just use the micro taser or the EMP to detonate a propane flask. Not illegal to use and won’t get picked up by guards.


Good point about the taser and propane being kinda OP when we think about it. Yea plus they cause a really loud noise which can both create enforcers or move them towards you making your escape interesting

I feel like if anything instead of nerfing the molotov why dont IO buff other things like sniper rifles and fibre wire? Its not that the molotov is OP, it’s more that accidents in general bypass a lot of the difficulty of Hitman and thats fine because some people want a challenge and some people want to be clever but wouldnt it be cool if there was a way to get SA using snipers or fibre wire? I mean there already is but I mean without hiding bodies. Think the way contracts did it

Not asking for IO to completely change the rating mechanics. I dont mind not playing for SA just food for thought


You mean their bodies should be allowed to be found while keeping SA? I would not like that.


Yea just spitballing here. Im fine with all the mechanics as they are but i was thinking on how accident kills already have a benefit - they reduce the amount of enforcers and alertness that typically occurs after the dead body of a target is found - in addition to negating the need to hide a body or knock out guards making the defacto best way to deal with targets. With a fibre wire since guards follow dead bodies you have to KO them or hide the target in a container or in the water. And with sniping you not only have to avoid the guards who immediately know your location the body will get also get found anyway. I dont really mind these systems because the game is built around them plus the game is fun but its also a clear indicator of technically the most powerful weapons in the game are things like snipers which negate the need to infiltrate fortresses BUT because one item can give you an accident kill it suddenly becomes more useful than items which should dominate the meta like snipers

I’d like your perspective. Whats your opinion on sniping in the Hitman trilogy?

Sniping is art and it wouldn’t be if it was buffed. When mastered it is more powerful than the Molotov.


Not necessarily as you can use a remote explosive to cause an explosion that then causes the molotov to explode if you’ve placed them close enough to each other to cause a fire accident.

Its some of the coolest shit you can do in Hitman. Tho i will never figure out how to get SA with it tbh

Just like you can do with the Propane flask, yea.

Leave it in as is, I say. This, and even the electric phone that they didn’t bring back for Hitman III, are not “easy” unlocks as in they’re given to you by having a particular edition of the game or are found early on in the story. If you’re playing these missions chronologically, you wouldn’t even be in the maps to unlock these until you’re more than halfway through the trilogy. And unless I’m mistaken, both are unlocked at the latter end of their mastery lines for the levels they’re in, meaning if you’re a one-and-done player for the story, you’re never seeing these.

I don’t get what the worries about “balance” are. This isn’t a PvP game. At this point the people playing the trilogy are those invested like us who probably have most of what the unlockable content has been, anyway. Much better to have unique, albeit “busted” stuff instead of the seventeenth rifle reskin.


Some of the best fun I had in this game is racing against another player to figure out a kill.

And what about contracts mode and the leaderboard? Its cool if you want to use busted stuff. Download mods or something. Download an item that gives you stealth camo. Sure why not. This item feels like a busted cheat item from a mod right now.

But having to play contracts that have an extra fire kill just to use up the molotov item is not fun for creators or players. And that’s what will happen because it was the same with the E-phone. People may complain but contracts have been far better without it.


The leaderbord is at this point only really valuable for players with one very specific playstyle, so why is this even used as an argument against an item that’s fun to use for players with different playstyles?


So you were saying that people who use the leaderboards to enhance their enjoyment of the game should just be excluded from this conversation?

And this covers a broad use of the leaderboards speedrunning, racing against other people, figuring out solutions to contracts, or just a friendly rivalry with your buddy next door.

I think the game might be better without the leaderboards but that still doesn’t change the fact that fire going through multiple walls is stupid.

This whole conversation is kind of silly anyways because something can only be considered unbalanced when it is used in competition. However we have people coming into the thread saying the obvious, “that their insular single player non-competitive experience the molotov is not unbalanced.”

Yes, that’s literally what I said.

No, of course not, but it’s a bit grating that every item that changes the meta “needs” to be removed because it ruins things for speedrunners.
(And while that’s not my playstyle, it’s fun to watch others do it at times, so I’m really not anti-speedrunning or anything.)

Competing against friends or others can easily be made fair by agreeing to the rules beforehand and providing a video of the run.

Fire going through the walls: yes, that’s obviously stupid, I wouldn’t mind if that got removed (just like the sedative grenade proximity mine working through walls), but the rest of it doesn’t break the game at all. People who complain about this item mainly complain about the “free kill” and the “fire kill that ruins contracts”, not about the fire going through the wall.


People who play for the leaderboards arent going to use this item much. The Dubai world record, the Sapienza world record, the Mumbai world record, the Hokkaido world record - for example - I cant imagine being any different with this item. The item provides enough of a kill delay that it wouldnt be worth it. At least the runs ive seen pre-molotov

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