Khandanyang Discussion (Hitman: WoA Trilogy)

I really hated this :smile: Khadanyang just sounds weird


Iā€™m not sure if they decided to change the name of the country, or if they just made a mistake in Oliviaā€™s lines. But khandanyang was used more before, and khadanyang was used only once, right?

Well Olivia says Khadanyang, as do her subtitles, and Hushā€™s in-game intel. So thereā€™s 2 plausible choices, a matter of which is cause and which is effect

  1. The voice actually made a mistake pronouncing a fake countries name and by the time IO noticed it it was too late and they had to roll with the new spelling

  2. IO themselves made a conscious decision to change itā€¦ For some reason


misread. Sorry.

To be honest, I donā€™t think both of them sounds like Korean when I listen to it, but I think Khandanyang is much better.

Hmm and
Dan-yang sounds like a Korean region name or somethings korean name borrowed from the Chinese alphabet, but kha or Khan is little awkward


Both ā€œKhandanyangā€ and ā€œKhadanyangā€ sound equally weird lol. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a mistake anyways, but they have virtually no difference .

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Thanks for your input on that guys! So, to sum up, both versions are equally weird but viable, yet Khandanyang would sound more appealing to most of us.

Apparently Kha(n)danyang is such a secretive country that no one is even sure about its exact name :joy: Either that, or the writers at IO should really make up their bloody minds :laughing:

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Iā€™m sure IO didnā€™t intend it but my headcanon shall be that much like Japan can be Nippon or Nihon that both spellings of Khadanyang and Khandanyang are correct :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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If the (late) president of Turkmenistan can rename the concept of bread after his mother, I see no problem with a fellow Asian dictatorship having two slightly different spellings of its name.


As much as IĀ“m allergic to the inconsistency, I like your thinking and will try to convince my headcanon to operate in the same manner :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

That would actually be a completely plausible explanation. The name of the country is whatever the Heavenly Leader decides it to be at the moment. Thinking otherwise will subject you to ā€œreeducationā€:


Iā€™d kill to see an in-game news segment where Pam Kingsley talks about the change in spelling and quotes Jin Po as saying something about the n in Khandanyang throwing off the aesthetic harmony of of their glorious nationā€™s name and he has thus decided to heā€™s changing it.

(Also because this has got me going down a yet another google rabbit hole: My other favorite wacky Asian despot story is the time the then-leader of Burma misinterpreted his astrologer trying to sway him away from communism, and ordered that they change what side of the road they drive on because of looming bad luck)


My god, that would be absolutely golden :clap:

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Bumping the thread for two reasons. Firstly, to re-upload the Khandanyang flag design made by MSMPlayz (who has since unfortunately left us) so that it remains preserved here, as I think it would be a shame to lose it:

Khandanyang flag by MSMPlayz

Secondly, IĀ“ve just randomly happened to finally figure out where he took that flower design from :joy: ItĀ“s a plum flower, the seal of the former Korean Empire (and the ruling Yi dynasty):