Last update broke my game

i feel sorry for you cold

edit: I read that post wrong, don’t feel sorry for me. I feel bad for the people who waited a year for Steam only to pay full price. For bugged shit.

Saved data on Xbox or Hitman saves?

Well, it looks like today’s Xbox update fixed the “connecting/ hard crashing” issue! I’m glad to see everyone who had the same issue as me can now get back into the game!

I just hope out of the other people out there who didn’t come to the forums to find help, that they didn’t fully delete their save data off their consoles AND the cloud. I was tempted to do that, but I knew it would wipe ALL my accumulated unlocks that carried over from H1 & H2 and it’d make me start fresh. Hopefully no one went that route in an attempt to get back into the game…

Anyway, I’m surprised we got a full fix a week later (I expected it at least a month later tbh) but I’m glad ioi got their team on it and sorted out this snafu. Hopefully everyone doesn’t experience any more of these game breaking issues and we get to enjoy H3 without anymore bs.

Anyway, glad to hear we’re all back in. Good luck agents!

you too NeckPUNCHattack

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Before todays update, I deleted the Xbox side of the save data, but that didn’t fix anything for me. Others said the same as well. Even after re-downloading the save data from the cloud, it’d still freeze/crash, so it wasn’t our saves causing problems. If anyone deleted all their save data from both the console AND the cloud, it’d likely let them back in, but they’d lose ALL progress and unlocks, and I personally wasn’t gonna go that route.

Anyway, It didn’t matter cause the problem didn’t lie with our actual saves, it was something causing a hard crash on IOI’s end when trying to authenticate our data while logging in. If you updated your game today, that’s why it’d look like deleting your save data worked. Before today, it wouldn’t of worked.

You still can’t get past the “connecting” screen? Todays update should’ve fixed that for you.

If you still can’t get in after updating your game, you def need to submit a help ticket to customer support. Something is really wrong then, and they need to be contacted directly.

With the fix, the game doesn’t crash, but it doesn’t login into Hitman’s servers: again, if I create a new profile, everything works. Mike, in your post, did you mention a game update via Xbox? I haven’t any Hitman updated on console. I have submitted a ticket to customer support.

P.S. I apologize if I made mistakes to writing my post: I’m Italian and I don’t speak English very well.



Try it again. Restart your Xbox. I got it to load 4 times successfully.

That being said, I’ll never trust their servers or IOI.

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The game should make you download the patch when you launch it, unless your Xbox is set up to update automatically. Sounds like you have the patch installed.

When I launch the game, it always fails to connect, so I have to close the game and then restart, at which point it works. It’s annoying, especially as server connection has been problematic for all three games in this trilogy…

The Xbox isn’t setup for automatic updates and I don’t download any patch: yesterday i tried to play for over an hour, but i couldn’t connect to their servers.
This morning, however, before I’m going to work, I uninstalled the game and reinstalled: later I’ll update you. Thank you all.

After a couple of reboots, the game works … at least until the next update :wink:. Thanks to everyone for the precious advices. Ciao.


Game required to be up-to-date to prevent cheating which in such a case is using exploits that may have been patched out.

I assume your Xbox update wasn’t pushed through as fast as other regions were, so maybe that’s why you didn’t have an update yet.

At least it’s working for you now!

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“Last update broke my game”

How many times have we read this since 2016?


Unfortunatelly i have still some issues with connecting to online game :frowning:

Game didnt crashing now like before, but still not let me going to online mode.

  • reinstaled full game and DLCs (not working for me)
  • cleared xbox cache (hard reset, unpluget for minimum 2 minutes)
  • NAT is open
  • another games work properly

Any ideas where it can be problem now? Am i alone who has this problem, or more of us has it?

What I do is load into the game in offline mode first. Then I’ll go to options and quit to main menu. Then I’ll try to launch into online mode and it usually allows me in without having to repeatedly get the “error, do you wish to play in offline” message. If I don’t do that, I just keep getting the “server unavailable” message repeatedly.

Give that a try until they fix it again. It’s annoying but maybe it’ll help in the short run.

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