Level Ideas for Future Games

I was going to reply to Heisenburg’s topic re: Everything you always wanted to know about my playstyle, but were afraid to ask with the text below, but thought it’d work better here.

Now. Inspired by an 80’s SEGA arcade game, Crackdown. Where you infiltrate an enemy base and place bombs in specific spots marked by a graffitied :x:. In this game there is no run function/animation. But you do have a clock for all the bombs you’re carrying and must exit the level before the time is over.

You could sneak around, but eventually (and most usually) you’ll need to take out enemies. You can punch or shoot…

Anyway, that’s not Hitman.

The whole point was that since Heisenberg doesn’t like to run - would he run if the timing was tight enough to where running would be the only feasible way to complete the mission? :smiling_imp:

Let’s suppose for a moment that you had a mission to plant a number of bombs, along with taking out a target. Sort of like the Bjarkhov Bomb. I think sinking the sub(?) is an optional objective (I can’t remember).

[imagine a briefing given by Diana with all the details so I don’t have to type them out here. I’m just not that creative. :sob: ]

You’ve got a group of bad guys with a leader who is your main target. You’re given 3 bombs to plant, all set to explode after 10 minutes (after starting the mission). You’ll need to take out some lab equipment :x:, some munitions and artillery :x:, and a server :x: that has data related to plans for operations on key targets (of this group). You do not have a detonator for the explosives. They’re only set as objectives and will go off after finishing the mission or when the time is over (10 minutes). Killing him first will make planting the bombs almost impossible. So you’ll need to plant the bombs, then take out the target all within 10 minutes, then exfiltrate. If the target isn’t killed within 10 minutes - the explosions will alert him and he’ll try to escape.

There might be a few logistics and routine to work out regarding the main target and why planting the explosives will all the sudden be “almost impossible” if he’s killed first. Maybe the target has a route amongst these 3 key :x: points.

I’m also thinking the mission is at night / under the cover of darkness. There’d be a warehouse… chain-link fence, cameras galore… Running might not be a good idea here since it’d raise suspicion. But that’s mainly due to the cameras. Shooting them will raise suspicions too. Either avoid/dodge them or find the best route.

In the security camera room, monitors would be connected to each camera. When a camera is taken out - the corresponding monitor loses a signal. :thinking: Take out too many cameras and you’ll have a sniper looking for you. :hushed:

That’s all I can think of for now. Other details might come to me in the future. But this seems like a pretty interesting (hypothetical) mission.

Edit: If it wasn’t obvious, you’d need to plant all 3 bombs within 10 minutes or you’ll be blown up for an

Mission Failed! ‘Agent Down’. :cry: