Location Tier Lists (Both User Submitted and from Other Sources)

Have done an updated tier list. I did a previous one which was when H3 was brand new and it had a recency bias. I also hadn’t compared everything properly, and was behind on HITMAN 2 because it wasn’t on epic at the time, so I was going off old memories.

Top right shows what game it is from and bottom left is there to show if it’s Patient Zero or a Special Assignment because they are their own weird thing. I labeled everything since I also posted this on other social media where they aren’t as Hitman savvy.


I don’t agree :wink: but I have to say I appreciate you adding the markers in the corners to denote which piece of content they are. Gives this list like 200% better readability :+1:


It probably wouldn’t be as needed if they didn’t give us two Miami missions with very similar icons.

I am okay with people misunderstanding what I say most of the time but I will never stand for people thinking I love the Atlantide mission more than the regular one. That is Jordan crossing a line.


hi! im new to the hitman community, and these are my thoughts on the maps! please feel free to let me know what you think of my tierlist.


10/10 Colorado is my favorite just love 4 targets :grinning:


Agreed, it gives the map so much more longevity.


Colorado is an amazingly constructed map. I definitely agree with this S Tier.


I can’t help but agree with the entirety of your A-tier!


I am wondering…Do you realise S stands for the best maps and F for the worst?I am asking you because:
1.By the way your tierlist looks right now your opinion is very unpopular(the maps which are usually considered the worst among the fans are on the S tier for you and the ones which are usually considered the best are on the F tier for you)
2.There are way too many missions on the bottom tiers(I mean…almost half of the missions are on the D and F tiers which is quite strange).


yes i am aware what s and f tier mean. ive used tier lists before. i may be new to the community, but i am a big fan of the games. this is just my opinion.


Welcome to the hitman community. Love your maps tiers:). Bangkok aswell. Ken Morgan has the best route for any target :slight_smile:


lovely tier list, though i wish mumbai was higher


I know I get we get see 47 so for long walks in Mumbai. Wish it was a bit bigger :wink:


hi i would put mendoza and bank in F as well and maybe marrakesh in S but other than that this is pretty accurate


I don’t want to sound rude to you,but I am not sure if I should consider this a joke or not…:sweat_smile:
Ok,well,even though I disagree with around 90% your tierlist,I still respect your opinion and to be honest,I am not interested at all to find out why you like the maps on the S tier so much.
However,I would kindly ask you to explain to me what you dislike about the maps on the F tier.:slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome to the forum. Are you in a part of the world where it’s still April 1st?


Why so passive aggressive? It’s a good tierlist.


This tier list is pretty good other than that fact that you think that Paris is good enough to be in F tier

  • Chongqing - its simply too crowded for my liking. its just a little big and i frequently get lost in it. the lighting is very dull and i do not like the colours.
  • Sapienza - it looks ugly and theres not enough mission stories. the virus is fun to eliminate however, but its overpowered by the horrible aspects of the map.
  • Dartmoor - it’s too bright for my liking and theres not enough bri ish people. i do love getting the case file, but the bright is an assault on my eyes
  • Paris - it is too difficult for me and the targets are simply dull. i dont like the cutscene either. bit weird.
  • Hokkaido - its just too big. i dont like how snowy it is, and theres too little ways to kill the targets. The mission stories are boring and it takes too long to kill erich soders.
    Haven - ill start this on a positive note. the enemy viewcones are great. i cant believe we still havent gotten a screwdriver unlock however - id like to be able to electrocute all the targets without having to run to get a screwdriver first. i dont know why ioi wouldnt just let us do that straight away.
    Miami - the laps are too short and the race ends too quickly. i cant reach the bridge to snipe the target. the biggest mechanic is the crowds, and theres hardly any crowds at all.
  • Berlin - not enough targets and were very limited. theres only 5 targets, its stupid. and theres hardly any creative freedom: every playthrough is basically the same.
  • Dubai - that mission story with that lucas grey guy is too long and boring for me. we never get any context as to why he want to do that, so it makes no sense. there is also too little gold in the map, which is very disapointing, i was hoping there would be more.
    id love to tell you about my s tier opinions however, i have a lot of information on them.

Wished Chongqing Rained a bit more :grinning: