Map lightning/bloom discussion

Didn’t knew this is a Thread about Sapienza lighting, but i wish you guys would care only half as much for a C47 Remaster like you do for the Lighting in a single fucking Level.

Oh and: the lighting was fine in every iteration, the problem is the god damn bloom.


Why remaster perfection?


To make it easier accessible for a lot of People: Console Gamers.


Can’t wait for a blind Sapi run made by Urben :sunglasses:

Can’t wait for C47 remaster with some added bloom here and here :sunglasses:


The Lord cannot play perfection on his PS4 :disappointed_relieved:


Every touch of it turns topics into Sapienza lightning threads. It is like a higher collective power.

But if it explodes from here the posts will be split. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


*PS5, what do you think i am, an Animal?? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I already addressed this:

Absolutely there is going to be subjectivity, but I can’t help but see a trend. Still, that is the point of configurability, precisely to avoid these kinds of arguments as people can pick whatever they want.

Yeah, at this point that is what I think is most likely. However, I don’t believe the modding community should shoulder the burden of trying to “fix” a game that is currently being actively supported by its developer.

I have a lot of faith in the modding community (as they’re pretty awesome) but going to them should ultimately be a last resort, at least until live support ends.

Agree 100%. Actually that is one of the upsides of having no color grading at all. Having aesthetic restraint shows maturity IMO.

Or maybe I’m reading way too deeply into post processing effects for a video game and I am going completely insane.

Yeah …

Probably that.

So I’ll put away the lighting discussion for now. Don’t want to derail everything. :stuck_out_tongue:

But I’m not giving up the fight. :triumph:


Since Colorado is the only map that matters I think we can see IOI has mostly learnt their lesson.

OG Colorado: perfect lighting.
GOTY Colorado: too pink
Current Colorado: almost perfect

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Too pink…for what?

For me.

My opinion is ultimate because I’m the one person that plays Colorado for fun.


I also enjoy Colorado a lot, its way better than fucking Bangkok, thats for sure.

I liked the GOTY pink Sky, had something very unique.


I actually didn’t mind the pink. But compared to what came before and after it suffered.

The team was just so good with Colorado that even a bad Colorado was a good one overall.

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Yeah, I kinda need to know the patch size. That way I can choose a film of suitable length to stick on while it downloads :smile: took me ~2 hours yesterday

Colorado lighting gang :muscle: absolute perfection for the map and atmosphere imo


Finally, people talking sense!


There’s a few of us


IOI give us 2 bonus missions in Colorado that just use the OG sky and the pink sky. That’s it. That’s all the DLC we need for this game.


“Mum they’re talking about lighting again, I’m scared.”


It’s a weird change because the problem with the new version of Sapienza was the skybox being a little ugly (IMO, I prefer the OG) and the excessive bloom (which I hear is somewhat affective by the clouds and sun in the level, so putting in the OG skybox would kill two birds). Now they’ve not fixed the problem, just made it a little darker. I wonder if this is a mistake, they would’ve mentioned it right? I actually liked how the bloom was used to make the climate seem warmer. In fact I think the H2 v2 version of Sapienza was really good, the horizon looked beautiful and it looked more natural to me than GOTY’s gaudy saturation. This will probably get reverted in a patch.

Like still I think that bloom aside most of the lighting currently is very good. Marrakesh, Bangkok and Hokkaido never looked better. Colorado is about on par with how it looked pre-GOTY. The only on I’m not big on is Paris and now Sapienza is a little worse. It’s still not as bad as Legacy v1, I remember some crazy guy ranted about it like it killed his dog on the old forum, but it’s like uncanny valley. It’s 5% worse.


Well in the patch notes, they only mentioned the destination background:

Sapienza Menu
We’ve updated the Destination background image for Sapienza to better reflect the current lighting.

So I was under the impression that they just changed the picture to get rid of the horrendous yellow-green filter that the map had when H2 released, and that “current lighting” is the one the map has had afterwards and upon H3´s release. But then again, why change only this one and not the others as well? (I believe it was you who pointed out it makes it look inconsistent now?)

So by “current lighting” they also may have well meant this new patched(?) look which was left completely unmentioned. I´m hoping it is a mistake… @Clemens_IOI @Travis_IOI Could you shed some light on this please? (pun - surprisingly - not intended)

I have yet to play Bangkok, Colorado, and Hokkaido in H3, so I´m curious how different they feel. Especially Colorado, which in H1GOTY and H2 felt visually a lot like Paris. Fingers crossed for an eventual mod with the OG Sapienza clouds/skybox though :crossed_fingers:

It´s indeed “only” 5%, but that apparently is enough to make my eyes sore and my gameplay experience suffer, almost being unbearable at times. And it´s not so much about the aesthetics as it is genuinely being uncomfortable, as if my laptop auto-decreased brightness and I couldn´t adjust it to a suitable level :persevere:

Well, there was no reason for it until the patch… :joy:

Yeah that might be necessary… Better get ready to pull a Van Damme on this one :grin: