Yea I know this mod is not the reason it’s not working. I just thought someone with more knowledge than me would know how long it might take for the SDK to get updated.
It will take as long as it takes.
All I wanted to know is how long it usually takes when these things happen. Is this the first time? If not how long did it take last time? I don’t need the George RR Martin response.
IOI have not done something like this since Year 1. The last few updates have been relatively smooth sailing for the SDK as no manual update has been required. When IOI were more “involved” it did need one or two things to be updated that would be relatively fast to do.
The changes IOI have made have inlined some functions (removed them from an SDK stand point), completely removed others (relating to freecam), and broke almost the entirety of the SDK. The developer is busy right now but has already made a start. You must remember that he is doing this for free in his own time.
So I say again, it will take as long as it takes.
Thank you for actually taking the time to explain this. That’s all I wanted to know.
Fun fact, if you have access to an earlier version of the Retail folder (Don’t ask me, it was on Discord and I don’t have link) you can still use the SDK and mods
That’s what I’ve done just so I can use the bloody modding tools again, but I will wait for SDK to be updated to released to update this mod. And I would class this as a pretty big and good update. I will basically put out whatever I have when the SDK goes live.
Current status:
- Splitter variant - Complete (Haven’t tested suspect positions in ICA Facility but only handful of rooms are really different so should be mostly fine)
- Cuba (Territory Takedown) - Complete (Tiny tweaks to do that affect Cuba generally)
- Cuba (Showdown) - TBD
- Yacht (Takedown + Showdown) - TBD
- Bug fixes and improvements - Mostly Done
I’ve only just started working the past couple days, as I was hoping SDK would be updated until that point
For those desperate for a working SDK…
I was too desperate and activated the mod during a campaign instead of starting a new one, resulting in a little misalignment.
Oh dear, never mix vanilla and Hawke’s Bay option in the same campaign. That is not how pavlova is made.
A thousand thanks… You’re a legend
I had that happen to me but the opposite. Instead of having no maps to select a showdown, I had two maps to select a showdown
It was the same situation then
The screenshots were from before and after the showdown, which was the third mission of the second syndicate because the game thought it was the first syndicate. Afterward, I got to select a new syndicate, though the screen said the showdown was supposed to happen.
I’m not even sure there was much of a problem with continuing, but I aborted the campaign just to be sure.
In Whittleton Creek (Sunset with the Serial Killer), some of the FBI agents seem to count as wearing separate outfits? I already wore the disguise but some allowed me to switch into it again, others showed the “already wearing disguise” message.
I see you’re in alerted mode, long story short I used a weird method to convert the normal NPCs, and then alerted brick came along and added new NPCs who weren’t converted by the variant, so I came up with a hodgepodge solution. I could look into a better solution if it really annoys you
The new SDK has officially been released now, you guys let me know if there are any issues with FV
1.8 - Splitting Cuba
Big update. For those unaware the new SDK release is available here. I’ve integrated The Splitter of course, and the recently finished Cuba mod, as well as some other improvements and fixes.
- New location with its own non-Soviet scenario. Has day and night variants. By default it will be enabled in the Ambrose Island slot based on previous poll, but it can also be enabled on Haven Island. Alerted bricks are disabled on both once you use the variant picker website; however Haven’s alerted brick literally does nothing, so nothing is lost by it being disabled
- The Rage variant has now become “ETs” variant with inclusion of The Splitter. Since The Block is emptied by The Splitter I’ve used Streets/Restaurant suspect points from Noodle for showdowns. I’ve also gone over the Facility and re-placed suspect points because Splitter removes so many chairs and tables vanilla uses, I may have missed some stuff but gimme a break alright.
- All ‘dry’ ToDs now have grey tiles on the ground instead of the weird yellow. We are in Kansas any more.
- Noodle Massacre: Propane flask returned to The Block.
- Midday: ~30 targets added to list, more NPC scripts tweaked (Requires JSON update as uses new file)
- ETs: Replaces stationary party target with 2 better party targets
- Midday: Removes floating lamp in surgical wing
- Patient Zero: Adds more targets
Hantu Port
- Suspects should no longer sit on air while smoking
- The Source: Removes Freelancer NPC who has conflicting loop (Paul Jeffrey), guard target in militia area now has correct uniform
- ETs: Replaces [redacted] with [redacted]
- Sandbox The Vector: Removes table from default spawn shack so you can vault back out the window
- Removes floating interpol badges at passenger spawn… I think
- Non-vanilla: Removes broken vanilla target who stands in doorway forever (Lars Vegas)
- Noodle Massacre now mandatory deployment, so you may as well have it on your variant list.
- Makes Peacock Hawke’s Bay slot option description clearer
Requires JSON update, of course
No worries, I just post anything unusual and potentially buggy I come across .
Very nice, I look forward to the new location and variant. Will probably turn off all other variants to see them sooner .
1.8.1 - Havana Hotfix
Guess I didn’t properly playtest Haven version of Cuba after all
- Cuba spawns now work properly in Haven Island slot
- Chongqing and Cuba assassins now have localised accents to blend in better
2 years later, I have too this unknown issue “RUST_BACKTRACE” only with this mod with the feature Hawke’s Bay Map Slot (via SDK or via Peacock Plugin) sadly
I saw Kevin’s pinned post on Nexus, I’m desperate
I’m cursed
@hardware If you have a fix or someone, I’ll take it
I’ll have to reinstall the game… maybe for nothing. Anyway, this is my last hope
UPDATE : Reinstalling the game solves the problem. I’m so happy… FINALLY
It was a issue with games files or SMF
Is anybody else experiencing crashes when loading Ambrose-Cuba for a showdown?
Haven-Cuba does work for a showdown, but 47 spawns in the hangar when it’s the day version.
Didn’t notice any issues during non-showdowns on either Ambrose-Cuba or Haven-Cuba.
That is exactly the issue that should be fixed in the latest hotfix Did you download it?
I just had a look at the variant picker website and it turns out I forgot to tell it to clear Ambrose Showdown’s bricks, so it’s still trying to load Ambrose at the same time as loading Cuba!
However this is now fixed, reload your JSON on the website and regenerate and it should be okay