[MOD] Real Yacht

Real Yacht

A yacht has docked at Miami, 47. On board you’ll find Kalvin Ritter throwing a party. This isn’t a simulation, this is field training.

What does it do?

With the SDK mod you can replace online mode’s Freeform Training, its escalation and all contracts with the new Miami yacht. Without the SDK mod it will only replace the offline Freeform Training mission. I could come up with a Peacock plugin later to replace Peacock’s Freeform Training prologue mission, but the SDK does the same thing for Peacock as it does for online mode. Guided Training and Contract Creation Tutorial remain untouched in all versions.

This mod adds loadout and difficulties to the story/prologue contract of Freeform Training . It also changes the mission name to “The Sparrow” since it is no longer ‘training’. Just ignore Diana’s training lines lel.


In offline mode the mission appears in Miami not ICA Facility


Very similar to Freelancer Variations

  1. Get SMF
  2. Get the SDK. Put the SDK FILES in your HITMAN3\Retail folder
  3. Grab the Real Yacht SDK mod and put it in HITMAN3\Retail\mods
  4. Grab the Real Yacht SMF mod and install it using SMF Mod Manager’s “Add A Mod” button.
  5. Launch the game! You should get a popup of the SDK if it’s your first time, if the mods list isn’t showing then press ` then the Mods button to bring up the list, then select RealYacht and press OK.

Changes From Vanilla
Ideally like Welcome To Cuba we’d want to keep the gameplay the same so there’s no leaderboard or speedrun dis/advantage. However when we started this project almost two months ago we did not believe we’d ever be able to replace the online versions of this map, so we changed a lot more things than I did in Welcome To Cuba. However I’ve tried to return most of them since online replacement became possible this week. Since there are no leaderboards in Prologue I decided to have a bit more leeway than contracts mode.

Changes in contracts mode

  • Spawn point mechanic has a different route and no longer spends the entire game with his back to you
  • You now have to pass through a locked door to get into garage, there is no open window (But you spawn with a lockpick so…)
  • The bartender who can be dismissed now goes to a different area to smoke

Changes in mission mode

  • Simple CCTV system
  • More setpieces including kills like oil drums and a car lift
  • No longer a table of guns just laying around at the spawn
  • Trespassing system overhauled to use new Invitation system, but your window of securing an invitation off a guest is brief.
  • Loadout choice (Yes, even online!)
  • Difficulties (Yes, even online!)
  • Mission name changed to “The Sparrow”

Team Ruddcy
@Kevin_Rudd - Project co-lead, map integration/splicing, NPC changes, Gameplay changes, all Dock mapping, furniture replacement and some additions, Sound work, immersion changes, various odd jobs, minor ship mapping, Lighting
@Kercyx - Project co-lead, Ship interior mapping, Ship exterior mapping, model editing/creation, texture/material changes, additional furnishing changes

@piepieonline - Replaces online versions of VR, Contracts mode, escalation and mission scenes/bricks. Enables Loadouts and Difficulties.

Freelancer (currently unreleased) contributors
Luka - Additional NPCs, drink bar replacements
AtomicForce - Navmesh work

Future Updates?

  • Maybe Peacock Plugin for those who HATE the SDK
  • Add dedicated NPC to steal party invite from on Dock, and stop players getting trapped in the unused security hut

What are you still reading this for? Go download and play!


finally, after 18 years, real boat.


Once again, awesome work. Thanks to everybody involved! The Yacht looks very cool with the Miami backdrop.


Looks even better than the Airfield. Amazing work once again, can’t wait for the freelancer addition too.

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There’s a crew cabin in the lower decks… Outside of it in the hall a worker/maintenance guy(?) is painting the wall. Inside and out in the hall where it turns a corner, there is an invisible box or something you can’t move past. You can get through by the corner but it’s narrow.

I’ll edit with a screenshot… Sorry if you know about it already.


Hey thanks yeah, someone on Discord pointed it out to us, we’ll hopefully have an update out within 10 hours fixing many issues that have been discovered.

Such as Levels 4 and 5 of the escalation being very buggy. And Ritter standing inside of a chair when he goes to his computer :grimacing:

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Another thing I’ve just noticed, and this is pretty minor, but despite having the loadout selection included, you can’t choose to “Replan Mission” from the pause menu, only restart or exit to menu if you want to change your loadout.
Idk if that’s even possible to include but thought I’d point it out.
But again, not a big deal at all if it’s not a thing, I’m amazed this even works on official servers!

Btw I also want to add that the Yacht and Cuba feel so much less claustrophobic without being surrounded by enormous concrete walls, so thanks for making it feel more open and expansive despite the map still being as small, even just that gives it a completely different vibe.

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This is a known issue and will be in the next version of SDK mod (release at same time as SMF mod update, but you’ll need to manually grab from Nexus)

And you’re welcome, I agree x

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1.1 - Day One Update

So there were some little bugs and issues, shoot us. We fixed it, didn’t we?


  • Adds dumpster to outside garage door (Story only) and brings back vanilla fencing and props. Now the gate is locked instead of garage door
  • Sitting lounge man no longer floats in air
  • Moves lounge tables so 47 can fit next to them
  • Mechanic blend in spot now works
  • Helicopter now flies away in escalation exit
  • Random unwalkable spots in boat should be walkable
  • Floors and walls should no longer disappear when you look at them from certain angles
  • Moves Ritter’s chair out of way
  • NPCs should no longer walk through the wall to garage toilet
  • Guard Enforcers complication should now work in Levels 4 and 5 of the escalation

While the SMF mod gets autoupdated if you click the button you must download the updated SDK mod from Nexus page

Also a reminder in Offline Mode the story mission is found in MIAMI, because that’s where the boat is docked.

I’ve heard about Peacock issues, I don’t have time to look into them right now


What are the requirements for this mod? Just SMF?

I wonder if this can include the Miami map with it’s NPCs. :flushed:

Great work Kevin!


SMF and the modding SDK if you want to use it online.

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Make sure it’s enabled in the SDK too.


We were trying that for Freelancer but the Navmesh technology is too glitchy for my liking to release, my compatriots are hopeful it will be more acceptable… at some point

And Kercy! (and piepieonline)

Please refer to Nexus pinned comment


And those! :clap: Pardon me


I shot the door to distract the NPC, he opened the door by getting too close to it, I went inside… And now I’m locked in! :joy:


Yeah this has been pointed out on Discord, it’ll be on the list for next update. For some reason IO made that consulate door unable to be unlocked on one side and locked on the other. I underestimated how many people would get trapped in that pointless, electronically locked room!

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Can’t wait to get home and play it, looks amazing!


The latest game update may or may not break the Modding SDK, so you could be waiting a while… to play online/Peacock at least lel

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This mod’s momentum was really ruined with the SDK breaking, here’s a suitable version for now (Haven’t confirmed it works with the mod)
