Official Community HALLOWEEN 🎃 Featured Contracts Submissions Thread (CLOSED)

Contract ID: 1-28-4526431-18
Platform: PC (epic)
Submitter name: Steventjeeee
Contract Title: The Haunted Mansion
Location: Dartmoor
Briefing: The mansion staff reported to the Carlisles that they saw something strange, something vague, something that looked like, A GHOST! Since that moment there were multiple attacks on the family members, but they survived all of them.

We don’t know why the ghost wants to make an end to the Carlisle family, but i think it is good to help him with his task.

Brief Description: In this contract you help the ghost that haunts the Carlisle family. You need to kill the targets in different ways with different disguises. You need to assasinate Patrick with a chandelier. You can do that with a well timed pistol shot. You need to kill Alexa with an accident explosion (i used a propane) and you can eliminate Gregory in any way you want while dressed as mansion staff (the easiest way is also a chandelier drop) And the last target is Rebecca, you need to kill her with a shotgun. You can grab the shotgun from the hunter display (or you can bring a shotgun from your inventory) You need to kill her with the Mansion staff disguise, so the shotgun becomes illegal to carry. This makes it a bit more challenging. You need to figure out a way to not get seen while running through the hallways. Then you need to shoot her and quickly hide her in a box or closet. (The easiest way is to clear out the guard in the room and the maid in the hallway) I think this contract is fun for every player, speedrunner or casual player.

Featured Contract image: