Official Community PRIDE Featured Contracts Submissions

Thank you! I think it’s pretty cool. And I get your point about the conditions, I like the freedom too.

In this case, the no non-target kill condition is there to facilitate and play into the idea of having having to spare the one Herald’s (the ‘client’) life.

The camera / never spotted complications are just… well what respectable HMF member ever breaches those anyway?

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Which raises the question why they were added in the first place. :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s a good point! Well, it is what it is, I like idea of challenging the casuals…

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Contract ID: 1-29-3989960-54
Platform: PC
Submitter Name: LoyalMcTinFoil
Contract Title: The Prideful Persecution
Briefing: “Good Evening, 47. Your targets are five prideful party-animals soaking up the spotlight at a Berlin rave. Nicholas “Florida Man” Velmorres has made a living on utterly ridiculous news articles and believes himself superior to everyone else.Manfred Messmann feels more important than Club Holle and is betraying it to the ICA, a pair of DJs ready to post their album on Spotify and Agent Banner. Be proud and make your kills flashy!

Custom Complication: Loud & Proud (Unsilenced Weapons Only)”
Brief Description: For this contract you must kill various targets with loud or flashy kills and hide their bodies before anyone comes. Mastering the art of running away is a must. No changing disguises and no pacifications (optional) either! Five targets but 2 stand next to each other and are there to make killing another target easier.
Location: Berlin
Image Suggestion: A close up of the tree from the DJ kill opportunity. Preferably lit up via the lights below.


Well the problem with “do not get spotted” is that you lose it even if the target spots you, and we know that you can kill the target who has spotted you and still get your SA back. But you will still lose that objective and as a result the 20,000 points. That’s why that particular complications sucks really bad. Remove that complication and it’ll become a fun contract.


Contract ID: 2-30-5550679-57
Platform: Playstation
Submitter name: Lucas
Contract Title: A Prideful Assassin’s Tale

It was only a matter of time before pride got to the legendary Agent 47’s head…
During a rainy night at the neon streets of Chongqing, 47 decided to eliminate his 4 biggest competitors at the ICA, but giving his formula a twist:
Instead of using his surroundings as a weapon, he used his surrounding’s different weapons.

Did pride prove a weakness to 47? Or did he succeed at his unexpected new formula?
The answer is up to you.

Brief Description: Four target, suit only contract at Chongqing. The weapons required for each of the targets may be a little unexpected. The targets are also reasonably spread out but thanks to the weapon selection, a specific order is not dictated.
Location: Chongqing, China
As for image suggestion, I think 47 in the Narcissus suit killing Shirong Dai with the fire axe should work. But I appreciate any better ideas.

Small note

If the briefing is too big, you might want to cut off the two question and that last sentence.

Edit: The no disguise change complication was previously shown incorrectly on the main menu due to a bug. The complication IS optional.


Contract ID: 2-27-7875692-28
Platform: PS4
Submitter name: Genetiksknoll
Contract Title: The Prideful Architects
Briefing: Your targets are three prideful architects currently present at the Scepter in Dubai, Omar Al-Ghazali, Lucy Philips, and Sebastian Seto. Our client has informed us that they’ve been boastful of building extremely ornate buildings with several dangerous flaws for less money. 5 people have died because of their pride in their deadly work and our client wants you to settle the score, in addition our client requests each death is framed as an accident due to structural flaws.
Brief Description: The targets are Omar Al-Ghazali, Sebastian Seto and Lucy Philips.

I made this contract with multiple ways of completing it in mind, and Sa/So being possible. The restrictions on changing disguises and bodies being seen offer a fun challenge. But avoiding being spotted to only being optional allows a bit more brute force.
Location: Dubai


I still say no disguise change is a BS complication. Make it optional or don’t include it. It’s a core game mechanic and always has been.


Nah it isn’t. Can be turned into a great puzzle contract.

Best example that comes to mind is a Marrakesh contract from Urben that had 3 targets. Based on your choice of starting location (school or consulate for example), the first kill would be free and easy, but you would be tresspassing when getting to the others.

But all complications should always be optional.


Here’s my Pride batch FC submission! Hope you guys find it interesting :slight_smile:

Contract ID: 1-31-4948778-28
Platform: PC
Submitter name: nmokey
Contract Title: The Proud Winery Worker

Briefing and Objectives

Brief Description: This contract starts in the vineyard and ends wherever you choose to kill Don, so there are plenty of ways to go about the objectives. I chose the targets to be not a free kill, but also not impossible to kill SA. The theme of the contract is taking each target’s disguise and moving onto the next, which I think ties in nicely with the Pride theme.
Location: Mendoza, Argentina

Featured Contract Image suggestion

This or something similar of 47 doing one of the kills. I don’t have Ansel so I can’t get cool melee pictures, but you get the idea :smiley:

That’s my submission! Hope you guys like the concept :stuck_out_tongue:


I have a contract inspiration. Sapienza/Land-Slide. But I believe I’ll hold out until ‘Envy’ is the current Sin. I could also do Marrakech/Gilded Cage, and/or Dartmoor/Death in the Family. Then I have to decide if I want all accidents, or a lethal melee item hunt for certain targets.


Contract ID: 3-31-6797321-87
Platform: Xbox
Submitter name: TMoney #6737
Contract Title: The Over-Acheivers

Briefing: Good afternoon 47, A competitor agency called ‘The Over-Achievers’ have been studying every hit you’ve made, and have intercepted us in Mendoza to put an end to you. They believe that they can easily take you down. Use your Pride.Two of your targets who are in charge of the mission, are making calls to each other both on high alert. The other targets can be found throughout of the party, unaware of your presence. We have no Intel on the possible items our targets have either. Pride 47, Pride…

Brief Description: A competitor agency wants 47 to be taken care of, due to his previous hits he’s made. He is too dangerous and could expose even more agencies to come, and that is a big threat to any secret agency. Use your Pride to plan/eliminate your targets. Your clearly better than them.

Location: Mendoza, Argentina

Image: A picture of Leonard Bright drinking a lethal glass of Pinot Noir while 47 watches.

PS: This is my first time ever creating a contract that could be featured, and it would be amazing if this got featured.


As much as I love contracts in locations I’m more familiar with… Sorry, only Dartmoor would work at the moment:


Is the submissions limited to one per person?

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It usually isn’t. But it’s more likely that you’ll get one chosen rather than 2… Unless they’re really good. Or you’re in a relationship with the curator for that month.


Contract ID:1-31-9597212-76
Platform: PC
Submitter name:LuoyingQAQ
Contract Title: Sin and Pride
47. Wake up.

I’m your old friend peacock. Welcome back to Mendoza. Your performance in Chongqing didn’t disappoint me. Diana burnwood’s cry made me crazy. The reason for you to come here this time is to make her “shut up” again. But it’s not to eliminate her, but to eliminate the five targets and frighten her. I need them to die cruelly and secretly. No one is to stop God,. After this action, we will never meet again.

Don’t let me down, 47. This operation is very important.

Good luck,47.
Brief Description:Five targets can be eliminated by five different ways and only wearing a suit to express the pride in your heart. The contract is very difficult, but isn’t it a kind of pride?
Location:Mendoza, Argentina
Featured Contract Image:


Quick PSA to everyone:

It appears contract creation is bugged (at least on PS5) and all optional complications are shown as non-optional on the objectives tab in the menu, but optional while checking the objectives within the contract itself.

Here are a few pictures of how the bug affects my contract. The no disguise complication IS optional but it is indicated incorrectly on the main menu.


Same here on XBox. I intended my contract to have optional complications, but it made them non-optional upon publishing. At least it doesn’t say that you will fail the mission if you violate the complication. I think that’s the bug. It says “complication” without the (optional), so they in fact are optional. My contract still works though, and is do-able without being too tough. I don’t think Dartmoor has any cameras anyway? I can’t recall…it’s early and I haven’t had my coffee yet.:yawning_face: Also, I dismissed the hide all bodies in containers complication, even though I was able to do it on my creation run through. I didn’t want to make a ball buster as I enjoy seeing others try my contract. That’s the fun of it, I believe.:sunglasses:

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Yeah it has been like this since launch and still hasn’t been fixed. Won’t show optional when browsing contracts, but shows correctly once you have started the contract and check it in the menu.

@Clemens_IOI, since we are already at this topic, I hope you can get this fixed on the next update.


I have no problem on PS4 with contracts creation.

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