PatteDeFruit Livestreams

Hello guys :blush:

This topic will be dedicated to my HITMAN livestreams.

Stay tuned for next broadcasts!

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– Previous Streams –


November 2nd:


Hello everybody :blush:

Join me this thursday night for a special HITMAN livestream!

I will be completing different challenges from the IOI 25th Anniversary roadmap.

This is also the opportunity for you to get the Purple Suit for free!

Starting around 9PM CEST (8PM GMT) and it will probably last a good part of the night.

Streaming will be available on Twitch: Twitch

Cya there :wink:


Thank you for joining yesterday’s stream.

Unfortunately a lot of technical problems ruined the ensemble :confused:

Anyway a recording of the stream is available and might be uploaded on platforms in a later time :+1:

A livestream of the second part of the challenges is planned in a near future. Stay tuned to be informed of its broadcast :pager:

Cya soon :wink:


November 4th:


Hi there :smiling_face:

Streaming part II of the challenges in a few hours, come watch if you want :slight_smile:


Thank you guys for joining yesterday’s livestream dedicated to IOI 25th Anniversary Challenges :cursed_grin:

Next broadcast scheduled in a few days, stay tuned to know the date :pager:

Cheers :blush:

November 20th:


Hello guys :blush:

Join me tonight on twitch for a new HITMAN livestream !

There will be two parts:

  • Part one will be dedicated to the latest HITMAN Elusive Target: The Drop.

I will reveal you my Silent Assassin playthrough, and we will try to complete the target again on live :sweat_smile:

There will also be a showcase of playthroughs from other players, some are very interesting!

  • Part two will be fully dedicated to Freelancer gamemode and we will start a new campaign together.

Note: Depending how the first part plays the second part might be scheduled for a later time instead.

I hope to see you there :wink:


Thank you for joining yesterday’s livestream dedicated to HITMAN Elusive Targets and Freelancer Mode.

Sadly a lot of technical issues have messed with the playthrough, looking forward to improve the next recordings :+1:

Stay tuned to know the date of the next broadcast :desktop_computer:

It was also the opportunity for me to release some stuff. Check out the Elusive Target playlist with 3 different targets from the HITMAN trilogy:

More content coming soon, stay tuned!

November 23rd:


New HITMAN stream starting in an hour!


Thank you for passing by and watching the stream. Cya soon :wink:


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– More Information –

Details about the streams will be posted here.


The Undying 2024 Cancelled Stream:

The Undying Livestreams: Part I (CANCELLED!)

Join me this weekend for for the first part of The Season Of The Undying livestreams.

Introduction to the Season of the Undying

For the first part of this event, this will be for me the occasion to introduce you to The Season Of Undying Event through videos, live playthroughs and commentaries all centered around Mark Faba and The Undying pack DLCs.

Twitch Drop (CANCELLED!)

As you saw, there’s an exclusive twitch drop happening. Come and watch me live to get the Purple Duck exclusive twitch drop for FREE!

The Undying Pack DLC FREE Giveaway (DELAYED!)

This will also be your chance to get a grab on a FREE The Undying pack DLCs key, so stay tuned for more updates :wink:

Note: delayed to another stream :frowning:

Stream starts Friday night:


I hope to see you there :slight_smile:

UPDATE: For some reasons the planets weren’t properly aligned with that short event window. The first part of the stream is therefore cancelled :frowning:

Other part of the streams should happen as intended anyway, more details here:

- Season Of The Undying: Community Events -

Stay tuned for updates!


About time :blush:

Join me starting tonight for the third (and last) part of The Season Of The Undying Community Events!

It will be divided into two streams:

PART I (Tonight): Arcade Pack DLC Live Playthrough

The Undying is now available permanently through the Arcade mode and a dedicated DLC was even released, with new suits and items.

For the first part of the livestreams i will unfold the brand new 2024 Undying DLC pack on HITMAN and play it live on twitch.

I will try it all and even give you a chance to get your hands on the DLC for free through another contest. Watch the stream or stay tuned on social medias and hitmanforum for more updates :wink:

PART II (Monday night): Elusive Target(s) Playthroughs + Live Commentaries

For the second and last part of the twitch livestreams we will discover the Elusive Target form of The Undying through different playthroughs and live commentaries.

This livestream will also be for me the occasion to reveal you my 2024 Silent Assassin playthrough of The Undying, for the first time ever on twitch.

See also: Year 4, The Undying returns (March 22 - April 21 2024) - #58 by PatteDeFruit

Additional Notes: There will be technical tests during the day, but the stream is for tonight.

Stay tuned on hitmanforum and for updates about the start of livestreams.

Thanks again to @IOI and @Combatglue for their patience and making this possible :+1:

I hope to see you there :slight_smile:

Cya soon!

The Undying Livestreams - PART I

Thank you for joining me in yesterday’s livestream dedicated to the Hitman Season Of The Undying 2024 :dart:


For those who missed it, you can watch the replay on the channel.

Second (and last) part of the streams starting approximately within an hour on twitch: Twitch :satellite:

Cya there :sunglasses:

The Undying Livestreams - PART II


- Season Of The Undying: Community Events - - #13 by PatteDeFruit

Twitch replays:


Undying Elusive Target Playthroughs:

Year 4, The Undying returns (March 22 - April 21 2024) - #162 by PatteDeFruit

Thank you people for being part of the events and watching the contents :+1:
Special thanks to @IOI for making this possible :+1:

Cheers :sunglasses:

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– Next Stream –

Details about next stream will be posted here.



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New HITMAN livestream today :satellite:

  • “The Liability” Elusive Target Live :dart:
  • Continuing The Freelancer Campaign :world_map:

Cya there :sunglasses:

Thank you for joining yesterday’s livestream :satellite:

The replay is available to watch on twitch:

Cheers and cya on another stream :sunglasses: