Player-Made Elusive Contracts (All Platforms)

Already passed, my dude. I’m uploading the new contract details as we speak. Sorry for the delay, everyone. Not long now.

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A fictional deadline? Sorry if I missed something there.

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No, that deadline is real. It was earlier today. When I upload mine it will be 7 days from that.

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JFC, I thought this was the fan made contract thread.


Agents, your next contract has just come in.



[Location: New York]
[Targets: 3]
[Special Conditions: YES]

PS ID: 2-24-4517478-98
XB ID: Needs Recreation
PC ID: 1-24-0573610-62 (thanks djsojus)

Agent, we’ve been recruited by an organization known only as CLUCK.

Their crusade is to take down all poultry-related businesses, starting with the fast-food giant, the CFC.
Our contract is to eliminate two major stockholders, one vault guard and either crash the stock market to ruin the CFC’s brand or rescue three fossilized chicken eggs in the vault, to keep them from harm at the hands of ETHER.

It might seem daunting, but I’m sure you can rise to the occasion.

Your Objectives Are: (READ CAREFULLY)

Kill 3 Targets:

  • Jimmie Gladwyn
  • Abbey Simcox
  • Elvis Lankford


You MUST complete ONE of these objectives: (+you get a bonus 20,000 points)

  • Steal the 3 Fossilized Eggs from the Vault [Imperial Fabergé Eggs]
  • Crash the Stock Market

There are multiple ways to complete each.

HINTS For the Vault for those who forget:

  • You can get in through the Keycard in the Guard Room nearby (locked in a safe). – also maybe using a Keycard Hacker works? I’m not sure.
  • You can disable the Vault Security in the IT room, then pop open the unlock button with a crowbar.

HINTS For the Stock Market Crash for those who forget:

  • You can give the investigative reporter Ruby Red the secret Cronkite Files, located in a safe in the level.
  • You can manually sell all the stocks at the New York central computer on the Investment Banker floor. Good luck luring away those NPCs!

Good luck, agents.

THIS CONTRACT WILL EXPIRE ON Sunday, April 25, 2021 3:59 AM EDT

My hubris has failed me

Hopefully the video briefing is good enough that you can imagine what would have been the final product, had I had the experience, skill, time, and general motivation to see it all through. At the bare minimum I was aiming for the style of the 2016 Elusive Briefings, as those had mostly still images with some Lore/Intel text overlayed. What came out in the end is presentable, but it’s got its faults. (Overly long, complex script, unfinished Intel cards, no Intel text, poor audio mixing.)

Lately it’s been a pretty stressful time, and my motivation and energy has been in flux, so many attempts to sit down and do this were met with little progress. What I did get out should be good enough. (While the contract might be… different. I love the spectacle behind it.) I particularly like the “ICA Intel” overlay I used to cover-up the Camera Options for the in-game clips. I’d have loved to have the freedom of camera that PC users have, but I think I made do really well with that.
I’m open for criticism and feedback. In the future I hope at the least to make a snazzy Contract Details Card like Contractor does really well.


this clip is too perfect holy crap


I’ll recreate for Xbox due to my lack of reading comprehension. Currently have a 9 month old boy and 11 week Golden Retriever keeping me busy. I BLAME THEM!



If you do that, though, you wouldn’t be eligible to win this contract, since it’s as if you’d already “played it”. (This is meant to be a blind-run, but all in good competition.)

The targets are

The Bank Vault Guard standing right in front of the Vault doors, Elvis Lankford
The Investment Banker lady opposite the Termination Form, Abbey Simcox
The Investment Banker man who patrols the hallway littered with papers and workers. He often goes into the bathroom and to the end of the hallway for a smoke.

If you do participate for fun, here’s our rules for the best, most tense enjoyment.

  1. Turn INSTINCT , NPC ICONS and the MINI-MAP off in the options menu. This is to simulate the traditional “purist” experience. All other gameplay assists may be left on.

  2. Play the contract posted below ONCE , and once only, without restarting for any reason, simulating a real-life hit, with only one, solitary, chance to succeed. Also please resist watching other people’s videos before attempting the contract yourself, in the name of fairness.

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That’s fine, it’ll be good karma.

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Honestly it seems like one of those things where you could have spend forever doing it and never been truly satisfied with what you made (have to remember IO has a team of professionals making theirs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

I’m just glad you put it out. Thought it was really cool, good lore and even in storyboard mode was awesome to watch and one of the most creative things I’ve seen in a while :green_heart: I am slightly curious what your British take would’ve been like tho :wink:

Also I don’t know why but “Print their own birds” really cracks me up :smile:


:eyes: frantically re-records the audio track

Yeaaah, I know… :sweat_smile: I don’t have a major in Graphic Design like I’m sure IO’s Cinematic Team does. Those in-house briefings are SLICK.

Aw, shucks. I’ve seen a few others somewhere around here post their own fan-made briefings for contracts, and they’re for sure a step above this (one of them looks almost exactly like how the current ET format looks like, and I’m stunned at how accurate it is).
But thanks for the confidence boost. :+1: I might try this again in the future when I’ve got less life stress and am willing to put the time in.

And yeah, I figured “print their own birds” would be something super shocking yet equally cheesy Diana might put into one of her own scripts. :grin:

EDIT: WHAT. I thought my voice-over was a bit shaky at times, but I checked out the Youtube Autogenerated Subtitles for fun, and… It can detect my words perfectly! It even spells out “Charles Begum” perfectly!! Either I’m good at this, or Google updated it, or both. I’m shocked, shocked!


Oh, I love New York! Played it so many times I even know the locations of the targets by heart (and I know how to kill them)!
Will recreate this for PC.
Btw: Really cool briefing video!

Edit: PC-ID 1-24-0573610-62
Love this contract! Will probably play it a few times as it has so many interesting approaches and routes possible.


Great job, Sir Chicken. Loved the video briefing. Very professional.

I believe I shall attempt to steal the eggs, because my computing skills (even in a fictional setting where I literally have to press one button) are not to be trusted.


Great briefing, someone’s putting in some effort. :smile:
Even though the targets weren’t that difficult, I did fuck up royally. I’ve crashed the stocks like that many times so it went smoothly, but things after that didn’t. Getting spotted by that first banker I took out was careless, just like not checking my surroundings when I pushed that lady over the railing. Some guy just happened to appear at the wrong time, I didn’t know the fire alarm would move people around that much. :sweat_smile: Then there was Savalas’ bodyguard and…yeah.
I also didn’t know that second target would come to the stairs, that’s a new one. That kill went smoothly at least.
The last surprise was that guard dragging the banker lady’s body in the vault security room. Well, my “no bodies found” was already ruined.

At least no one else died and I got out alive. :upside_down_face: Score? 87 467 if crashing the stocks gives me extra 20k. Though that’s a mandatory objective anyway if I got it right. Thanks for the contract and thanks to @djsojus for recreating it. :smile:


For what it’s worth, nice job.
Crashing the stocks is the more time-consuming, difficult objective of the two, so I’m surprised someone willingly chose to do it.

It was pretty damn hilarious seeing you pull the fire alarm, and in your attempt to subdue that one NPC away from the group, it turns out he’s an enforcer. Then, another NPC lingers nearby when you kill Abbey.
And yeah, Jimmie Gladwin is a fairly easy NPC kill, since he goes to a ledge, smokes a cigarette, and snifs cocaine in the bathroom, but I figure there’s enough enforcers to Investment Bankers/Vault Security in the hallway and security hub nearby that there’s a bit of a challenge to it.

Yup. That’s right. 87k.
It’s a mandatory objective, but I decided it would be a nice buffer to give someone an extra 20 thousand points, in case Silent Assassin was ruined - and you’re the perfect example of that… for now. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Yeah robbing the vault would usually be more reliable and faster but I had come up with this strat earlier so it was worth a try. The mass panic with the fire alarm and then scaring the people even more by throwing a coin (lol) really helps getting everyone away from the computer.
Well, it still cost me my score in another way. :sweat_smile:
Oh and btw, the stocks can be crashed as an IT worker very easily, you can just ask the guy leave the computer. Not sure if you knew.


Lol I had no idea. I know there’s enforcers in that area, so that probably kept me from getting any closer to him. I usually cause a bullet panic to get them away from the computer.

I followed the rules.

Whoop. 5/5 stars. 177,372 points (including the 20,000 bonus).

Targets dead, fossilized eggs recovered. Hopefully our client has the technology to print chickens, too. For the prosperity of all chicken-kind, of course. The world can never have enough chickens.

I played this contract immediately after IOI’s official elusive contract, and I enjoyed this a lot more. These targets had the courtesy to stay in one area. The Collector was annoying. lol


Rules followed.

Probably shouldn’t have gone for the loud kill at the end. :grin:

152,234 (w/ Egg Bonus) in 9:42.


Very nice job, David. Love the dedication to the fibre wire for two of the targets. You’re in the lead.

I’ll see what kinds of 3D printers the client has, maybe we can get some more poultry around here.

Also nice job @ZeroGravitas. Too bad you got unlucky with those NPCs at the end. The Investment Banker disguise has quite a few enforcers.