Player-Made Elusive Contracts (All Platforms)

Okay, since this comment got enough likes from the active members, I’ll set up a poll for the updated duration of these contracts. Please vote.

Tagging the regulars: @Crewdy @djsojus @linux_penguin @ColdDayInHell @Krikkit2021 @Viv @bgyorok @Beldingford @TheChicken

How long do you want these ETs to be available for?
  • 10 days
  • 14 days

0 voters

Followed the rules. I also started in a suit and eliminated Kleiner with fiber wire, didn’t do the other optional objectives.
Score: 93,674+20,000+7,500+10,000=131,174
I got the easiest possible acquaintance, but the last target ruined my score. I didn’t even know that could happen and it seems like the one who spotted me didn’t even see the body because I still got “no bodies found”. What a stupid thing to happen, I didn’t even actually need to hide the body. It’s a fun contract idea though!


Nice run!

Starting in the morgue was actually a smart idea because of that one guard.
I completely forgot that you can just use coins in the morgue to lure away Katashi Ito. My only thought process was that one switch that you can control his emotions with.
Whatever happened at the end though was complete BS. Maybe someone spotted you throwing the body out in the surgery area?
I also love the big pile of bodies at the end!

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That was probably the head surgeon with the worst possible timing. Sounded like him too.

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With Hokkaido being my most played map, I can tell you that leaving bodies in that area is always a no no. The chief surgeon will always notice any body there when he’s walking back to the building, even though it didn’t count for you for some weird reason. Anyway my point being, never leave knocked out NPCs there. Always drag them down the stairs and in through the door. Just an advice for next time :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Btw I’ve recorded my run, will post it soon.

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Hm, I’ve never had that happen though and I remember leaving bodies there before too. :thinking: I still had “no bodies found” so they didn’t get seen, just me.

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Yeah I have no idea how it didn’t count, because the reason you got spotted was because you were caught throwing the body, so that should automatically count as “body found” too.

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This is one of the best contracts I’ve played on here! The RNG thing made for a very exciting run. With Hokkaido being my most played, I legit imagined in my head how I would go about doing this contract, and was actually able to replicate it while playing!

Btw at the 6:06 mark, it’s me minimizing the game and doing the RNG thing, so you’ll just see a pause for a good 30 seconds lol. I got 4.

I wasn’t so sure about doing the “eliminate an additional doctor” objective, but in hindsight I really should’ve gone for it. Katashi Ito is a terrible person and since I didn’t get him on my RNG, I should’ve offed him too and gotten that sweet net 20k (25k-5k) bonus.

Final score: 160,212 + 20,000 (The Acquaintance) + 10,000 (suit start) + 7,500 (fiber wire) + 7,500 (explosion) + 10,000 (knock out the Director) = 215,212

Do let me know if I calculated anything wrong.

Screencap of the scoreboard at the end


I like the close call at 3:52! You got lucky.

Katashi Ito would’ve been the easy choice, but you still have a fairly high score.
Overall, nice run!

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The vote has ended and looks like 14 days is the winner.

@bgyorok please mention the updated deadline on your post

I will set it to February 2nd in that case.

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You forgot to add 20,000 points for killing The Acquaintance!

Also, I think it was supposed to be an explosion kill (accident), not an explosive device kill. Although, @bgyorok would explain it better.

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Both explosive accident and device count.


I’ll recreate for Xbox! ^^

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I’m back! (Feels like it’s been longer than just two months. :laughing:)

I guess I’m rusty. I’ve slipped into that morgue security room a million times. This is the first time I’ve ever been spotted by that stupid bodyguard. :angry:

I rolled a 1 (well, technically, I rolled a 6, but 6-5=1) for the Acquaintance. Not my first choice and after I’d knocked out Dr. Bandana in the bathroom, I realized that there was a fifty-fifty shot I’d need to risk moving him or the timing would need to be right when the target found the body. Luck was not on my side. :grin:

(Also, spending ten minutes in the level with the exit music playing kind of made me miss the audio cut-off issues. :stuck_out_tongue:)

Can Maker in 12:00.
89,649 + 20,000 (Acquaintance) + 10,000 (Suit) + 7,500 (Explosion) = 127,149


Remade! 3-10-9669747-02

Unfortunately, Xbox contracts are broken so 3:


0:57 was really unfortunate! Luck really wasn’t on your side.
You got a nice shot at Nicholas Laurent!
You didn’t really have any other choice at the end other than maybe knocking him out after the guard has left the room. Although another doctor also goes there along with the bodyguard, so who knows!
Even for an unlucky run, you still managed to make some amazing kills and shots!

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How are the contracts broken on Xbox? I haven’t used the mode since the Y2 update and this is the first I am seeing this. Are you referring to the issue Xbox players are having launching the game?

I can’t open contracts mode only yeah3: It says error

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Tagging the Xbox users since in case they haven’t seen this yet

@Crewdy @Krikkit2021 @ColdDayInHell long time no see

Deadline is the 2nd of February.

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