QuickMod - a mod manager for Hitman 2 and 3

I try to suppress the folders and the app but when im relunchead after reloading the files he do the same thing. And, yes I run QuickApp from the Explorer. Also, I can’t suppress the mod on the app

Suppress? What do you mean by suppress?

I think he means “remove” or “delete”.

Yes, i want to mean delete.

Hey man! Quick question since I can’t get the mod or menu to work.

Using Quckmod I installed your mod ‘Focus’. I made sure to enable it, and also pressed Deploy Mods. But once inside the game, pressing shift doesn’t work?

Any ideas what could be the problem? Tried ‘reset’ but no luck. Neither disabling or trying to deploy again worked :confused:

Where is QuickMod extracted to?

Are you playing in Offline Mode?

Nope, I’m playing online

Focus only works offline.

Aha… I’ll switch to offline quickly and see if it works

Hmm, still doesn’t work

Try opting out of the privacy policy in settings (you can always opt back in to play in online mode) and restarting the game.

I tried, but still doesn’t seem to work… Is focus supposed to work on all weapons?

It should. Try replacing your packagedefinition.txt file in Runtime with this one:

I added a mod but whenever I click deploy mods it gives me and error and asks me to contact you. So that’s what I am doing. Please help.

I downloaded this mod Happy 47 at Hitman 3 Nexus - Mods and community

Have you extracted the ZIP file to a folder? And are you running QuickMod from that folder?

I opened quick mod and then clicked import mods and then I put the mod I downloaded in the folder it opened.

That doesn’t answer either of my questions.

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QuickMod is now effectively obsolete with the release of the Simple Mod Framework: