Season of Pride | Roadmap

You know what? It happend me to the same thing. Strange.

Mmm. I got SA in all levels even if the first one was with explosive (corpses fail of the rail so they were hidden).

I got Hubris just fine, doing all the “good” paths, so it is at least possible to get the challenge.

Ok I got it too. As @TheContractor said, for some reason you have to be careful that level 1 (maybe even the other levels at this point) must be registered done as “good”.

A part this bug, this escalation is not bad. I like it.

So any gimmick with a item this time around?

The unlocks are cool and all but I didn’t quite enjoy the escalation itself as much as the Greed one. It was way too basic, either you play baby mode escalation with absolutely no challenge, either you have some sense of pride and you play a regular player contract, which in itself was a good one but the pricetag feels hard to justify. At least there is funny dialogue.

You beat me to it! I think this is going to be the eagerly anticipated Goldballer unlock we’ve all been waiting for. Complete 40 featured contract challenge reward :sweat_smile:

Quite enjoyed this one. I do like the little choices to be made. Plus had good use of each part of the level. I do like the a more basic choose a load out or style with the limited choices. I do wish they tied the unlocks abit better to the choices made though. I.E beat the escalation with the harder options get the Sniper, if went with the easier options get the sabre.

Just noticed so far we only got one unlock in the four roadmaps we got, that is not payed for via deluxe or 7ds. I would love a few more even though for the extras. But for people who havent bought into the extra stuff yet there isnt that much to unlock after the base game unlocks four months after release.


Just to see what it was like back in the early days of Hitman 2, I’m checking out the old roadmaps from it, and with the first 4 roadmaps, we mostly got the same amount of content as now, except back then, there was a new challenge pack and unlockable per content drop.

– December 2018: 2 new Escalations, Santa Suit (Holiday Hoarders event), 5 Featured Contracts, New ET.

– January 2019: 2 new Escalations, Fishing Line (Challenge Pack), 10 Featured Contracts, New ET.

– February 2019: Shaman Powder (Challenge Pack), 5 Featured Contracts, 1 New ET, 1 Legacy ET.

– March 2019: Sniper Assassin DLC1 (Hantu Port), 1 new Escalation, Feather Duster (Challenge Pack), 5 Featured Contracts, 1 New ET, 1 Legacy ET.

For now, content-wise, it’s mostly the same, but it’s a lot more split up between Premium/Paid content and Free Content.

– February 2021: 4 new Escalations (4 new items, 2 suits – 2 DX DLC), 10 Featured Contracts, 1 Legacy ET

– March 2021: 3 new Escalations (2 new items, 2 suits – Berlin Seasonal Event + 1 DX DLC), 10 Featured Contracts, 1 Legacy ET

– April-May: 2 new Escalations/1 old (1 7DS DLC), 6 Featured Contracts, 1 New ET, 1 Legacy ET.

– May-June: 3 new Escalations (1 7DS DLC), ? Featured Contracts, 1 New ET, 1 Legacy ET.

One could argue that we’re getting less, since IO doesn’t do challenge packs anymore. It’s okay to be annoyed about that, yeah.
Personally, I’m glad they’re gone. Never really enjoyed Challenge packs. Always had to find contracts that have 5 specific kill conditions for a challenge and it becomes inconsequential busywork, all for… what? A fluffy melee weapon? A KO grenade that isn’t an accident? If they do bring them back, I’d hope it’s items that don’t feel like filler tools that I’ll probably never use.


yea you like that roadmap museum don’t cha chicken?


Whyyy yes I do hehehe


Again, feel like the content is pretty minimal for paid DLC, but some of that is down to taste. I didn’t really care at all for the extra voice acting; to me voice acting in a Hitman level is pointless unless it’s something you overhear in-level that contributes to the immersion. The whole “ghost voice goading you on when you get near a target” thing gets pretty old pretty quickly.

The new mirror suit… interesting at least. But I really hope it’s the last DLC outfit with the “impossibly ornate three piece suit” theme. We already have the rapacious suit (which felt pretty similar to the Devil’s Own suit in the first place). The Deluxe edition outfits were at least unique and had fun themes.

you can bet on that, i think

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I mean, one is gold the other silver. I don’t think there are many more shiny, expensive, classic materials you can use in suit designs that look very different to these two.

Though an onyx suit would look dope.

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Brain Melt FC :white_check_mark:
The Pride Profusion :white_check_mark:
Estate Wines :white_check_mark:

Productive Tuesday evening :white_check_mark:


this suit will be interesting when the ray tracing update is released :eyes:

As someone busy with other games at the moment nothing here really exciting that makes me want to load up Hitman 3 right away. Still, more escalations with some work put in them will be nice to come “home” to down the road.

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With a little static electricity and those metal suits, 47 electrocutes himself in a pee puddle I think.

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Well, new batch of featured contracts will be released today. But how many? The last batches comprised only three. We’ll propably get the same amount.

EDIT: till the launching of H3, we’ve completed 32 different FC (I think). Currently, we still have nothing as reward for 40 completed FC. Either we get less than 8 FC this season, or they’ll introduce it before the season’s end.