Season of The Splitter - December 12th 2024 - January 12th 2025

Christ, what a deep cut reference.

Not true. Last year with the ET galore they did not reactivate CelebrETs (the drop)

It wasn’t reactivated because he was the last target before the galore.

huh? I was saying the dispruptor doesn’t have anything to do the Galore not coming back as celebEts aren’t part of the event (if they were io would have excluded him). They just chose not to do it for whatever reason or delayed it to January. Sorry!

Really not a huge fan of the trinity pistols being there.

Like, I get it, they’re three different colours, but the mode already has several ICA19’s, so they come off as a little redundant.

Variety is the spice of the life but there is such a thing as having too many variants of a weapon, especially if the only difference is a minor paint job.

I said this further up the page, but I really wish this was a 7DS wall instead. I get it, DLC synergy with their celebrity bundle, but I still think that would’ve been better, and would’ve added more variety to boot!


Wish we could choose the guns to put on our walls instead so it would truly be a completely customisable experience for all of us.

Why not both the Trinity pistols and 7DS?

In all seriousness, I agree - a 7DS wall would be great!


Pardon me if this already has been discussed, but isn’t the splitting of DNA one of the steps in the cloning process?

That would give this ET’s codename a nice double meaning.

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Pretty sure the point of this is just so the respective suits won’t feel weird for those who don’t think they should be without their matching pistols.

It feels more like filler to be honest.

I disagree, I like to colour code my pistols with my outfit when I can. Personally I would like to have every item added to Freelancer (and I use a mod that basically does do that).


Pretty sure that was the idea behind it (and it probably was discussed earlier?). A triple meaning even? (the physical split, the DNA splitting, and the man sort of splitting from the ICA by playing both sides in the past)


Just so everyone knows: Twitch is holding a sale on Subscriptions until January 2nd. 25% off a 1-month sub to someone.

Valid only on desktop/the website.

I didn’t go through with the transaction yet, but from what I can see on the website when looking to purchase one, only subs for yourself are discounted. But even with the reduced price, it still says it qualifies for Drops.


An interesting article I found that says apparently only 40% of all players managed to complete the Splitter ET. No details yet on whether they even managed to complete it with Silent Assassin. Most likely an even lower amount.

But in greater news, the HITMAN World of Assassination community has officially reached 75 million players! 1 million active players too!

Taken from: Hitman: World Of Assassination Reaches 75 Million Players Worldwide

And given that the Season of the Splitter draws to a close, I’d like to thank everyone in the community who read and contributed to my first ever thread. This marks my first big contribution here in the community since joining and being a relatively semi-active lurker. Thank you very much all. It has been a pleasure to read all of your posts! I wish all of you very well. :blush::white_heart::yellow_heart:


It would be interesting to see how many of the 60% that are marked as failed are players that failed it before the hotfix and didn’t get the news that they benefited from the first ever ET reset and could attempt it again. Though possibly they’re not even being counted in the statistic…

With a pass rate of only 40%, just goes to show that making a 14-target ET was a bad idea. Should’ve been a Bonus Mission/Special Assignment that launched with a F2P period instead.


I enjoyed it greatly, but it’s definitely a drastic difficulty curve for more casual players.

Similarly, the second level of the ET is geared towards directing you to “git gud” or buy the DLC so that you can keep trying. As has been the case with its predecessors


On the other hand, if that’s the success/failure ratio of this ET, they definitely have no excuse for nerfing The Fixer if it ever returns. This ET was easily more complicated, and its rate of failure was less than that of The Fixer, if I recall the stats correctly, so it really was just on the players.

The Splitter is not that complicated, the mission is actually fairly logically set up with processes one can reasonably understand and intuit from the tour and walking around. By comparison, The Fixer just straight-up does not tell you about handoff marketeers, the evasiveness of the courier, and very little is explained to you beforehand or in the mission.

Also, the Fixer’s first run stats were in the 20% range; 24% if memory serves. 40% actually sounds pretty okay as things go, considering the difficulty. It’s certainly harder than most ET’s, and has more targets to kill, but that doesn’t mean it’s more complicated.


Absolutely it does. The Fixer, there’s only 3 ways to fail, and only 3 things you’re trying to do. While there might be only one way to fail the Splitter, the increase of targets, snd therefore the increase of time it takes to complete and increase in chances to get caught in a shootout, makes it more complicated that the Fixer. Or perhaps complex is the word I’m looking for.


I believe that it was 23%, so you were close.

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