Season of Undying (First Roadmap 2024)

I remember reading someone on reddit saying Chongqing took two or three years to make, which I couldnt find a source on even when pressing him on it. I wouldnt be surprised if it did, though, because I was thinking that Chongqing is what it is and that’s fine but I dont know if its reduced scope is a creative, financial or technical decision but the more I play around in it the more it feels like a creative and technical one than a financial one. I think the map’s small scope and low amount of crowds is both to sell an isolated feeling but also to save on hardware loading all the rain effects that dynamically occur on 47 and in the environment. I don’t think a large location like Mumbai could handle rain effects, but I also think that if they were ever to make a new rain-centric mission the scope would be much bigger.

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In an ideal world the individual ETs would be replayable permantely, at any time, with saving, but the Arcade editions with their current restrictions would be the only place you can get the rewards. I really like the arcade because it gives me a different way to play the missions and encourages me to try targets I dont like and learn them in order to replay some of my favorites. My only dislike of the arcade is that targets repeat too much, the rewards are crappy and restrictions that are non optional like no loadout or fixed starting location are either never used right on targets that would make it more interesting or are used too much (like how the Deceivers isnt included in any vanilla Arcade matches)


I was referring exclusively to the portion of players who don’t like Arcade’s limitations in response to the post commenting on it, and while what you’re saying is technically correct, it doesn’t negate anything I said, so I’m not sure what you’re point is.

As @zombiestien567 forshadowed: the last of the not-on-any-roadmap Elusive Target is out.
The Forger is now live for 10 days, in Paris.

This is the last uncommunicated content release, and the last content for the next two weeks (boo)…
Because the next one is the start of the Undying Roadmap, with an FC batch the 21st, and the whole Undying ET, suit, items, cosmetics, ETA, and twitch Drop the 22nd. (yay!)


Well, let’s rock and roll. As soon as I get home from work today I’m giving this bastard a splitting headache.


well walter white go ahead


Alright now that the dust is settled anyone else a bit bothered knowing there isn’t an actual title update on the horizon?

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I’m under the assumption that there will be one between the end of the Forger activation the 18th, and the start of the Roadmap the 21st.

Well, a data update at least.
It’s true that the lack of news about bug fixes, QoL, or others is bothersome.

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Especially this, I know it isn’t every map, but NPC’s being able to see through walls is riddled throughout Dubai and is one of the reasons why I avoid that map especially on Freelancer.

I got him with the fibre wire :joy:

His bodyguard was shot with the emetic gun to get him out of the way!

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A wild guess: a patch preview should be on the way.


This is a great point until it crumbles away because most players want Silent Assassin 5 stars. You cannot get Silent Assassin 5 stars if you don’t complete the “optional” objective.

Oh and you have the already pointed out problem of forced complications such as more enforcers, cameras and no load out.

See the problem?


When it comes to Elusive Targets I really don’t understand why having BOTH regular ones repusposed as Special Assignments without complications and with saves AND Arcade in it’s original iteration where each level increases amount of complications isn’t a thing.

Instead IOI went with weird middle of the road solution that doesn’t really satisfy anyone.


Special Assignments are not Elusive Targets just because they are permanently placed in the game in a shape of regular missions with all those “benefits” of regular mission.
Sarajevo Six and Patient Zero are from same category.
They can technically be named Elusive Targets, but are not treated same by the game and developers, and shouldn’t be treated as such by players.
It’s just side bonus missions, like AHBOS, Landslide, HH, HSF.
Those are not taken like Elusive Targets and Special Assignments also shouldn’t


Honestly, I don’t get why people are so adamant about having the ETs made permanent without the complications in the Arcade.

About two years ago when I got myself a decent PC for gaming, I quickly purchased H3 on Steam and downloaded Peacock. I spent about a day or two going hard on the ETs because suddenly they were all at my finger tips when I wanted - but very quickly realised how empty and hollow they actually are (especially the H1 ones as they were only ever meant to be seen once for 48 and then forgotten about forever). The only time I even touched the ETs in Peacock last year was in October when The Drop was added to the game a day before the it went live on official - otherwise the ETs have sat there in Peacock almost completely untouched by me for a very long time. The appeal of having them whenever you want dies very, very quickly.

We know the Special Assignments (at least the first two) were meant to be ETs. These missions get absolutely roasted for being empty and thats there is not that much to do with them. There are even people that are regularly part of the “make ETs permanent” stance that in the past have taken part in roasting the Special Assignments, labeling them terrible and made a point to mention that they never play them. And yet, somehow they also expect permanent ETs to somehow be different?


It’s the principle of the matter. If, for whatever reason, we should one day wake up and think: “hmm, I’d really like to play the Paparazzo today,” we wouldn’t be able to without going through some other crap to get to it, and some of us don’t like that.


Sounds like a self-created problem tbh. Being stubborn enough that you’re not willing to let go of the Arcade not being exactly what you wanted it to be, which is what other people have done and moved on a long, long time ago.

And to finish my involvement in this topic that is frankly extremely boring at this point due to it just being the same talking points as two years ago when the Arcade launched, to quote you:

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Well, it’s not. It’s a problem IO created when they showed they had a means to make ETs available to play at will, but decided to make it an obstacle course instead.

Pardon the Jerry Seinfeld impression here, but who are these people? I’m neither the only, nor even the first one to have issue with this, just in this latest round of discussion on the matter, so whoever may have moved on from the issue, good on them, but they aren’t the only ones with opinions on the matter.

Then why are you continuing with it?

Nice try, but you’re missing the point. Nobody is whining about Arcade with any intent to get IO to change it; merely to express how Arcade’s existence doesn’t negate or replace the desire to have the individual ETs available to play at any time, just like any other mission in the game. They can do it, they should do it, and the closest thing they gave us helped tide us over for a while, but now it just makes the desire for the real thing stand out more. Perhaps you are satisfied with what we’ve got and have moved on; others have not.


Is it possible to get the SA challenge in The Collector if you ignore the painting?

I think the arcade’s problem is just that they dont change up the ETs enough. Like I think the best ET in the arcade is the Chameleon. Why? Because they remove the “use a non-explosion accident” stipulation from the target. I think more ETs should try something like that, for example:

  • The Individuals: The Procurers, The Deceivers and The Ex-Dictator where only one of the targets is the target, and the other is a “dont eliminate this guy” objective
  • A version of the Surgeons where the needles arent an optional objective, or where the needles are put in a different area or where you CANT kill them with any poison
  • The Duos: The Liability, The Twin and The Politician where the non-targets like the guide, the other brother and the body double are also mandatory targets
  • The Magpies: The Warlord, The Stowaway and The Broker where the items you pick up aren’t mandatory objectives anymore
  • The Infiltrators: The Revolutionary, The Collector and The Stowaway where you are forced to start in the Freelancer/Escalation-exclusive starting locations. So the Delgado basement, the roof of the Manor and the Aelwin cellar

All of this would remix the ETs without needing substantial changes and in a lot of instances would open up more experimentation. What would an SA run of the Surgeons look like without the needles? Having to kill memorable NPCs that were exclusively non-targets before would give new things to learn, trying to isolate them or use accidents for the first time on them. Arcade Missions where you dont have to get something would open up new strats for speedruns


Good for you that you are using this sever.
Also thanks to the creators of it, but remember that this is not official server and at some aspects could be treated as piracy and cheating.
Everything you achieving with Peacock is not registered with the official game’s records and such.
Not every single player of this game aware/can/know how to install and operate with Peacock and it couldn’t be taken as a replacement to online features that game is providing.
It could and will be when the official game severs are eventually will have shut down. But not at this very moment.
My point is just don’t compare an egg with an apple

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