Season of Undying (First Roadmap 2024)

Snail is OP too, just that I find the blue egg to be even more powerful since it’s a legal throw, you only need to make sure the NPC you are about to KO can’t see you throw it at them, and if aim for the floor it’s even easier.

A LEGAL THROW! that’s crazy!

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Well, throwing an egg is usually not a crime, and most people aren’t going to equate the person hit passing out to a magical mist coming out of the egg that’s enough to immediately conk someone cold. So it’s not really believable for throwing the egg to be illegal. :smirk:

Would you do something if you saw someone throw an egg at someone else from the back?

Probably laugh. Certainly wouldn’t call the cops unless they kept doing.

Unless it was something like some white supremacist bastard throwing it at a terminally ill child on crutches, then I might have a problem.


The snail’s legal to throw too so it’s not particularly different in that regard? Unless you meant legal to throw at the target’s head like fruit?

That’s what I meant, not gonna lie, it’ll save so much headache when need to acquire keys from NPCs, it’s gonna be abused alot, the delivery guy in Berlin is going to suffer in quite alot of speedruns.

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11 posts were split to a new topic: Cleanup from Season of Undying

im glad they fixed Ljudmila during the intro but i had no idea it was a bug. hell i think the letterboxing effect in general isnt nearly as good as GOTY 2016 when they didnt have it

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Cleanup from Season of Undying

No less then 18 hours ago, Watson removed 11 posts due to personal attacks and derailing the thread. I now had to do the exact same thing. If any of the offending parties tries to do so again for the sake of whatever pitiful logic and sense of entitlement to get the last word. Will be suspended, by whatever timeframe I find necessary.

Don’t derail threads and turn them into your own personal circus, it serves no purpose for the rest of the community.


Man, I’ve been off the forum for about 12 hours and I’ve come back and seen these updates. Not sure what’s gone on, but hope everything is sorted? :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Sowwy :face_with_peeking_eye:



It’s like skipping a cutscene and then not knowing what the hell is going on. :rofl:


The Big One go flying, bye-bye The Undying.


Just got an email from IO about reminding me to kill Faba (Already done!), and released some stats:


I really didn’t expect the White Trinity to take first place among firearms (or the banana to even be in there lol) :x


Pen once again coming out on top for the scripted kills.


Banana kills huh? There’s always someone


This makes a decent amount of sense when you think about it:

  • The White Trinity is available if you buy the deluxe edition of the game, and may be the only choice people have for customised weapons if they’re new to the series out of the starter items they have.
  • The Goldballer is unlocked after you complete Carpathian, which likely means it’ll be in a lot of peoples’ inventories.
  • And the Silverballer requires Mastery Level 11 in Paris, and is only likely as high as it is here because it’s both an early unlock and a fan favorite.

EDIT: I honestly don’t know how the White Trinity can be so high. My only guess is that people bought it to have a custom gun when starting out? I know people like DLC’s but this seems weird to me as a statistic. Either people like the trinity pack way more than they shoud, or IO is fudging the numbers. Or some other motivation I haven’t thought of.


Fun fact 0% of players used the ICA Electrocution Phone