Simple Mod Framework

That doesn’t make sense, you should have only moved it back one folder, but that would indicate you moved it to a folder called “PC” not “HITMAN3”

The framework works by going back a folder from where you installed it, then looking for “Runtime” there. So it should be HITMAN3/Simple Mod Framework, Framework will then go “I’ll go back a folder [HITMAN3] and search for a folder called Runtime” (aka HITMAN3/Runtime). But your error indicates it’s looking for Runtime in “PC”, which is a folder too far back

I’m a beta tester so I don’t know how the release download ZIP is structured. You may have to manually make a folder called “Mod Framework” in HITMAN3?

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I got it, mods are installing now! It has to be in the Runtime folder, as you said. The OP made me think it goes into the root of where HITMAN 3 is (i.e. the same place as the game executable). Then I saw the post about the Framework, so I thought it went in there instead. It was right in the middle.

Thanks again. <3

Never do that. Ever.

RPKG mods are supported with the framework’s Import RPKG Mod button.

Sorry, the installation instructions were less clear than the video. I’ve updated the Nexus now.

QuickMod is a mod manager that deals only with RPKGs. The Simple Mod Framework creates a single package file for each game chunk from source material, which means it can do far more to help with development and is far more compatible.


oh lel, forgot that was a thing

Would still technically work though, ust be a waste of time?

If you use runtimePackages it will place the packages after all other mods, which will break compatibility entirely. That will likely be changed with a future update.

Ah okay, so is inferior. Got it

An update has been pushed that fixes the packagedefinition patching issue. Open the GUI and there will be a prompt that will let you update automatically.


So im trying to install the HITMAN 3 Offline Scoring Mod and in the mod description it says i need install the HITMAN 3 Mod Framework. Im new to modding so could i install HITMAN 3 Offline Scoring Mod with Simple Mod Framework?

Also if anyone could point out how to install it using simple mod framework then that would be great since the mod has instructions for Hitman 3 Mod Framework.

Here’s the link to the mod: HITMAN 3 Offline Scoring Mod by onionsquid

That is a different framework by a different person, it will not work with Simple Mod Framework

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I’ve made the Trello board for the framework public:

Hi, I’ve been using this for a few days and got the hang of it now, but actually it’s very easy to “break” the app if you’re new to this and do something slightly wrong.

What I did wrong was put a zip file inside the Mods folder and then enable it. Now the mod manager looks like this:

The Available Mods section became blank and I can no longer add any new mods to this. I had to delete the whole thing and download the framework again for it to work properly. Is there a way to fix this without deleting and downloading the whole thing again?

Also, can’t the mod manager simply give an error to the user when they do something they are not supposed to do instead of “breaking” like this?


It’s been fixed in the dev branch already (see GitHub - hitman-resources/simple-mod-framework). Giving an error for cases I haven’t thought wouldn’t be that helpful; it would still result in the user having to reinstall.

Version 1.1.0


  • Option fields not present in the top level manifest can be used
  • Only valid mods display, and all valid mods display-
  • More data is sanitised
  • Leftover data is removed after updating
  • The same mod can patch the same entity multiple time-
  • Entity patching works properly when the TEMP and TBLU files are in different RPKGs
  • UI improved on 1080p displays


  • REPO and ORES filetypes can be RFC6902 patched
  • thumbs.dat can be automatically patched with a command to place after [Hitman5]
  • Mod options can now specify an image to go with the name and description
  • Mod options can include preview images
  • Groups can have duplicate option names (not within them though)
  • Framework outputs config to AppData on deploy (Peacock support)
  • When fancy logging is enabled (such as calling via command prompt or double clicking Deploy.exe), -errors pause the deployment
  • ZIPs can be installed by the GUI when placed in the Mods folder
  • The framework now uses patch300 as its main patch, meaning that runtime packages are now overridden by explicit framework patching
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I dunno why, but the Framework is stuck at “Deploying mods”, and the task manager doesn’t show any disk usage.

What does the text in italics under it say?

That It will take time.
How long does it usually take?


Open mod manager, deploy mods, close mod manager, start game. No precise order necessary? As long as you’ve deployed the mods, the mods are deployed.

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in italics