Spring Roadmap 2023 Thread

From memory the only differences between the original versions and The Deceivers are that in The Congressman, you could use the car exit near the default starting point whereas this was exit disabled in The Guru and subsequently carried over to The Deceivers. The Guru also had a few fail conditions as the contract required that the person the target is meeting with and his lawyer were not harmed in any way (either pacified or killed). These got removed for the combined ET.

Basically, nothing worth missing was lost.


Were they really removed? So I was being super careful not to hurt the two others for no reason at all (apart from my pride and wish to achieve Silent Assassin)? I had no idea! :joy:


I did the same thing actually. I did notice that the dialogue surrounding not harming them wasn’t in the new briefing in H2 and there was nothing in Diana’s dialogue as the mission starts either, but I never risked it just incase. :laughing:

Wasn’t until last year when I purchased the game on Steam and got to play with Peacock that I realised the conditions were gone.


Was it really not in the briefing? Because I remember it being there, that’s why I was so careful around them… The Deceivers were my very first ET back then, and my hands were shaking af while going for the Guru. :joy:

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Because their bios were slightly different, and also more for the sake of completion. I want every ET possible to be included.


That I do get! :grinning:
Let’s hope for a completionist update, one day…

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:notes: for once in his life he has someone who agrees with :notes:

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Got it. Thanks for jumping in. I guess I have been doing ‘No Loadout’ to long now that I dont notice the Loadout complications any more. But I see what you mean.
I remember using hours on ‘The Decievers - Year 2’ and on ‘The Dyads’ to do it SASO, No Loadout, No KO and No Distract and its the first time I completely changed MO because it took forever to do and it had too many timing issues.

I went from 13+ min (of crazy stupidity in the wine cellar) to about 9 min and went from 2x propane to chandeler and drowning in the toilet in the wine cellar. I am not sure I will be missing those guys any time soon to be honest… :sweat_smile:


Everybody agrees with me. I just haven’t made them all realize it yet.

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I would love to get an ET Arcade mission which is The Congressman, then The Guru, then The Deceivers just for the meme of it.


So… you want to piss off the people that accuse the Arcade of basically being escalations?

I love it.

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No, I think it’s more about having a fun little joke at the expense of the three separate ETs that are really just two ETs done twice, but not as blatantly as the Undying/Returns.


Really looking forward to The Forger. I missed that ET the other times it was online and avoided playing the Arcade batch he’s in, so this will be a completely new and fresh experience for me!


Am I correct in assuming that we won’t get Easter unlocks? Have they really given up on seasonal exterior items?


On one hand, the year roadmap doesn’t indicates anything going into “new Freelancer unlocks”. So I would be tempted to say that it won’t be expanded upon.

On the other hand : as far as I know, the seasonal cosmetics are not in the current game data. Which means that if they are given later, they will have to be patched in.

It should be noted that the Year Three roadmap is “subject to possible changes”.

So, best case scenario : it’s planned, it will be implemented in patches, and it wasn’t announced because it needs to pass by QA beforehand, and IO prefers to be on the side of caution communication wise for the moment.

The fact is, Year Three currently is being safe content-wise, and without new production. Announced unlocks are already in the data (but will need new challenges May 11th), Y3 Elusive Targets were implemented in the latest patch (and they are all here), and Featured Contracts are the usual implementation.

But, an escalation is apparently planned later this year. It’s not on the year roadmap, but it’s in the article.
So, it might just be that situation is still fluid.
My personal opinion : decision and allocation about Year Three were decided recently, and couldn’t be reasonably projected and announced for the spring / planned Y3 roadmap article.


One month to go until the game gets a patch! My hopes are for my usual requests (fixing Hokkaido’s map, bringing back saving a custom default loadout, remembering challenge filters) but also stuff like making the ICA Outstanding Service Coin exist, fixing the many bugs in Freelancer, and hopefully optimize Freelancer better to decrease the long load times or at least reduce the fairly frequent crashes.

I also wouldn’t be opposed to seeing the Trinity Pack or a Mendoza-themed item set sold as DLC on May 11.


I hope to god they haven’t??? :open_mouth: There was also the Halloween and Xmas decorations shown as well, so I hope we still get them?

We need someone to check if all these are in the Freelancer files anywhere? I just hope they’re going to be added in the Freelancer patch in May, if they aren’t in the files already?

Panic mode begins! :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Having the spring roadmap as the app background on ps5 is a bit of an eyesore. I hope they dont keep putting them like this for the whole of year 3.


For the summer update I hope they film a new video reveal so we get the Clemens thumbnail as the news background


Absolutely agree, and don’t worry - we wont :slight_smile: I had to check how the the news section on PS5 would handle a RM as promoted. And I think it’s safe to say it did not handle it well. (Also I accidentally pushed this live from a testing environment ^^ )