- The Unofficial Lucas Grey Fanclub -

Nah we don’t. Maybe he just saw the name in a book or something :woman_shrugging: And no, in Hitman 2 he’s called “Mr. Grey” only by Diana and in Hitman 3 Olivia and 47 just call him “Grey”.

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Unless I am missing some kind of really, really subtle pun, I am proud of him for choosing a name that isn’t some kind of joke about being a killer.

Tobias Reiper over here should take notes.


Oh god just imagine they would have named him “Jack Reiper”. I’m glad they didn’t hahaha


New theory:

Lucas Grey originally called himself Jack Reiper but Olivia refused to work with him if he had that stupid name.


The man who took him in after he escaped the institute was called Lucas Grey and he took on the name in his honour

Heard that fanfic from someone at some point :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I just need to ask: what Will Smith doing here?


Haha that was her answer to my question if the model of Lucas in the DLCs from Hitman 2 are already the new ones from Hitman 3 or the ones from the cutscenes in Hitman 2 (those stills). And she said they are definitely the ones from Hitman 2, but in movement.

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when he’s introduced, he’s morally grey. :thinking:


I’m a huge fan of Grey.

His suicide was an act of heroism and defiance. Defiance because he would only be taken on his own terms. Heroic because he saved 47’s life, by preventing him from trying to save him.

And at least he did fulfill his own life’s work of bringing down the Providence partners. Good for him!

But the real reason he had to die was Diana. IO wouldn’t let any character get between her and 47, even though Grey voiced very compelling arguments. It’s obvious to me Diana had every reason to feel her privileged relationship with 47 was under threat. And where would that leave her?

Would have liked to see how that would play out, but killing off Grey was an easier road I guess. I respect the choice, but I’m hoping he’ll have some kind of lasting impact from beyond the grave.


47 could of saved Grey if he had his point shooting skill on from absolution. He would just of had to disable the cinematic camera before hand so he doesn’t get gun downed first.


Neat Idea. Grey is defenitly my favorite non-Target Character in WOA Triologie besides some NPCs, who made it to Characters of mine of course xD

Anyway, I haven’t found it here yet, though I read an intresting theory on Youtube a Week back, which claims that he indeed shot himself in the Head, so non-lethaly. I “borrowed” this Comment:

Lucas shot himself under the chin, the gun was a military grade high velocity pistol, the bullet would have gone through his head in a vertical straight line, the bullet would have gone through his prefrontal lobe either through the left, right or middle of the prefrontal lobe either way in all options the damage to the brian would be minimal. The brian stem would have been safe from the bullet due to Grey having the pistols barrel pointed at the very front of the brian (brain stem including) the midbrain, the pons, and the medulla. It controls fundamental body functions such as breathing, eye movements, blood pressure, heartbeat, and swallowing. His previous gun shot wounds appeared to have missed any vital blood vessel and arteries otherwise he would have bleed out quickly unable to fight let alone break a man’s arm. Greys body could survive for a few hours without medical attention. It must have taken the CICADA soldiers and 47 a little less then an hour or a little more to fully leave the area. Meaning not a lot of time would have passed, giving time for explores or villagers around Dartmoor.
Devon Dartmoor England in 2020 would have a handful of villages, explores who would run into Grey and provide medical attention with the numerous hospitals around Dartmoor.


I am glad to see this thread was created :laughing:

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Wow that’s one interesting theory! Must be some kind of forensic scientist who wrote that haha

“I would like to address the Providence Partners directly”


Wow how did you do that? :flushed:

Pretty much the same way these mods are made :stuck_out_tongue: Diana Outfits (Replaces 47 Signature Suit or Black and White Tuxedo Set) at Hitman 3 Nexus - Mods and community


I love the idea that whenever he’s in the field and Olivia’s acting as his handler, she just roasts him none stop whenever he screws something up.

Grey: (gets spotted changing disguises)
Olivia: Oh no! Looks like it’s Dumb Bitch O’Clock old man! :rofl:

Does she? She accepts Grey’s gun on the boat, talks about her parents’ deaths and calls him a friend in Mendoza.

Maybe given more time together after the Partners were gone the tension would’ve shown but there was no time. I think it would only have come to a head in Berlin, when she realized the club owner didn’t have enough fake identities for all of them.


Wow! Well, I’m not a PC player, and even if I would be, I’m not talented enough to do mods :sweat_smile:

So please, feel free to spam this thread with screenshots of that Lucas Mod :grin::heart:


I have a mod of him on HITMAN 2 so here you go @Mini, he is at a fashion show and relaxing after a hard day of work.


Oh my god, thank you! :heart_eyes: you guys are just making me soooo happyyyyyy!
