Things About Hitman You Just Found Out

First time noticing this on the safehouse dining table. Gave me a chuckle…


That’s brilliant.

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i love it. that is the best detail ever.

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The cabinet that holds a chloroform flask in The Bank was moved. It’s now in the security room. (In Freelancer, that is)


The shooting range in the Safehouse has ambient sounds if you use any of the non-plain targets. The cowboy one has desert noises, the zombie one has screaming and moaning, the animals have forest sounds.


Services of the The Fortune Teller


Catalina’s phone doesn’t actually record anything.


IOI tends to avoid same VA’s talking to each other, due sounding samey. This is only exception I’ve found - both Dr. Singh and Carl Lewis are voiced by Alexander McMorran. Luckily, McMorran does sound different, so you won’t notice it, unless you bump into both of them, and get same sentence in response.


Given IO’s usual attention to detail, I’m mildly surprised that the computer in Ambrose Island that has someone playing H3 (just sitting on the title screen though) hasn’t been updated to the WoA branding.


It is attention to the detail, he is offline and did not get the patch yet.


Apparently the special guards that spawn during Chonqing’s escape sequence are just the usual elite guards after changing outfits? I subdued one of the guards for his disguise, completed the objective and when I was returning to retrieve my suit, I noticed that the naked uncoscious guy put on a new disguise.

For some reason I always believed the masked guys were like hiding in the walls all day specifically for when a breach occurs.


While not something I learned today, some time ago I found this suspiciously highlighted ledge in Bangkok.

Just as with the pipe on the back that is highlighted further than it can be climbed for (like that one pipe in Chongqing), I sometimes wonder if those might have been remains of scrapped traversal routes.

Because if you ask me I wouldn’t mind Ken’s suite having more than a staggering total of two entry points.


Do subdued elite guards also change disguise during the escape sequence? And does that mean that there are two disguises per elite guard? That would give me some nice ideas for a contract…


Two disguises? Try infinite.


Yeah, sadly they’re not “unique” NPCs, which is a bit of a shame. I’m a bit salty though that the masked disguise isn’t counted for the Chameleon challenge…

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Maybe someone should use the freecam mod to see how they change outfits, if that’s even possible :thinking: there would be no special animation for it I’m sure but it would be interesting to see them all simultaneously switch to new clothes


Take Jimmy Chen for example… Even that art thief guy in Dartmoor. Either one of these can be followed around to see when/where they change disguises. In fact, it’d be same animation (mo-cap actions) as when a disrobed NPC goes to a closet to get new clothes.

Tyson Williams also has this same (right?) animation when you visit him disguised as the Doctor… Even when he takes his robe off to get in his totally safe hot-tub.


I remember when someone did that with Jimmy Chen, but would it really do that for every single ICA Facility guard? It seems instantaneous once you set off the alarm. It feels like with that changing clothes mo-cap animation that there’s a little bit of a delay. Then again it’s been a long time since I’ve set the alarm off in Chongqing so idk


Well, that is assuming they DO change clothes that way. It’s also possible they just pop-in already with their gas-masks on.

While I’m thinking about it (you mentioned using a freecam) the Knights in S’gail spawn in some way.

There are also the musicians in Mendoza… Urben had a featured contract for those guys. But I can’t say I’ve watched or witnessed how they appear (either).


Yeah just tossing ideas. It’s interesting to consider since the player is not meant to see it happen at all.

The knights in Sgail are a good point. They seem more capable to catch “changing” since there’s no cutscene in between (unlike the data core igniting in Chongqing)