Things About Hitman You Just Found Out

What does Jeremy Bolt do after he talks Royce’s bodyguard? I remember they talked, and when separated, I have not seen him on overpasss, trying to kill himself.

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He heads up to near the starting location where the woman asks if you’ve seen a girl; further along the walkway to her right. He sits down on the floor and keeps getting up and walking towards the railing, then sits down again. On the third occasion he jumps.


@BradleyPaine fyi, if you weren’t aware… There was the featured contract where he was NOT a target (but no KO’s allowed and targets only), and apparently you could bump into him when he was next to the railing… instead of waiting for him to jump and grabbing his disguise which could be lost if he goes over and you’re not right next to him.

Was bugging me for a while that Lucy Phillips’ art was based on something I had seen in real life. Her work bears some small resemblance to Olafur Eliasson’s The Weather Project which hung(?) in Turbine Hall in the Tate Modern…
As you can guess they are both architectural art with a focus on use of space, both have a giant sun-like lamp and both artists are environmentalists with ecological themes in their work.


Here you go the full route of Jeremy


Welp, a thing about Hitman I just learned is that the old forum was not permanently archived, so I can’t check that thread out. That’s really too bad. Maybe I’ll make a replacement thread with some of the screenshots I’ve been taking of the old games and people can add on to it anything they have saved.

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It was permanently archived here but there is no search or category function, if you have a link (that you can get from Google Results if you’re lucky) you can add part of it to the URL and it will take you to the post.


Anyone noticed some leftover challenges from challenge packs in Hitman 3?

Sapienza has Pipe Down, which I’m pretty sure is part of the Plumber’s Apprentice pack (knock out 10 NPCs dressed as a plumber)

and Bangkok has Heeere’s Johnny, which I’m sure was part of the Himmapan Horror pack (kill 5 people with an axe, don’t let the bodies be seen)


Found one.

I might try to find more, but not sure I will be able to.


IOI tweeted this out a few hours ago. I guess that’s something I just found out (dunno where to put this). The image is from a book that is part of some old Polish Collector’s edition. Didn’t know it had this kind of thing.

It’s around $300 on EBay. Always wondered what it had in it. I guess we have two things called “The World of Hitman” now.


47 uses cotton suits!? That’s dope. Always tought they were wool. Well, this explains why is he always fresh wearing those black suits under the bright sun.


Just found out this happens

Thank you! Those were the times when I pushed really hard to bring back the Blackballer but today my heart is really at peace now that I have it.

All the 1911 gamma are almost identical following the same formula like the same position of the engravings, same thumb safety, slide release, trigger, hammer, and little things like that.
With Hitman 3 they actually did start to be a bit more creative


No way he would wear cotton black suits as a standard. They get so wrinkled so quickly!!

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Too bad there’s more than one coconut in this map. Would have been a fun contract…


I’ve made too many contracts involving Blueberry muffins thinking they’re the joke of the century (Haha crazy serial killer Baker Lady die because of muffin lol :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :rofl:) and honestly thinking back it’s not really fun to play an unbeatable contract (not a puzzle) which has a very hidden solution that only very few people know.


Even if you’re aware of the kill method… Such as shooting the legs or arms… Apparently there’s a bit more nuance with limb and body shots, and I guess for either male vs female NPCs. Part of the frustration comes from having limited items (like Bananas in a Haven Food Kill Contract). So maybe you shoot a target wherever, you know you’re getting close so you get whichever food item ready. Toss, toss, toss, toss… Should they be dead yet? Maybe I’ll throw another food at them… Toss… Nope, still not dead, but I’ve already wasted the item I was meant to kill them with.

Or you shoot them to wear them down… Oops! One shot too many.

So food kill contracts aren’t just a troll for those that don’t know how to make it work, it can also be a troll for those that are aware of what to do, but don’t know an EXACT formula of shot combinations and when they’re right at the limit and can be killed with just one more % of damage.

But laugh it up. Apppple. :grin:

Edit: I know, you’re laughing at killing with food. Not people not being able to figure how to kill the targets.


I know what you mean, but on the other hand method is consistent.
I mean it always work the same if you do what is “meant to do”.
But yeah, food kills look bit of a silly. Trollish if you wish, yes


Mr_Venom on Reddit made a thread about exiting Mendoza via the shrine. They weren’t sure about the exact requirements but they wore the Requiem Suit. I just did the main mission by sniping both targets and the exit appeared, so it seems to be as simple as wearing that suit:


Then that makes 2 suit specific exit points. Makes you wonder if there are even more. :thinking:

Fireplace + Santa Suit? I doubt it, but will find out…

Edit: Nope.

Had a guard to stop me as I was dressed as Santa. He said; “Hey, what about that games console I asked for in '91? Get out of here!” :laughing: