This map was such a waste of potential

That would have been amazing.


I’m willing to agree and disagree with this.

I feel like it did its job as a tutorial and a small, story-focused level, but it definitely stands out as a level in a game that’s supposed to offer a wide range of freedom to explore and plan out hits.
But, as it is now, the map also had loads of untapped potential in having bonus missions on that sprawling, flat beach. We could have had a huge Music Concert set up there, or another evil secret laboratory.
The Halloween escalation was some surprisingly good re-tooling and re-decorating, but a full-fledged mission, it was not.


I wanted a surfing-contest bonus mission at Hawke’s Bay. Still sad we didn’t get something like that.


There’s always H3 DLC.

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tbh I like it how it is. It’s a nice change of pace when you do a full story play through of the two games, though I’m guessing they probably had larger plans for it and it was the location they made the most cuts on compared to the original plans because of the whole Squexit thing.

My only complaint about it, as someone that lives in New Zealand, is the horrific accent on the answering machine. When I first heard it I seriously questioned if that’s what I really sound like when I talk. :face_vomiting:


It sounds like someone from Fargo, North Dakota; definitely not Kiwi


I’m also from New Zealand and the accent didn’t throw me off. It was the tone of voice. I kinda gave his accent the benefit of the doubt due to the outgoing friendliness it had. But I don’t like how he addresses himself as “the repair guy” or starts his sentences with uhs and ums. It’s not professional of a company to do so, but I wasn’t overly bothered.

Perhaps because I’ve been living in New Zealand for so long I hardly notice anything. I’m all for stereotypical accents but for me the kiwi accent has been normal.

I want a remake of this map, with the same setting. I don’t even consider it a “real” map.

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It’s been 2 years, so my memory may be failing me, but I’m pretty sure they did include it. Only it’s not part of the H2 campaign, so people may have missed it…

I think calling HB a tutorial is misleading. If anything, it’s a prologue of sorts, and I guess a lot less people would be bitching about it if it was outright labelled as such. I feel like the only reason why people call it that is because of the initial absence of NPCs.

Like others here, I really enjoy the map for what it is, it’s atmosphere and the change of pace it brings (which probably only shines once you’re playing through the whole story), especially the concept of staking out the area and your target’s going-to-bed-after-work routine. As a story mission, it works perfectly well and offers a lot of ways to off Reynard.

I do however like the idea of a daytime HB bonus mission that would help utilize the map more.

And we got New York and Haven :no_mouth:

HB at least works in every way it’s meant to. Bangkok on the other hand…

That’s too pessimistic, even for you :joy: I doubt this would be the case. But given the introduction of the camera, there might be some tutorial-like sequences or prompts.

Yeah, that’s something I would hope they rectify in the future when they turn it into one complete package…


Nightcall is still the best mission in the game tbh


but what’s your point? it’s not the same thing as bonus missions and maybe we could have got one more instead of the sniper levels and this one


Stick to those contrarian guns, @Quinn, never let them go! :stuck_out_tongue:


I dont judge you, i like Say Hello to my little Friend and Plutonium runs loose best and constantly get mocked for it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I mean, you and Quinn are both as mad as a box of frogs, but there’s a certain charm to your collective lunacy… :grin:


This is a hill I will gladly die on tbh


They technically are bonus missions (at least as of now), even if not in the same vein as the H1 ones, and I feel that asking for bonus missions because of Nightcall not being a “proper” map feels a bit like neglecting these two exist :wink:

That being said, I get your point and I hope they do throw in a “classic” H2 bonus mission or two as part of H3’s support, since the Sniper Assassin maps, while providing a nice distraction, don’t really cut it. If anything, the Special Assignments should’ve been “proper” bonus missions.


I’ve always assumed that the plan was for them to be decent missions, but then time got away from them and realised they couldn’t achieve what they had planned, so they just shoved a few permanent Elusive Targets into the game.


im still weirded out by how sneaky they were about their marketing for the Special Assignments. they didnt even try to fudge words around, they just straight up didn’t tell us anything about the Special Assignments until they released and then let us be angry about it.


Well they called them missions, let everyone pre-order expansion, then changed the category to “Special Assignments” post-launch


I think it’s kind of the same for Patient’s Zero too.