TV Show Discussion Thread

This, from the girl who was in Godzilla vs Kong.


That’s a great way to build trust with your co-workers :joy:

Hey so uh I think we shouldn’t pay you anymore, or you, or you, don’t worry I’m asking for a serious raise.


When they tell her she’ll be removed in order to make the cast smaller:


This, from the person literally on the show itself. And, if your leak is accurate, her wish will come true, as plenty of the new characters this season will die.

Ohh wow, how could she have predicted that?


My sister has been trying to get me to watch The Circle for (apparently) years now and I finally caved. We “binged” the first season over the last few days and it’s kind of pretty good? If you haven’t heard of it, it’s a reality competition show on Netflix that takes place almost entirely digitally. The small group of competitors create social media accounts (real(-ish) or fake) and rate each other’s accounts to see who’s the most popular; it’s an intriguing, if redundant, microcosm of real life social media.

What I mean by that is that by now we should all know, or at least be finding out, the hellscape that modern social media has become. However, how easy catfishing is, how superficial everything can be, how anonymity unleashes people, and how meaningless the blue checks really are, among other things are sort of focal points of the show. It might have still been revolutionary back in 2020 when it first came out but not so much anymore…

That potential too analytical and jaded tirade aside, it’s actually oddly fun. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a more likable cast (except Miranda, seriously f*ck Miranda) in any reality show. Normally, likable people tend to make boring television but, because they’re all playing characters (even the ones that are mostly real), here it somehow works. The little games they sometimes have the cast actually contribute very little to game (much like social media to real life) and seem to be more for giving them something to do between competition segments (and maybe stir up a little drama). The rankings are the only things that kind of matter and even then they’re based on what the contestants THINK they know about their fellow contestants.

All in all, it’s probably one the best reality shows I’ve seen and I’m excited about the next seasons. It’s a very intriguing concept and it’s mostly executed very well. Additionally, it’s format lends itself to having the most diverse cast I’ve seen in reality television in addition to their general likability (they say there’s no such thing as the “perfect woman” but they’ve never met Sammie). However, I’m also a little apprehensive about the subsequent seasons precisely because how good the casting was for this season. Although the show could be a pinch cattier, I don’t think I want to see it become like other reality shows where the main selling point is how mean people are. Part of the charm of The Circle (on top of the unique format) is how different the cast is from other reality shows; on top of missing Sammie (among a handful of others), I already know I won’t like the next casts as much as the first one and I worry about their temperaments and demeanors. As it stands after the first season, however, it’s almost a must watch (especially if you actually like reality shows).

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I just watched the first episode of Stranger Things 4 and damn I need a break :sweat_smile:

The ending! It was so terrifying! Poor Chrissy, I liked her and thought she would make a cute couple with Eddie :pleading_face: Poor Eddie that he had to see all that. And Vecna is so terrifying, too! Such an interesting villain, I wonder what he’s up to and who he is. I thought about Dr. Brenner, but that seems kinda obviously? I can’t wait for the next episodes but I need a break before I get a heart attack :sweat_smile:


I just saw the first two episodes of ObiWan. My wife feel asleep, but I really enjoyed them!


Shame how what they did the to the inquisitors though, they feel like bumbling fools, especially the grand inquisitor

I don’t know much of who they were in the EU books. I just knew they hunted Jedi. They do seem bumbly though. Especially at the end of episode 2. I assume they report directly to Vader and/or Palpatine and so I have no idea how we are to believe those two can’t just read the thoughts of the inquisitors and know the truth about how episode 2 ends.

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I am somewhat of a purist as regards the canon of Star Wars and I don’t like animation so I have no background on the inquisitors except that I know them from the Fallen Order game. I understand that they were also featured in the animated series but not firsthand.

In my mind, sometime between the end of Revenge of the Sith and New Hope there was a culling of any remaining Jedi and that was done by New Hope. Therefore, the inquisitors must be gone by the time that Luke and Obi-wan encounter the Death Star. What happened to them? I don’t know but it seems logical to me that they could have just gotten too big for their britches. Too overconfident. Maybe the grand inquisitor was just too used to getting his way without being challenged. Maybe he isn’t really dead. I have no idea but I liked both episodes.

I do not like that male inquisitors “hat” though. It just irks me for some reason.


they were introduced in disneys first foray into star wars with the unexpectedly great star wars rebels (atleast iirc, i dunno about the star wars comics) , which canonically takes place 4 years after kenobi. The grand inquisitor was the big bad of season 1 of that show and he was incredible. The fifth brother (the green guy) was a bit lamer but he wasnt a bumbling overconfident fool as shown in Kenobi.

shame you dont like one of the best artforms out there

basically, at some point vader had no need for them anymore and disbanded them very personally


How do I block someone on here?


Stranger Things 4 Episode 2 spoilers below

Okay, the season so far is very enjoyable. It’s got tension, mystery, insane horror. Though the addition of two wholly new locations and the iconic group being separated makes wrapping my head around it all a bit much sometimes, plus all the new characters to keep track of. (I had to pause for a bit a few times to work out “okay, person X is here, scene just changed to location 3, where persons B and C are… okay…”

The horror factor is great, I can tell it’s well done. It’s just… holy hell, a lot to take in, especially in the first two episodes. I don’t know how much more bone-snapping deaths I can take, because AAAHHHH it’s so unsettling and terrifying. I signed up for spooky possession, subtle stuff, with some shady govt. cover-ups. Not supernatural bone-breaking teen-murdering unexplainable scenes.
I doubt they’d do it for a third time in Episode 3, but who knows. Urgh.

One really bad thing is just… the extremely stereotypical bullies.
I can’t wrap my head around those characters in any sense whatsoever.
Why does Eleven need this humiliating plot in Season 4? Why are they so villainously evil? It’s becoming more and more unbelievable the more scenes they appear in.

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Just finished Ep.5 and yeah, so far so good. Enjoying this season WAAYY more than 3. I think it"s because It feels more like season 1 and 2.

Season 3 focused too much on Eleven trying to find her self and her identity outside of just being patient #11. And sorry, but it was fucking boring. To me.

This season (so far) recaptures what made the first two seasons good.


So… Obi-Wan Kenobi is pretty decent. It’s elevated by Ewan McGregor and held back by some childishness throughout. I actually don’t have as much of a problem with the Inquisitors as many people seem to; the Grand Inquisitor comes across as stoic to me as opposed to buffoonish, though it has been a while since I’ve seen the original version in Rebels and this show has four episodes to see whether or not it wants to reestablish continuity with the former. I will say Reva leaves a lot to be desired and I always like when the plot contrives to help characters out of the corners the writers wrote them into (this case being when Obi-Wan and Leo’s are trying to escape on a cargo freighter).

Young Leia is pretty good though she can teeter into annoying territory on occasion so I hope she can continue walking that line for four more episodes. I also hope they either either avoid chases sequences with Leia in the remaining episodes or learn how to choreograph them if they insist on filming them. My current head canon is that she’s subconsciously using the force to turn adults chasing her into slow buffoons who have forgotten how to use their legs; it’s the only way to make those scenes mark any amount of sense. Hopefully, they can tighten a few things by the end and I assume they’ll give Ewan McGregor a bit more to do. The appearance of a certain Sith Lord and the end of the second episode shows some promise.

(just please, for the love of all that is holy, no more Leia chase scenes)


Dude! I forgot until you mentioned it but that foot chase was TERRIBLE ! Her stride is like 1/4 of an adults. No way she could outrun them.

They all looked like Steven Seagal when they were running (her included). :joy:


But look he made us some conteeeent! :musical_note: :musical_note: :heart:

A whole hour of outtakes and un-used material. A Deluxe album is coming soon, probably with extra songs that were cut. To Spotify and Apple Music services.
Dunno where I’d put stand-up special related content, but I’m just super hyped about this. What a surprise. Happy 1 year anniversary.



You must have blocked it from your memory; I apologize for reminding you!

Again, I choose to think it was subconscious force use…


Oh fuck yes

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I don’t have time tonight, but I’ll be watching the whole thing during breakfast tomorrow :star_struck: :raised_hands: