TV Show Discussion Thread

Facing Nolan is on Netflicks. It starts a bit slow but within 15 min it’s terribly exciting; even my wife who can’t stand baseball enjoyed it. Nolan Ryan really was a no nonsense zero personality tough guy, and on the pitchers mound he was a force of nature. They don’t have all the footage from his early career which caught me off guard, but back then not every game was on tv.

Totally worth your time.

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So… the 47 of baseball?

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If there is one thing I will miss the most about Blackadder its got to be “I have a cunning plan” and the line used after it normally “as cunning as a fox who went to Oxford to learn about being so cunning”

The ending to Blackadder goes fourth is actually really sad when you think about it.

It is a glorious TV program that completely had me engaged through out Edward Blackadder’s cunning Antitcts.

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Give Paddy Considine an Emmy! That is all.

Ok, I lied. Also, the last two episodes have been incredible and it’s time to break out your dancing shoes. THAT’S all.


So, I don’t know anything about the Rings of Power tv show except that it takes place a long time before the LOTR trilogy, that some folks are upset that black and brown people have bigger roles than wearing Orc makeup, and that the driving question of the first season is who among the cast is really Sauron. Clips just released from the season finale, which I have no context for, mind you, suggests that Sauron’s identity has been revealed in a pretty neat albeit somewhat cliche’ manner, but that it also seems to suggest that Sauron and Lady Galadriel may have had a thing going. Is this true, or am I seeing that clip out of context?

I started watching Breaking Bad. I’ve been meaning to get around to it. I love alot of Vince Gilligan’s episodes for the X-Files, including Drive which had Bryan Cranston guest star. First 2 episodes are pretty great, and honestly, I do love how much dark humour there is. I’d almost call the second episode a black comedy, with Walt and Jess faffing around so much about what to do with the dead body and not-quite dead body, the gore from the acid burning through the bathtub, and Skyler being a peak middle class white woman when talking to Jesse. “I’m Walter’s wife, yo.”


Welcome to the closest example of “perfect television” that has been achieved so far.


You clearly haven’t watched the sopranos.


Don’t need to; the countless accolades from those who have watched both shows and rank BB as superior, both critical and popular, says it for me.

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i prefer the wire and deadwood over either, personally. absolutely tremendous shows.

bb starts very strong and cranston is consistently great throughout, but it kinda lost me when it started taking itself too seriously.

sopranos has been great but i got mired in a really poor season (4,5, or 6? can’t remember) and haven’t been back yet. tony is a magnificent character though; everything you need to know about what’s going on internally with him is in his eyes.


Perhaps you could say he….has a blue moon in his eyes?


Andor just got super interesting with episode 6. It was plodding along building to something and that something just happened with more drama than expected. I’m looking forward to the rest.

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She Hulk was good. Crossing my fingers for a second season. The genre, standalone case-of-the-week episodes, and that wild ending was very refreshing.
Tatiana Maslany is electric.

Had a couple issues, of course. CGI needed more time in some episodes, a couple fight scenes were really poorly edited, and the finale deserved another 10 minutes since they really glossed over the proper “ending” of the main conflict.

The foresight on the writers’ part was fantastic though. The ending of Ep8 was shockingly mature (in a PG format). And the episode with Wong and his new BFF was laugh out loud hilarious.


Omg I just found out that Disney Plus Canada now has the MTV Neil Patrick Harris Spider-Man series from 2003 wooooo!

The episodes are all out of order though ugh


Just watched the first two episodes of “The Peripheral”, based on a novel by William Gibson.
It’s scifi that felt a bit Nolaneque to me.

Pretty decent, though I’ll wait to see where it’s going before giving my final verdict. It definitely has my attention.


love a bit of gibbo. not read that one, but the premise sounded mad. surprised they went for that over the bigend or neuromancer stuff.


Well, Neuromancer has already been done. How could they possibly top that classic game?


The last Jodie Whittaker episode of Doctor Who aired tonight, ending her reign as the Doctor and Chris Chibnall’s reign as showrunner. Personally, I’ve not been a fan of this era, I don’t think Whittaker is a good Doctor and think Chibnall’s episodes have ranged from being boring to being incomprehensible slogs. And really, this episode isn’t an exception. It’s 90 minutes long, alot of hot air with very little in terms of things that actually matter. There are a couple of moments I like which are spoilery, but otherwise? I’m just glad its over.

Russell T Davies, the man who brought Doctor Who back in 2005 and ran it from 2005 - 2009 with Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant is taking over again as showrunner. The rumour is a few specials before an eventual Series 14. And the next Doctor is David Tennant.


It is confirmed to be 3 specials in November 2023. According to the BBC press release that is. It also confirms that David Tennant is the 14th Doctor.


Clarify for me, as I know nothing about the show other than a time traveller with a phone booth and a screwdriver dies and comes back different to fight a bunch of evil trashcans: aren’t there supposed to be only 13 of these?