TV Show Discussion Thread

Yeah, it’s a bit much, but it’s a pretty poetic line for a show about a Robot loving a Witch. I honestly was expecting Vision to say he was quoting someone.


Finished watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Yeah, Season 7 is where I think the show is losing some steam by this point, and the final 10 parter(!) feels very clunky at points, with it being serialised and jumping from 6 different sub-plots constantly. But y’know what, the finale is pretty good, it feels satisfying, and I enjoyed the show, even if Season 1 is very weak.

Maybe I should now actually bother to watch Discovery Season 3. But I have the feeling I’ll keep putting that off. (Doesn’t help DS9 created Section 31 and Discovery’s version of Section 31 is so idiotic.)


I’m on the exact same page :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I’ve watched all of Star Trek except some of the OG series and season 7 of DS9! I don’t know what it is, but I can’t get into that season. Might actually force myself to this week tho

I recommend Discovery season 3. Section 31 actually isn’t even in season 3. Honestly, it carries a lot of the same flaws as season 1 & 2, but it has some genuinely compelling bits to it and the overarching story is decent.

Into the second season of Fargo now.

I had seen Season 1 before, and rewatched it recently. A very fine piece of television. Will undoubtedly rewatch it again.

Had seen the start of Season 2 but couldn’t get into it, I think I was still to taken by Season 1 to be able to move on, but I’m glad I gave it a second chance.


Did someone watched Capitani on Netflix? I watched it because the main characters voice actor is the same who voiced Lucas Grey :see_no_evil: But then it also was quite a good criminal story and I enjoyed it. I’m looking forward for the second season.

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That’s a solid enough rec for me!

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He swears very much, it was nice to hear Lucas saying “fuck” :sweat_smile:

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Let Grey Say Fuck 2021!

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I have started with the “Top Boy” on the netflix.

First thing i wish to say, is there super cut of everyone sucking their teeth? I watch with subtitles as English talk fast and funny everything is sucks teeth

Also do they really say “innit” after every sentence? I need super cut of all teeth sucking and innit. LOL innit.

But more seriously I like the story, I like alot of the characters. I forget names, so bad with names. I remember Jamie, Sully, and Donovan, oh and Suga. I like Jamie, but most cause mandem very handsome innit. Sully I like his heart, Donovan I felt sorry for and Suga i remember cause they say his name all the time. I like Jamie little brother and that whole dynamic. I used to like the Lesbian lady but she the one messing with the kids in a bad way.

I like for slang, it’s suspenfull, the camera work is good and writing. I dislike maybe the English rappers it sucks. I played watch dogs legion and then this, English rappers it’s like really bad. But honestly i like it alot maybe they kill characters i really like and it’s sad but the show is good i say


Finished the premiere season of Pacific Rim: The Black. It’s on Netflix.

It’s an anime-inspired CG show, following two siblings, Hayley and Taylor, who are living in Australia and must set out and find their parents and a safe haven after a Kaiju finds their settlement. Along the way, they come across shady organizations trying to take control of a fractured world, giant monsters, a mysterious abandoned child, and one big robot – a Jager.
I’m not too familiar with the movie series’ plot (I’ve seen them, but I don’t remember much apart from the big CGI fight scenes – especially for the sequel film :expressionless:) the lore that it dives into for this series is pretty interesting and I like how it focuses a lot on Drifting – the process of linking two human brains to a Jager AI in order to control it. The idea of needing two people to share memories, feelings, and bonds to pilot a giant mech is super cool and the sequences that use it are very neat.

There’s some odd dialogue, the low-character-frame-rate doesn’t fit for me, and some voice-acting involving excited characters are where it can get weird (people laughing in a scene with very little reason and it goes on a bit long). Apart from that it’s very enjoyable.
It was an entertaining, action-packed animated series. The monster designs are simple but awesome. I’m excited to see what they’ll do in the future, especially given the cliffhanger. (It has been renewed for a Season 2, hopefully I don’t have to wait too long.)


On that note: RIP Joel. He was one of my favourite characters. It was really cool to see how – despite the Drift marathon he went through that turned his brain into scrambled eggs, it also made him develop greater dexterity and abilities he otherwise hadn’t had before. I was interested in seeing what they could do with him later down the line with this plot point, but he was used as a shock death. Damnit. Maybe that thread will be explored with someone else in the future…


Huh, might give it a shot then, sounds interesting :+1:

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I kind of forgot to mention – it’s a CGI animated series (that has an anime-inspired style).

Just wanted to mention that if such things are a turn-off for you.

edit: there. just added it in.

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I didn’t even know there was a Pacific Rim series ! I’m a huge fan of the first one (giant monsters and robots are my two childhood passions, so this movie is made for me ahah :laughing:)

Animated series are not really my cup of tea, but the plot sounds really interesting, so I’ll give it a try :slightly_smiling_face: (Hopefully it will make me forget everything about Pacific Rim Uprising :expressionless:)


We can dream. Also a double crime because they wasted John Boyega and Charlie Day

May I recommend Colossal (2016) in case you haven’t seen that yet. Has a good dose of both :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Never heard about Colossal, no. Sounds fun. I ran out of movies/series to watch at the moment, so I will probably watch it soon. Thanks :blush:


Just finished the new version of The Stand and wow is it so…mediocre. It’s been a long time since I’ve read the book (or seen the original miniseries), but I’m guessing it stays really true to its source, because it sure feels like something written in the late 70s.

You’ve got clear-cut Good versus Evil and everyone is 100% one or the other because…they have to be? The battle between the two groups seems to just take place because…that’s the way it’s supposed to happen? (I mean, they could have just as easily left each other alone and no one would have cared.)

And don’t get me started on Stephen King’s use of magical mentally disabled characters, at once elevating them to innocent sainthood and reducing them to cliched tropes devoid of personality, something which bugged me even back when I was in high school and here seems massively out of date.

In fact, they change so little that it makes me wonder why they remade it in the first place. Aren’t all of these the things you change and flesh-out to make the core story relevant to a new audience? Shouldn’t you at least try to say something more than “Good’s gonna good and evil’s gonna evil”?

Come to think of it, when you add in the fact that the more I learn about real-life James Franco the more I actively dislike him, I think calling it ‘mediocre’ is being very generous.

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Just stumbled across this one

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Is this series still happening?

the Hitman series that Kolstad has been planning will introduce the mysterious character with a full head of hair, only discovering his own barcode at the end of the pilot. Blasphemy, you say? Hardly! Allow Kolstad to explain.

"I wrote Episode 1 and 2, and what was great is they let me come in [and] introduce a character like that to our post-modern world. And I did it very much like The Third Man meets Three Days in the Condor . You’re introduced to a guy who’s very much the hitman we know from the games, but he’s got a full head of hair, and he’s independent. He has a handler, he’s got a life, he’s very much that early '80s, late '70s assassin we read about in the books, right? But at a certain point, he gets a gig, and that gig unveils the reality that no choice he’s ever made has been his own. And of course, the show ends with him at a mirror, finding hidden under his skin, the barcode. So suddenly it becomes a mystery of ‘who am I, really?’ [Jason] Bourne did that excellently.

I’m was very sceptical reading the tile of the article, but I decided not to piss into the wind. Instead I decided to read the part of the article to get a better understanding, instead of my initial perception. I’m still sceptical, however it could work and I’m looking forward to the series. If it ever happens.


Hmm. I can’t say I’m not disappointed, but if they’ve written it well it could be a fun spin on the established characters we already know.

Thinking of a Hitman TV series, my first thought is definitely not “yay let’s gooo Jason Bourne mystery” but… I’m actually still kind of interested now?

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Hmm, honestly the hair thing does bother me, it sounds like a cool idea for the pilot. What I’m less into is the idea of a Hitman TV series being a Hitman origin story. Fans already know his origins and a TV show would either retread ground we already know or change it.

It isn’t a requisite for great stories to begin where the main character begins. Having a 47 who already knows himself and is thrown a new interesting situation and we see him develop in new ways sounds much more interesting to me

That being said, can’t judge a show that hasn’t been made yet :wink: I just often don’t like origin stories (except X-Men Origins: Wolverine, that actually rules)