Unpopular opinions about Hitman

Don’t worry, there’s no need to correct me. We can both have our opinions :wink:


What did you think when you saw C47? :laughing:

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I don’t remember. I do remeber the first thing I thought when I booted C47 up though: “What the fuck are those controls?”


ZSCX+W players, rise up!


I have a genuinely unpopular opinion to post in this thread (I think).

I finally got my hands on the full WoA trilogy soundtrack today, and I’ve been listening to some of the more ‘hidden’ parts of the soundtrack that you don’t tend to hear in general play because (if you’re a coward like me) if you get into combat and the more pacy exciting tracks dynamically kick in, you’re already pressing buttons to get to the Load Game menu. So after hearing the full WoA soundtrack properly for the first time, my opinion is:

Niels Bye Nielsen made better music for Hitman games than Jesper Kyd did.

But wait! That’s not the Unpopular Opinion part of my post, because most people like and appreciate both Niels and Jesper, even if they have a preference for one or the other. My Unpopular Opinion is:

It’s not even close. Niels >>> Jesper, when it comes to Hitman games.

Gonna die on this hill if I have to. Come at me, bro.


Here are more cool ones I found.

Server room

Hitman berlin

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They’re good but the thing is, you can take in-game screenshots yourself and have even better ones than IO has used for promoting the game thanks to Ansel :stuck_out_tongue:


Well,I wish you good luck at getting better screenshots in this case! :smiley:
Anyways,l don’t think we should turn this into “Hitman Promotional art” topic.

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only correct take on 47 tbh


I spot only one. :thinking:

  • pneumatic wrench :white_check_mark: Miami
  • muffin :white_check_mark: everywhere
  • iron :white_check_mark: some places
  • defibrillator :x:
  • fish :white_check_mark: everywhere
  • fire extinguisher :white_check_mark:
  • measuring tape :white_check_mark: Mumbai

Does KAI’s defibrillator count?

Not sure, it is also no H2 feature.

True but HITMAN 2 does allow us to use electric items to freely rig puddles.

You can unlock it via completing featured contracts so, just like the muffin, you can get it everywhere.

If you’re going that loose with the definition then the muffin and the fish are the same thing, both food :wink:

I was actually going to say that first and I was going to say it if someone called me out on being technical.

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I’ve spent too long on this forum if I’m thinking on the same wavelength as you like :upside_down_face:

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Well we’re comparing a soundtrack made in 2021 to one that was made in 2006. Kyd’s work has evolved, look at his other work such as the Assassin Creed games, Valhalla is his latest. If he’d still be onboard with the Hitman soundtrack, it would have been way better than what he did in BM :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s just how I see things. :stuck_out_tongue:


Fair point, well made! :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:


Agree. For the time the games came out, his music was perfect IMO, the style and so on. But I think the soundtrack like for Codename 47 wouldn’t fit with the actual games which doesn’t mean that Kyde wouldn’t be able to do a soundtrack that would have fit.

The thing is, it would still be different from the soundtrack of the older games, no matter who did it :woman_shrugging: It’s just not the time for such music anymore.