Unpopular opinions about Hitman

@MrOchoa I think you found a soulmate


Totally agree with you


I didn’t actually mind Marrakesh. I preferred it to Bangkok.


the atmosphere is top notch there, imo. and bangkok feels a bit lacking in areas. something like a pool or a proper garden in the back instead of that little staff only area


as a life-long fan of the series, this is where my brain’s at: i don’t think 47 has ever been an interesting character.

at least, not in a narrative sense.

the reason he doesn’t seem to transfer all that well to more narrative-driven stuff (popcorn movies, for example) is because there’s little to no room for conflict or change within him. in fact, i’d argue that to impose such things, often in an attempt to make him somewhat more relatable or give us emotional space to root for him or whatever, undermines what i consider to be 47’s primary appeal: that of the implacable, mysterious, calculated killer.

for my money, the best stories in hitman aren’t about 47 at all. i’d argue that the most interesting characters and stories are really the levels themselves.

ideally, 47 functions much in the same way as a detective does in a mystery story: he’s our guide through these exotic worlds we can never normally hope to see; he introduces us to an unreachable strata of social archetypes; he pulls back the veil on sections of society to uncover their messy insides; he acts as a surrogate observer of his target’s story, allowing us, the player, to piece together the full picture over multiple playthroughs…

…right up until 47 enters the story proper and becomes the - often ironic - full stop at the end, having given us the opportunity to explore and impact on people and places that are often completely out of reach in real life.

like, sure, 47 has certain idiosyncrasies. he loves an on-the-nose murder pun; he has a penchant for ironic, heath robinson style signature kills; and he seems completely alien to the world around him (not that they notice). yet i wonder whether these aren’t so much functions of any underlying character, but rather expressions of the ongoing dialogue between developer and player, or simply symptomatic of the quirks of the medium, or even some mixture of the two.

i dunno. that’s my unpopular take, at least.

sorry. that went on a bit. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I dunno if its therapeutic or not but I like to use the invisible 1 cheat and play hidden valley. I like to sit at the back of the truck and enjoy listening to the exploration ost. It really takes me back to winters of 2002.

P.s. I fucking despise the mission but as a concept its good but executed badly.


I think if the mission had also implemented an opportunity to eliminate like, dunno, a high ranking ninja who could track us and the design of infiltration also revolving around that and severely reducing the snipers nests so most of the surface can be fun to play aswell, maybe Hidden Valley and At The Gates would be way more fun to play.


Bananas should be an own useable item outside of Heaven Island.


I don’t know what’s so “unpopular” about that, but yes they should.


Bananas are overpowered… so I thought all pro speedrunner and variety fanats think it’s unpopular like the electric phone.

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The same as alien, the same as jurassic park, the same as James bond in terms of actors, the same as the hobbit, the same as asterix and obelix (movies), the same as predator, the same as spiderman (Sam trilogy) the same as …

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Are you saying that The Lost World is better then Jurassic Park? not that it’s a bad movie, but better I would not call it.

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May I?
Absolution is better than Contracts.


okay you know what? it was a mistake inviting you back in.


What did you just do!? You know that is illegal around here. :3,

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Ig you didn’t read the thing.


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Hitman Codename 47 is better than any other hitman game ever

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i have the feeling you are going to ask me for a favor.

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