Unpopular opinions about Hitman

47 skewering Yates through his jowls was a pretty decent cinematic, even if you don’t get to bask in the actual stab so much.


I don’t mind the lack of cinematic kills because sometimes I wanted to take a picture of a kill from a different angle but it turned out to be a cinematic one…


I agree. There are many kills I would have love to see with a little cinematic. Ingram and Stuyvesant with the manipulated parachutes, killing Yates with flooting the area with wine… at least the mission story kills :woman_shrugging:


Let’s not forget the DJ kill.


Vidal at least, you know. Imagine a direct overhead view of her going into the crusher, or a closeup on the squeezer when it lifts and her flesh is clinging to both surfaces. A brief look at her shivering and ice crystals forming at the corners of her eyes if locked in the freezer…




Hey, if we’re gonna play a game about murdering people, let’s get serious!

And if not, I at least expect some laughs, and those cinematic kills are always a good source for a chuckle.


i thought we were talking about kills where the black bars frame the screen and it looks like a little movie.

while that method of killing as a DJ is a sight to behold, it is not a satisfying cutscene

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I really want more of those, yes, but I still felt the tree electrocution was in itself rather cinematic.


IMO, all of the mission story/opportunity kills should be cinematic. They go through all the trouble of developing those little stories within stories, it’s a shame they don’t all end with a scripted scene.


At last, we have a cinematic for suffocating Alexa with the pillow. Better than nothing I guess.


True but it’s far too quick. I know she’s in her 70s but jeeeesus. Janus, who needed an oxygen tank took longer to smother :stuck_out_tongue:

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Didn’t you see how jaunty Janus was after you did all the good deeds for him? He may have looked old and frail but he was clearly just depressed.

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Well, in Alexa’s case, I’m thinking 47 pushed harder than he did in other cases. Other smotherings, he’s got his hands at the edges of the pillow and is holding it down so that the target can’t get out of it, but with Alexa’s small pillow, he’s got his hand pressing right in the middle, directly over her face. I’m guessing he may not have just smothered her but actually did some damage to her. If not, consider that she had just screamed into the pillow, expelling all of the air she had, and then 47 is pressing on it. She probably needed air more desperately than the other targets in WoA you can smother, because she was already out of air.

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I know it takes 3 or so minutes to smother someone to death with a pillow in real life, and I also know that this would make for a ridiculously long animation if it were implemented. Although, I highly doubt shoving a small pillow in someone’s face would kill them - fracture their nose, maybe. But the downward angle would make it impossible for the nose cartilage to penetrate her brain. I too thought that the fact that she was screaming into the pillow was the reason behind it, but even then it was too quick. I just didn’t buy it.

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Nah he was old, frail and depressed :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well, it’s not like drinking poison immediately makes you fall dead right there on the spot most of the time. Yuki wouldn’t have died immediately because the sauna was too hot. Silencers don’t actually make guns “whisper quiet”. Guards don’t usually shoot to kill just because they don’t recognize a waiter… it’s all for the purposes of the game.

I have a feeling that a truly realistic version of the game where everything actually took as long as it should would end up being very unpopular and probably boring.


Yep I covered that ^ The fact is that we’re used to things taking a little longer in Hitman, despite how unrealistically quick some kills are. The point being that when you smother Carlisle with the pillow, it’s too short even for a game wherein deaths are quicker than what is expected. Ya dig?

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You know, that’s for speedrunning. :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t ever want them to reboot this series as long as David Bateson is willing and able to be the voice of 47. Once that is no longer an option, for whatever reason, then it’s time to reboot the series completely, new protagonist and everything, and it should be one that’s more realistic. The silenced firearms should sound like the real ones, strangulations and poisonings should take the amount of time as real ones so, breaking a neck should not result in an instant death, gunshots and stab wounds should be messier and the victims should scream out in pain like real life. By the time this happens, games will absolutely have the tech needed to make it as realistic as possible, so let’s do it. They could even set it in the same world, after 47 and Diana’s time has come and gone, and it would help cement why 47 was the best because other, normal hitmen can’t kill targets as quickly and easily as he could.