Unpopular Opinions

I have no friends and I despise my family. I would never waste my precious free time on them. My wife and my dog are all I need. My most meaningful relationships aside from that are on this forum.

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Aw that sounds awful :frowning:


Not really, itā€™s quite liberating to keep your circle of trust very small and just dispense with the rest of the muck that is humanity.

The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.

I may be about to really kick a hornetsā€™ nest on this one, butā€¦


I liked John Travolta in Battlefield: Earth. I donā€™t like Battlefield: Earth, but I like Travoltaā€™s role. His over-the-top portrayal of an alien that wouldnā€™t be imposing even in season two of Star Trek: The Next Generation, was actually perfect for movie so ridiculous and terrible, and was the only enjoyable thing to find in that train wreck.


That isnā€™t controversial at all, Travolta is like the one thing everybody who has ever seen Battlefield Earth can agree on is the most entertaining thing about the movie.

Alongside the shitty Dutch angles and ties to the Church of Scientology he is the most talked about thing about the movie.

This is a huge step down from your Wham-based opinions last year.

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Because this one is actually opinion. I just donā€™t get why he gets so much shit talked about the downturn in his career due to this role. Heā€™s had worse roles in better movies.

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They should adapt that book Scientology claims kills you if you arenā€™t Scientological(?) enough to comprehend it. Excalibur has to be absolute ass if being Tom Cruise rich and John Travolta stupid is the barrier to read it.