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As someone who loved Final Fantasy Tactics, I always heard about how good Tactics Ogre was, but I was never able to find it. (And if the YouTube comments are correct, the Nvidia leaks seem to suggest that FFT is getting remade as well. :smiley:)

Releases 11 Nov 22 on PlayStation, Switch and PC.

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Is this russian attempt to remake Duke Nukem?

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Reminds me of Half-Life, especially the part with the crowbar :grin:

Return to monke



Looking forward to this one!


ā€œislandā€ā€¦ welcome to Cali!


Heh they werenā€™t going to change the name over such a details but this one looks sick and hilarious.


Iā€™m interested in how this game might turn out with how long itā€™s been in development hell and the amount of times its had to switch developers. Thatā€™s most likely not a good thing, but Iā€™m sure it might be ā€œdecentā€ at best.

Whatā€™s got me super weirded and creeped out is Amazon digging their claws into a game feature for this.

Nothing suspicious at all about requiring a Bezos account to use a voice-activated featureā€¦


Well I know one feature Iā€™ll never be usingā€¦


I would say it is just as suspect as it was when you could use Kinect to do the same thing in Dead Rising 3 or when you use UPlay/Origin/Whatever, or buy a game on Epic, or a game on Steam or when you use PS Plus to play multiplayer or when you use Cortana on a PC or-


Grrrrā€¦ the only Dead Rising I havenā€™t played because of stupid exclusivityā€¦


I dunnoā€¦ It feels scarier to me when itā€™s Amazon of all things taking over the ā€œmicrophone featureā€ of the video game. At least I can lie to myself and say all those other gaming companies would only use that gathered data to further their gaming business decisions, etc.
Stay in your lane Jeff!

At the very least it looks like itā€™s entirely optional and youā€™re not forced to opt-in and give them a linked Amazon account to play the game.

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I just canā€™t imagine talking to my computer/phone/car/house/etc. For a game to use my voice, it would have to hear me in the first place.

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I donā€™t know why people seemingly hate Amazon so much yet ignore other companies faults. Like you canā€™t have a designated company to hate, they are all the same sort of evil even if they are less transparent about how evil they are. Like you can scrutinise them on an individual level but I would never say ā€œX is more evil than Y, Z and Aā€.


True. Amazonā€™s an easy evil scapegoat I guess, since itā€™s run by one of the richest people in the world and yet thereā€™s still massive issues in the company regarding wages and employee treatment. And those have kind of gotten the biggest headlines recently in the mainstream


I think a lot of people automatically assume that if the CEO is wealthy, and you donā€™t get much wealthier than Jeff Bezos, they must be somehow doing something wrong. We vilify success now more than ever.

Corporations exist to make money. There is literally no other reason for a business to operate. No one starts a for-profit business for altruistic purposes. They may be altruistic people running them, but the company still needs to turn a profit. That requires employees and it is in the best interests of the company to pay those employees as little as possible.

Itā€™s perfectly fine to hate capitalism, or labor, or unions, or wealthy CEOs or anything else you want, but Amazon isnā€™t unique - itā€™s just big.


Voice commands would be great in some type of games. Any rpg game with companions, or tactical games like ghost recon, or a sub sim to give commands to the crew. Also imagine Diana answering to your questions.