Visit Ambrose - Featured Contracts (Sep. 30, 2022)

Wait, is that drowning? How can a C4 be drowning?

Itā€™s not lol

Obviously since the method differs you canā€™t get 5 stars this way, but I find it more fun like that, it flows better with the rest of the contract. 47 will just have to tell the client that the explosion sent the target flying into the sea and that he drowned afterwards :smiley:

Then yeah, a single method for Yeager I guess

Ok I guess you are right, but I still had loads of fun watching players actually hiding bodies in containersā€¦:rofl::rofl::rofl:

There is nothing better with this game than watching other players play your contracts

Congratulations @bgyorok @Kesington019 @Chiku138 @Steynkie1 @Force_Obscure @linux_penguin for the feature! Think I played one or two of these when they were submitted. Looking forward to playing them again!


I really enjoyed ā€œTourist Tendenciesā€.

It was a fun little puzzle but, almost more than that, Iā€™d never noticed any of these people before in any of my play throughs of Mumbai. I ended up spending my first run just going on this tour with them. I think the best part is that every place they they stop there is a story relevant conversation going on so that gets boosted volume and subtitles while the tour guide gets her mic turned down.