What’s one of the most chronically online takes you’ve seen?

I’d argue the meme has some truth to it, but right wingers will love to use that to say “Both Sides are Equally as Bad” instead of examining the systemic failures that have made many people lose faith in mainstream electoral politics. Dems certainly don’t do much for the working class either, same as New Labour in the UK - But the batshit crazy thing is that Republicans (or anyone at all really) thinks that the Democrats are remotely “left wing” because they’re not at all.


I mean the alternative is a party that’s basically been taken over by neofascist Christian nationalists

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nope, im old, but let’s remain focused specifically on nazism (all nazis are racist, but not all racists are nazis). any examples of that?

“leanings”? he literally identified himself as a nazi in the 90s, didn’t he?

sorry to ask again, but have you got any concrete examples of what you’re talking about here? it’s all a bit strawman at the moment and difficult to engage with meaningfully.

the way you’re framing the division between the two parties here is worth a look.

i don’t know you from adam, but i would assume from this that you have much less of a problem with the republicans than the democrats (which you’re entitled to; none of my beeswax).

for example: “not seeking to see other possibilities” is a pretty innocuous criticism and i would say dramatically downplays their recent activities. i’m not saying you’re doing this, but this a typical rhetorical device used when someone wants to appear balanced.

compare it to how you describe the democrats as “[hiding] its uncaring nature under hashtags and fake niceness […] for that fake plastic and shallow freedom

just going by that, you seem to be implying that the gop are just kind of misguided while the democrats are actively malicious. i’d say the republicans are notoriously malicious (and i’d be happy to provide examples). while i don’t have much good to say about the democrats either, i’m not sure i’d let the gop off nearly that lightly there.

also, just want to point out - sans democrats - that “diversity checkbox” descriptor is a pretty cliched right-wing, fox-style talking point.

im not going to get into that here (and again, it’s none of my business what you believe), but maybe have a think about where the supposed anxiety that fuels things like “diversity checkboxes” comes from, because it has pretty shitty origins.


A good summary of American politics seems to be that Republicans see Democrats as enemies who need to be supressed and destroyed, whereas Democrats think Republicans will change their minds if they’re conciliatory and nice enough to them.

Mainstream democrats treat extreme right wing Republicans with kid gloves and empathy but utterly sabotage the left wing members of their own party.


i don’t follow us politics as closely as i should. watch a bit of john oliver and some more news on occasion.

also? go to bed, you nut!




i won’t deny i’m to the right aisle and yeah i probably am not mentioning much on the republican thing. tbh i didn’t think this topic would turn to this direction so quick so i didn’t expect to really get into these debates. was trying to keep it apolitical. but i kind of let my position slip a bit.

yer probably gonna hate where i got it from.

pass all our political opinions i do find this to be a wild claim about math. i can see for the transgender thing why but there is a lot of issue with the claim of “math is racist”.

yeah a pretty poor choice of words on my part but yeah. even a photo with him next to an SS helm if i’m not mistaken. thinking about reminds me how the book lords of chaos from what i hear is horrible.

to add companies try a lot on trying to hop on the bandwagon of politics with people with left wing thoughts such as by what we see with Disney, the way companies deal with pride month, and mostly trying to get everyone’s money for their own gain and not really for the sake of movements. so when i say the whole checkmark thing that is what comes to mind. companies trying to make a quick buck. not to mention a lot of it being done through a capitalist market the market that is claimed by many trying to be stopped yet people keep following them defeating the purpose of some communist individuals yearning to abolish capitalism. not to mention eating the rich popsicles that have faces of famous rich people that cost 10 bucks. can’t stop a system if yer distracted with vain things getting in the way and being immobilized to a consumerist who waits for the next thing to be angry about and do nothing about the thing that angers you.

@Screaming_Meat wait i remember now my case on the pejorative issue.

why the fuck it take me that long to remember? also these two vids help disprove this girls claims. also Kirk is Filipino and the Trujillo is a Mexican Native American mix so why would they let them in?

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the amount of times i’ve been called a homophobe by straight men because i’m not transphobic… bring shame back in 2023



also Lars is a Danish Jew to add more to how crazy the “metallica is racist” claim is. not to mention the girl’s lack of knowledge of German history on the iron cross. also sorry screaming meat you can speak now. just wanted to give you a claim with weight to it.

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i’d need to read the original claim for myself and look at a few different sources. i don’t think matt fuckin’ walsh would be the kind of guy to frame this fairly or offer a nuanced take. even so, i’d be surprised if someone were seriously claiming that cold hard number operations, devoid of any context, were inherently racist.

also, thanks for fucking up my youtube algorithm. now i’m getting ben shapiro’s rat-fuck face all over my feed :smile:

can’t be apolitical about nazis.

everyone - left or right - knows that large corporations only care about profit; however, if the upshot is a child of colour gets to see more people on screen that they can relate to better than an endless sea of white faces, who they can meaningfully aspire to, that in itself is an unequivocally good thing, imo.


what my original post was to clear all of it up.

my overall point from the beginning had to do with a lot of people saying they hate stuff like that but have a sketchy past. never thought it would go this direction.

oof. gotta love the shit algorithm of youtube simply cause i posted a vid and other person got ton of vids to something they don’t care about. to add more to the sketchy past thing is when they try to wipe away all of it to seem as their the second coming of Christ who has done no wrong. every human has done horrible things in their life ore things they regret. we only do right. we sometimes do wrong.

fascists have manufactured a “crisis” between gay people and trans people so in the minds of these fucking dorks you have to be anti-trans or you’re homophobic, despite the fact that they’re majority straight

you must run into really odd characters. i’ve had some run ins but it’s a long story.

i skipped the video and sourced the original article. i’m not gonna go for too deep a dive on this because, frankly, it isn’t worth it and i’ve written a novellas worth of replies already.

however… proceeds to write long rambling post

i’m not sure about loudwire. there’s a lot here that makes my “signal boost for clicks” sense tingle.

walk with me a sec:

just looking at this in the broadest sense, loudwire know metallica has a large fan base. presumably, many frequent their site. they know people tend to click more when they’re angry. so they signal boost a relatively minor twitter spat based on a tiktok video, slap a provocative click bait title on it, and rake in the clicks.

this is a depressingly common tactic… because it works. there’s even a whole cottage industry of response/commentary video content grown up around this sort of thing (you posted some; it’s more easy clicks).

there’s a ton of specific red flags that i can point to, but this thing is already longer than intended. i’d be happy to point them out another time though.

i also watched serena’s tiktok. twice.

didn’t see where she said they were nazis.

she did say that the nazi salute they were photographed doing was anti-semitic. she did say the iron cross is a neo-nazi dogwhistle, which it certainly can be.

is james “yay-ya” hetfield known for really digging prussian/german military memorabilia (because there’s a whole rather (un)surprising thing with the memorabilia market that i have second-hand experience with. im not even gonna touch that right now)?

the rest of the video is her listing things they did - often with some footage to back the claim - or things people said about them on record.

it’s not a good video or format, by any stretch. i certainly wouldn’t cite it as a source for anything. it is super lazy and uninsightful; but that wasn’t the point. it’s just a list of stuff. for clicks.

i looked for tiktok data to see what her numbers were like prior to this video but couldn’t find any. still, it really isn’t worth the supposedly huge kerfuffle - according to loudwire - it caused. i suspect it was a slow news day for them and this was an easy win.

so, given that no one i can see actually claimed they were nazis, that metallica’s popularity was in no way dented, and this is basically a dumb twitter spat given far more coverage than it’s worth, i’m not sure this really fits the “dangerous” (who/what was at risk?) or “perjorative” (no one called them nazis) criteria.

understandable and yeah loudwire are vultures. Metallica does have a pretty strong fanbase so it won’t really dent it. point is it is a lot of dangerous rumor mill and hearsay. if this was a smaller band they would’ve lost work for a bunch of bad shit.

sorry, but where is the danger in this example? did they not do everything she listed?

from where i’m sitting, the fault lies with loudwire for signal boosting empty content and the minor spat it caused.

but it wasn’t. smaller bands wouldn’t get the signal boost because they don’t get the clicks.

anyway, i think i’ve hijacked your thread enough.

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actually its @unfunnyguy thread. overall saying misinformation and hypocrisy is a dangerous thing. but yeah i’ll stop on that topic just so the thread doesn’t get filled to the brim with the debate.