What Videogame(s) Are You Playing?

Haven’t played that much prop hunt, but what I have played has been good :joy:

It usually gets less fun the longer it’s been out due to everyone knowing what the props are.

Currently I’m playing CoD Cold War and Sackboy, because I play them online with my brother and some other friends


you have a Playstation? What else are you playing? :blush:

I’m currently replaying The Last of us 2 and this time i really enjoy it, it looks so great and controls fantastically, especially on PS5.
The first time i played it, i rushed basically trough because i feared to get spoiled online and i didn’t really enjoyed it. Now I’m halfway through and feel the game was better than I thought initially.


That’s what I’m afraid of with H3.

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I’m feeling with you, sister.

Yes but just the PS4. I don’t play regularly, because of my job and my studies I can’t do that. But when i have the time to play, I like to play games that don’t need much time to play. Something like Uncharted or Tomb Raider, where you have some hours of fun and you don’t need to take your time.

But when I have the time, I like to play Final Fantasy (but the “older” ones), GTA or Red Dead Redemption. I’m not that much into new games, because they are often too expensive. The new CoD and Sackboy Adventure are an exception because I got them for Christmas :grin:

That’s the reason I will quit watching into this forum for some days till I played it to the fullest :see_no_evil: will miss you guys! :sweat_smile:


I’ll go into full lockdown until I get to the end my first time. Sorry guys, I love you…but you can’t be trusted.


Multiple but the ones I’m focusing the most are Kingdom Come: Deliverance, mostly the DLCs content and Star Wars: Republic Commando.

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I’ve been playing Devil May Cry non-stop since I got it for Christmas. It’s such a weird game, but I love it. The characters, the locations, the gameplay, the replayability, everything (except for the music, which is hit or miss).
If you didn’t know, the first DMC was made using parts of Resident Evil 4’s prototype, which revolved around Leon fighting imaginary ghosts in a castle. You can see remnants of this concept with some enemies and the fact that you start off in a castle, and with a bigger focus on firearms than the rest of the series. Because of this, DMC 1 feels really unique and different, even though it’s not as polished as the rest. Melee combat is simplistic and the camera gets in the way sometimes, but that doesn’t prevent it from being a great game.
Plus, there’s something about it that just makes it more satisfying when you’re doing good at a level. It doesn’t feel unfair or completely unpredictable (you will be caught off-guard, but you can come back from it if you adapt to the situation quickly enough), so you feel like you start to understand the game more and more until you think that you’ve mastered it, and then, you unlock a new difficulty, which completely changes your playstyle. Changing from Normal to Hard felt surreal, and it just made me realize how much I didn’t know. And the least said about Dante Must Die, the better. That was just painful to get through, but I came out of it as a better player and with a fantastic reward, which I won’t spoil if you wish to play it.
Overall, for a PS2 game, it’s wonderful. It shows its age, but it’s still very fun to play, and it just gives me the “MrOchoa experience”. I just love the first game so much because of how it stands out, and how it feels so different from the rest, even if they were built using the first game as a base.

also I guess you could say because it has a more “serious” and “grim” atmosphere but then again DMC 2 exists and we don’t talk about that one


Yesterday I found an article about somebody has recreated the full Fast&Furious (2001) movie in GTA5.
Looks really great. The video is in German.

This is the most suitable thread I could find for this video

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That’s proof enough that it came from a Resident Evil game. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt on the first game, but I know that it’s now a difficulty device for that series. “Let’s put the camera here so the player can only see the front half of Jill Valentine. Her butt will be off screen and half her shoulders too. Then we will have a zombie attack her from behind :joy:

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Yo nothing against fixed Camera Angles and Tank Controls, i love those old Resident Evil Games :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I love them too. I just remember not playing them for a few years so I know I missed more than 1 or 2 games, and then I played one on for PS2 and was like “oh my god they are still doing this shit!”

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People are currently hacking in Zombies Public Matches. I got into one today and I didn’t realize it til after getting one kill. I’m Max Level and just want to warn you. I don’t know if I’ll be reset or banned, but I just want to make you aware that this is happening.

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In my neverending quest to increase the size of my game backlog, I got Outer Wilds (the indie game not to be confused with The Outer Worlds). So far, it’s a pretty cool game. You play an alien pilot flying a spaceship for the first time, only to have the sun go supernova after twenty minutes…and you get stuck in a time loop, replaying the same twenty minutes over and over.

I’m still early on, but it’s basically a game about exploring this little solar system, with 9 tiny planets, moons and a comet/asteroid to land on. It uses realistic gravity so flying between planets is both fun and frustrating and there’s a decent learning curve on landing.

The draw for some people (and the aggravation for others) is that the game really doesn’t tell you what to do. Your home world serves as an informal tutorial for a lot of the mechanics (you have to go get the launch codes before you take off for the first time), but once you’re out among the planets, it’s up to you where to go and what to look for. There’s a vanished alien civilization to investigate and fellow astronauts from your village to find and I assume that everything will culminate in some explanation for (and breaking of) the time loop, but so far it’s a lot of “Oh, that looks interesting. I should check it out.”

Sometimes it can be frustrating when you go through a few loops in a row without accomplishing anything, but the sense of discovery when you find something is fantastic. For instance, I just discovered that sand from one of the twin planets on the inside of the system is being funneled to its twin, causing the it to shrink as time goes on…revealing some glowing alien satellite dish type installation. I have no idea what it does or how to use it or what this bit of knowledge will lead to, but I’m looking forward to finding out.


Decided to play Deus Ex MD again. Got 3 weeks to kill before Hitman comes out and that should tide me over nicely till then.

I loved the original game and human Revolution was a blast too considering it’s now 10 years old which is mental.


i’ve not managed to finish it yet, but i’ve played a good chunk and, man, that game is impeccably crafted. a proper gem.

also: terrifying.


Well, I’ve managed to sink 8 hours into the quote unquote “story mode” World of Light. Unlocked 23 fighters so far, just another 30 something to go I think. I am enjoying myself, I’ve figured out how to play Kirby and I’ve spent 90% of my time as him. Probably because he has the most jumps in the game, so he has good recovery, and I’ve managed to understand his moveset. Should really start to try out other fighters and experiment now that I’ve feel like I’m understanding the very basics.

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What a brilliant game! I love the game a lot despite not finishing it yet. Be prepared, Dark Bramble is not a fun place.


mentions of dark bramble give me ptsd

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