What's New....?

Although there is no problem with sharing it here, @Franz once opened a poetry thread:


Seems I’ve missed it then. I’ll repost it there, thanks for informing.


This looks like a fun and adorable movie. I love it already


I now know what I’m watching with my First Graders in December.


How to take revenge from an $&#@ teacher (the whole class did this):


Can you explain to us tech illiterates?


20 students in class, 8 pictures at least, them being at least 20MBs. That makes the overall size more than 3GBs. And we’re talking about plain pictures, nothing special.


It all just keeps getting worse and I feel like shit, the only option for the good college messed up my credentials or a part of the detail and they pretty much refuse to do anything about it. My mum and dad have taken multiple visits to their support department which is like an hour long trip and each time they’re told to sit and wait for 10 minutes which ultimately extends to a couple hours with not much progress and being told that you should return a few days later. Yesterday while the usual waiting the controller or the head of the department visited the place for something and my dad ran to him and explained him the entire thing to which he directed another important worker to help us, who promised to help us and also gave us his number, the only person in the department so far to do so. But today is the last day of the counseling process and my dad called him today morning to which he said he’ll update us soon but it’s afternoon and there’s still nothing. The bad thing is my dad asked mom to visit the department and sit so that she would be there and there’ll be a bit of pressure on the staff to do something because it’s like the last day of counseling(mum and dad both go but today mom took a holiday to stay at home with me and my sister and dad is a bit busy at the office). My mom said going there won’t do much and they’ll probably make us wait again, all of which led to a shouting fight of sorts between them which I really hate and makes me very nervous, my sister asked her what’s going on and then made this sly remark, that you want to give up? which obviously pissed off my mum majorly. My sis does this a lot nowadays, indirectly saying shit to you in a sarcastic way as if she’s reading dialogue while acting in some movie and she also starts laughing if you get annoyed. What’s worse is that it’s almost the same situation as the last college, I again got close to the cut off mark and even if they do correct my details I’ll be in the waiting list, the only hope is this is a good college and not the best like the last one so there’s a chance someone might not take admission. I don’t know what to write or do at this point


Sorry to hear that man. A dumb question probably but aren’t there some sort of educational consultants you can get help from where you live?


I also was on a waiting list for a class at the university seven years ago. It was my only choice, so I kindly put pressure on the department director (emails + one visit by taking the train). Eventually, in the first week of September, one person withdrew, it was a girl I knew. I received a call from the department director afterwards : I got the seat, I was part of the class. My best year of study. Good luck in resolving this situation, buddy.


I don’t think so, here it’s the simple cycle of give exam- get in the list - give the exam again next year if not in :laughing: besides if I don’t go in this one there is one college very near to where I live but it’s like ‘eh’ lol, it’s pretty much confirmed that I’ll have to give all these exams next year too but I’ll give my all this time


Rewarding myself for not eating unhealthily for the past 2 years…


Anybody else’s parents not giving a shit about hygienic protocols after getting vaccinated? It’s driving me crazy. Covid can still hunt you, people!


Enjoying these last warm days before it gets damp and snowy…. Even if it’s just a ride to work.


Dude, I grew up in the American southwest; I long for damp and snowy.

For those of you who have never been to the American southwest, if you ever get a chance to go there, pass on that.


Ha. It’s a dry heat bro………

Northeast here. Snowy is fine by me. I don’t like the cold at all but what kills me is the “wintry mix” bullshit. Slushy salt puddles that destroy every steel part of your vehicle and dogs’ paws.

We’ve had rain on Christmas a few times. Right now it’s 77F with 48% humidity. Almost perfect (needs a little more heat .)


Someone ship me to London I wanna see this thing



Yesterday, 9 classmates and I went for a friendly futsal match; First time I was playing in months. Was kinda stressed I might screw things up, but I fortunately didn’t.
The scores were 12-12 until only 10 seconds was remaining, and then my team scored with my assist! Proud of myself for that one :sweat_smile: Overall, I had 4 goals and 3 assists, which means a direct impact on more than half of our goals.


My mental health has been down the drain the last few weeks but on the plus side my fiancee just got a new job and starts work tomorrow.

Trying to fill in my sadness with youtube shit so if anyone likes weird portable games check those out to boost my dopamine.

But otherwise I’m sure things will pick up soon


We apparently sell among us plushies at our toystore now. Genuinly died of laughter when i opened the box and saw these things inside