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Yeah but there are courses of action that wouldn’t result in him looking like a sex offender, he should probably do those first.


I wish you’d played heavy metal music at max volume, puffed your chest out, and walked through the crowd of females like an absolute sigma male.


I agree with you there. I just think it’s better to be prepared for worst case scenario.

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True but it seems like doing that plan would be making your own worse case scenario.


That depends on the people you’re dealing with. I don’t know them, they don’t know me. Maybe they’re cool, maybe they’re assholes. All I know is due to thier carelessness, I’m stuck in a situation that’s potentially hazardous to me so I gotta protect myself as best as I can.


Is it normal for an artist to have a long list of unfinished projects, once passionate about? I’m assuming the answer is yes, though it still doesn’t make the “guilt” of leaving them unfinished any better… :sweat_smile:

Just something on my mind tonight as I remember the drive and imagination I had while brainstorming ideas for some of them – only to abandon them at a certain point either due to lack of motivation, lack of time, or other life obstacle.


Da Vinci only really finished one project, The Last Supper. Salvator Mundi had to be finished by his students, Da Vinci never considered his Mona Lisa to be a finished work and he left other pieces unfinished.


Honestly, for a real artist, I would find it damn suspicious if they had nothing but finished projects.


My parrot likes 47’s pirate suit


i can’t speak for art, but i’ve got a small library of half-finished songs; hundreds of random riffs, chord sequences, melodies; several notepads worth of lyrics, and a metric shit ton of unused song titles. i hope that’s normal :smile:

the handy thing is, none of it is ever wasted. when i’m stuck writing something new, i can always dip back into the old stuff and find something that will either work with the current project or at least inspire new ideas. not sure if that’s the same with drawing etc., but i assume so.


That’s honestly a really nice explanation. Thanks!

thanks @Screaming_Meat and @Heisenberg

And music is art! Just a different way of expressing it


There’s nothing more fun than your entire neighbourhood randomly losing power at midnight, leaving only a black void outside your window, silence, and the looming uncertainty of why it happened and when it might be fixed.


Thankfully it was short …it’s fixed now, but boy was that a tense 15 minutes. Really spooked me


haha… well… you have fun with that!

I’ll be stumbling around in the dark for a flashlight because I hate not knowing what’s around me, especially in the pitch-black house I’ve been plunged into! :ghost:

An outage during the day isn’t that bad though.


The sacre couer cathedral is the funniest, most commercialized cathedral I’ve ever seen. Excuse the blurry picture (you werent allowed to take pictures) but what other church has a gift shop.

It speaks volumes toward how tourism is above religion just cause it makes money. Though they probably go hand in hand . What an awful church.
France in general is just an awful feeling country to be in.


Wow. Just wow. That’s the last thing I’d have thought of.

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If it makes you feel better, I live about a half hour away from Our Lady of Victory Basilica* and it also has a gift shop. It sells mostly religious paraphernalia but, still, hooray capitalism…!

*and I don’t live in France


I dont either, thank god


My passport arrived today, 4 months after I applied. I put July 1st as my travel date (it was a lie, but it was still in July).

Thanks Passport Canada! Incredible service!


You don’t keep one on the the nightstand or in the closest drawer? I have one there and another one in a kitchen drawer. I’d have more but my condo is only 1250 sq feet so that’s enough.

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I would think a few of them do, I would say it is how they can get a little extra money that would be (ostensibly) used for things like upkeep and maintenance especially since the Sacre Coeur gets a lot of tourist traffic.