Went to get certified for a concealed carry handgun license today, my wife as well. While familiar with rifles, I’ve only ever fired a handgun once in my life, and I was about 8 or so, firing my father’s .44 revolver (don’t try shooting such a gun when you’re only 8!), so this was basically a first. The only rental pistol I was familiar with by name was the Beretta M9 (Resident Evil) so that’s what I used. Not too bad. Not as much recoil as I feared.
Had some trouble getting the hang of its workings at first - didn’t know if I was putting the rounds in the clip in the right direction, didn’t know how to keep the slide locked back, didn’t know the safety was on, and didn’t know how to place my support hand in the best position, again because I’m used to rifles and not handguns - but once I got a groove going it got familiar very quickly. As for accuracy, no missed shots, but a few went really wide. My wife had about even results - her shots were more spread out than most of mine, but none of hers went as wide as some of mine, and she made more hits on the central circle than I did, but more of mine were were within a tightly packed group than hers.
Either way, we both passed the range test and the written test and will be getting our licenses.
I fired a hunting rifle (double barreled) around the same age. Lucky that right behind me was the wall of a barn of sort or I would have landed on my ass. That poor tree, fence and bucket that was hanging on the trees’ branch didn’t stand a chance
My mom said I looked as pale as a ghost.
Firing a rifle is one thing, inhales those even younger, and while they might knock you down, you’re at least ready for that based on the size of the rifle. At any age, you are able to brace yourself better since you hold it against your shoulder and your stance is different. Firing almost a literal cannon with the hands of an 8 year old where pretty much your grip strength and elbows are all you have to brace yourself, is a whole different story, and you aren’t ready to handle something that shoots a foot and a half of flame from the end at that age unless you’ve already been doing it for an extended time.
Not if that was the only time in your life you used a real weapon, not to mention I was real skinny at that age, under 30kg. I remember during winter when going to school, a gust of wind made me fell on my back and was struggling like a turtle to get up, the school backpack was really big and heavy
I got through rearranging some wires in the server rack where I work. Before, you’d have to reach towards the back because you couldn’t pull (devices) towards the front due to the wires being too short or going around things. I don’t know if all that was done on purpose (in malice), or hastily and not thinking/paying attention (ineptitude). Most of the time I was doing that I couldn’t help but imagine asking the person that last worked on the server installing some of the things I had to deal with/fix. Like “Why does this cable go around these other cables? Did this wire need to go around over here? Why couldn’t it come through this hole that is 2 feet closer?” And other ponderings.
We’ve had issues a couple times in the past where if the things we needed to deal with were closer to the front it’d had been way easier. Tonight we had an issue related to the internet. All that needed to be done was unplug a modem for 1 minute. I don’t know how many hours that went on, but it didn’t get fixed until I got there when I was able to finally look at it.
The lady that was working unplugged something else (outside of the server rack). What she needed to unplug was one of these things that was towards the back -inside the server rack/box. But while the issue was still going on - it would take 15 minutes to get anyone checked in, and we’ve had a LOT of guests.
She had written on a whiteboard how she wanted it to be a good day before that whole mess ever happened. It was, in fact, not a good day. But I wrote underneath her note; “Day_m! Monday don’t mess around. But it could’ve been a lot worse (somehow).”
Yesterday the little valkyrie turned 1 year. I can’t comprehend that the little terror been in my life for a whole year.
And our adventure only just really started. Which could be a problem, since I’m currently Bilbo before Thorin and Company turns up. Or rather they have laid siege to my house.
Last night, my cat was hit by a car and died. The driver left her there, I only found it when another driver pulled over and knocked on my door to inform me. Still processing this, feel like I’m just going to break. I loved her, Litefoot was a great cat, she was so noisy, she believed that yelling at everyone would solve all of her problems. It’s going to be quiet without her. I hope her brother Jago will be OK without her. I ended up sleeping for 12 hours and still feel exhausted. I don’t know what to do now.
Oh no! I’m so sorry for your loss. Our pets are our joy.
It’s going to take some time to process and heal. Especially after a shitty accident. I’m sorry.
One of my cats died this year too. On my birthday. Worst one I had so far. But it ended after an ongoing illness, so it was not out of the blue like for you.
I was always glad that the cats of ours that roam outside had no roads between our backyard and the park. I never had to fear such a thing could happen, though there were summer days they took some extra rounds and missed their food hours and I was worried until they showed up.
The remaining cat of the three that used to live here is living only indoors.
Anyway, this is about your cat. Keep thinking of the many nice things of her.
Holy shit… I am so sorry for your loss. That’s absolutely awful Silver!
Please take whatever time you need to grieve and seek mental help if you can. I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but I know she’ll be incredibly missed.
Heck, I’ll miss her too, she was really cute to hear in the background of our calls.
Jesus, that’s so heartbreaking and I hope that one driver faces some horrible karma…
@Silvereyes I am so sorry dude. I hope with time you remember only the good times and laugh, but for now the pain is normal.
Separate post…
Well I have Covid )= You ever eat someplace and then later when your tummy hates you you have this unreasonable feeling that you know what it was? You’re like “it was the olives on that sandwich,” even though you have no reason to suspect them. They smelled and looked fine. It could just as easily be the mayo or the highly suspect looking lettuce, but you’re sure. It was the olives!?!? << that’s what’s going on now. I was on a plane Sunday. I’m sure it was the dude with the Maga hat and the bass pro shop shirt. Had to be. I’m sure of it lol. Anyway I hope it passes soon. I feel like death.
The Hitman servers have gone down… right in the middle of my Roulette Rivals 15 match.
(For more info on what Roulette Rivals is, you can read about it on Hitmaps.com, although the link might not work. Use a search engine.)